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Just found the site and am happy to be aboard. I’m a photographer by profession, an amateur brewer, and a novice boatbuilder surrounded by land (hopefully moving to RI soon to study full time.)

Fair winds and following seas to all

"Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth [...] pausing before coffin warehouses [...] I feel the need to go to sea. [...] But never as a passanger, just a simple sailor before the mast." (Melville. Moby Dick. 1-3)

  On 2/18/2011 at 3:48 AM, marlinspike said:

Just found the site and am happy to be aboard. I'm a photographer by profession, an amateur brewer, and a novice boatbuilder surrounded by land (hopefully moving to RI soon to study full time.)

Fair winds and following seas to all

Well met.

Those of us who live inland can still use lakes and rivers for our boating fix.


The folks on this board ROCK!! Lots of great info too...

Welcome aboard!!


If it was raining soup, I'd be stuck outside with a fork.....


Beer, boats and a lightbender as well. Welcome aboard, mate.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

  • 2 weeks later...

A hearty welcome, good sir. Aye, plenty of us marooned inland and having fun as well. But enjoy thyself in RI. :) Glad t' have ye here on th' Pub.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Welcaome Aboard... ;)

....landlocked you say? what territory do ye hail from? there are several of us seeking our fortunes round the great in-land seas.. ;)



Glad to have you here among us!

And today I am offering you a March amulet for your good luck too!


-A swashbuckling adventures RPG, set in 1720 in West Indies; winner of Distant Fantasies& RPG-D Member's Choice Award; RPG Conference's Originality Award; 2011 & 2012 Simming Prizes-


Ahoy there mate, welcome to the Pub!

A brewer you say? What fine style do ye brew?

"If I believed in fate, I wouldn't be playing with loaded dice..."


Thanks to all,

M.A.d'Dogge, I am in Pennsylvania - in the Northeast quadrant.

CaptainB- My Captain, I just put a case of "Bo'sun's Mate IPA" in the cellar to age next to a "100 Korun Pilsener", "MacBeth's Robust Porter", and the last of last summer's "Uncle Sam's Pale Ale."

"Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth [...] pausing before coffin warehouses [...] I feel the need to go to sea. [...] But never as a passanger, just a simple sailor before the mast." (Melville. Moby Dick. 1-3)

  On 3/2/2011 at 1:44 PM, marlinspike said:

CaptainB- My Captain, I just put a case of "Bo'sun's Mate IPA" in the cellar to age next to a "100 Korun Pilsener", "MacBeth's Robust Porter", and the last of last summer's "Uncle Sam's Pale Ale."

Sounds like a fine bot o' stock my friend... Mayhap one day, I can sample said items!

"If I believed in fate, I wouldn't be playing with loaded dice..."

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