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Brigand's Grove - Aug. 13th & 14th


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As it expands, we're referring to the entire property at "Historic Tunnel Mill". The site is a National Landmark property owned by the Boy Scouts of America and leased under contract by my company, Taylor Rose Historical Outfitters. The Historic John Work House, a 200-year-old Federal building on the property is currently undergoing restoration and will be a headquarters for our company, plus a living history educational center and repository for historic skills and trades. The location was the site of a major industrial complex over 200 years ago, so there is a lot of opportunity for programming as we expand and re-build what was once there. We have a lot of acreage and a truly gorgeous location.


Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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You should get us a gps location so that we can view it from orbit.

Google Earth "3709 Tunnel Mill Road Charlestown, Indiana 47111". There is a large crescent-shaped field across the road from the historic house. 14-Mile Creek wraps the field on three sides. That field and surrounding woods is the proposed location for the new event.

Edited by historyfanatic


Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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So this is done? If I book a hotel via Priceline, I'll be OK?

Hey, if you guys want me to, I can change the title of this thread. Just let me know what you want it called.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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hey everything looks nice. If it would save you time and effort you could just keep my registration fee and put it towards this project


That is very noble of you and I'll be happy to do that. It is very much appreciated! We'll use it toward the last-minute, frantic dash to advertize... ;)

So this is done? If I book a hotel via Priceline, I'll be OK?

Hey, if you guys want me to, I can change the title of this thread. Just let me know what you want it called.

Mission, I would say all systems are go. We are all in agreement that we're going to do this and we're doing it at this location. I think we're 99.99% positive on the name. I would say we could change the thread name to "Brigand's Grove - Formerly Pirates of Paynetown" or something along those lines...

As for a hotel, there are none in Charlestown, but I think there are a couple in Sellersburg/Hamburg which would probably be closest. (About 10 minutes away.) One thing to be careful of... Most internet sites consider Prospect, KY to be the nearest large town to Charlestown, IN. Correct, it's only 6 miles if you don't mind swimming the Ohio River. There is no bridge and for some reason most internet mapping systems don't recognize that. So, DON'T get a hotel in PROSPECT!! It will put you about an hour away from the event even though it's only 6 miles because the nearest bridge is about 25 miles from us and Prospect is 30 miles from the bridge. Just an FYI...


Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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Beautiful setting. The stream makes the whole area into an almost island.

Actually, it is an island of sorts... It's called "Tunnel Mill" because there is a tunnel that connects the creek at the narrowest portion of the property between the two ends of the oxbow. That tunnel used to power the mill that used to stand on the property. Technically, I suppose it is an island that is attached to the mainland by a very long arch... LOL!!


Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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Yes, there is running water in some areas, water buffaloes and porta-johns in other areas. (Don't worry, I take good care of reenactors!!)

The showers will probably not be available by this year unless we get really busy between now and then... I wouldn't count on showers for 2011, but there will DEFINATELY be showers by 2012!


If Silas comes, he can bring his portable shower.

Edited by MarkG
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Will we be able to swim in the creek? Spitfire is a water baby.

Nathan, consider us for your helpers. I will bring my spinning wheel and demonstrate for the public as last year.

Mike and Diana Stevens

Swimming in the creek... Probably no worse than swimming in Lake Monroe healthwise... Bear in mind though that instead of having a sandy bottom, the creek has lots of slippery, sharp rocks. If you come in contact with the creek, you do so entirely at you own risk. Watch for snapping turtles... ;)

I'm not sure how much public turnout we'll have this year due to the site swap and lack of advertising time and budget, but it will improve in the future.


Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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If things don't work out in the end, there's always Truman Lake/Lake of the Ozarks... plenty of room for boating, camping, swimming, historic village, etc. Should it become necessary to procure a location with lots of water access, let me know and I can set the wheels in motion to get something started here.

I don't know if I'll be able to make this one. Still no job prospects, and if I were to get one this would be the weekend before school starts. I hope things work out for you at the new site.


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Ok folks, we're getting somewhere now!



Registration form is available HERE: : http://freepdfhosting.com/284443d311.pdf


Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Will we be able to swim in the creek? Spitfire is a water baby.

Nathan, consider us for your helpers. I will bring my spinning wheel and demonstrate for the public as last year.

Mike and Diana Stevens

Apparently the operative word is "wade" instead of "swim".

There is still talk of using small boats. Mine are too big.

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As Mark said, yes, there is room for small boats, however the larger ones that attended POP will not be able to be used. We do have plenty of room for cannons though, so we can still keep that going.

To give everyone a better idea of what we've got here, I'll share a few images of the property. These are pictures of the new location that we will be using in Charlestown, Indiana. I think you'll all really like it. It's a great place to enjoy yourselves and have some historical fun!

These are pictures of the creek:



This is one of the trails from the 200-year-old building to the field:


This is the old mill ruins: (Mill burned in 1927)


And, a couple of pictures of the Historic John Work House...




Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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Remember folks! Registration deadline is August 5th! We'd like to know how many to expect, so make sure you pre-register. You can also e-mail scanned copies of your registration form.


Nathanael Logsdon

Militia Captain, Merchant Sailor, Tailor, Brewer, Gunrunner and Occassional Pirate...




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  • 4 weeks later...

Mission shared this on Facebook, but I thought I would repost here for everyone... this is an article by the local newspaper (local to the event)... it has a lot of great pictures of the event and the site. There are some great shots of Rusty Spike, Mark G, and other familiar faces in there. Those who missed thus one missed the beginning of what will be a great event.


And the Bagley's photos from the event (mostly taken by Kate, you can pretty much bank on the not-so-good ones having been taken by me)


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Here's another article from the Courier-Journal, featuring some quotes from our own Rusty Spike.


Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, the Surgeon's Journal for this event is now up and running and you can find it via this link. It'll give you an idea of how the first running of the goats this new event went along...in a slightly goofy, cockeyed way.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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More than any previous one, I think this was Lob's Journal. He appears in it more often than the umbrella girl appeared in the first Pirates of Paynetown Surgeon's Journal.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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