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PotC Toys?!


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Is it true?

I've heard from 2 people already that this fall there will be Jack, Will & Barbossa toys available this fall. As well as cursed gold coins/medallions.

Will there be more? Want more! :ph34r:


Forever Barbossa's,


~Master & Commander of the Resurrection


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Actually, I hope it's live action. That would be awesome.

I really think that PotC will become the next major cult. I see it everywhere, kids loving the pirates, they recognise it, anything that is close to PotC, kids & adult just immediately point it out & I see a glow on their face!

I hear ya there, Wolfy! Anything of PotC would be SOOO awesome! Ask & ye shall receive!

Now... all we need is to get a PotC Convention going. PLENTY of people telling me that thus far. Haven't had much luck will taking to someone in the legal dept of Disney concerning that. B)

Anyone think of ideas that you would like to see? We ask for the swag, perhaps it will eventually come out. B)

:blink: wait.. if they put out a TV Series between the movies.. wouldn't that kinda defeat the joy of the movies?

:::Shakes head::: I think some of us fans should do fan films. Star Wars fans do it, plus I have heard of several people demanding them. I'm not joking all, I've had people tell me to get a convention going... fan films.. etc.


Forever Barbossa's,


~Master & Commander of the Resurrection


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Actually, I hope it's live action. That would be awesome.

But who would be playin' Jack? I imagine Johnny be too busy fer a TV series, and I can't see anyone else in that role.

Steadfast, with purpose that none can restrain,

He braves all, and is true to his Quest.

And he uses the weapons a clever man can:

A pistol, a sword, and a jest.

For tho' all who see, brand him merely a fool

And he travels alone, without friend,

He suffers their scorn and disdain and contempt

And despite all, wins through in the end.

-- "The Pirate, Jack Sparrow"

N. J. Sorenson

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Toys and products YES!! :)

A tv series? :P

Not a particularly BAD idea but you don't want it to drain the popularity too quickly. Alot of times tv and movie writers have different visions.

Star Trek is probably the only "good movies and good tv" example I can think of. Other movies tried a tv series later and flopped. Or you have all the tv shows that were hits in the 50s, 60s and 70s that they have started making movies of over the past 10 year fad of that, and the movies have flopped.

Star Wars helped make Sci Fi both in the movies and on tv big, with alot of shows and movies made that wouldn't have been otherwise, but they didn't overdo their own selves with a Star Wars tv series.

(Ewok Adventure that was on tv doesn't count, that was just a special)

I would hate to see POTC become overdone so that by the time the sequel comes to theatres its sailing a sinking ship.

Lets hope at least the toys and stuff helps keep the sails going strong!! ;)

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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A tv series could be catastrophic for POTC. Think about it...it's either going to be as cheesy as Xena and Hercules, or it will be something animated for Disney's teen audience (That's So Raven -types). It will probably not feature any of the main characters, but be a spin-off with Pintel and Ragetti, and will use "budget versions" of the skeletal effects and blue screens for the ships. TV does not have the budget to sustain a tv series set predominantly on water.

However, I AM very psyched for the toys. One can only hope that McFarlane will be doing them in glorious detail.... ;)

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A tv series could be catastrophic for POTC. Think about it...it's either going to be as cheesy as Xena and Hercules, or it will be something animated for Disney's teen audience (That's So Raven -types). It will probably not feature any of the main characters, but be a spin-off with Pintel and Ragetti, and will use "budget versions" of the skeletal effects and blue screens for the ships. TV does not have the budget to sustain a tv series set predominantly on water.

However, I AM very psyched for the toys. One can only hope that McFarlane will be doing them in glorious detail.... ;)

Here's the press release.

I'm much more convinced the TV series they're talking about will be an animated series. For one, it's cheaper and far more efficent. Second, I'd be horrified to see actors Disney'll cast to try and be the characters from the film. Johnny Depp will hear a Disney exec say "tv show" and he'll run the hell back to France and hide out until doomsday before he does another tv show, and especially one aimed for a younger audience. Also, animation is awesome, people! I'm studying to become an animator, and it'd be my dream job to work on that show. I'd give my left and right legs for that (becuase I'll need my arms) job.

I don't think a tv series will do PotC harm. It's so popular that I think it'll help keep it alive in between the films. Of course it'll be aimed for a younger teen audience, there is absolutely no escaping that, animated or no.

I'm very excited for the toys as well. Knwoing Disney, they won't use McFarlane - I wish! - but they'll be good enough. I don't care who does them, i just want them now! *scowl*

Captain Wolfy Wench

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:: nods:: McFarlane would be my first choice... but, agreed, they probably would use them.

But still one can only hope. I was SOOO pleased with the Sleepy Hollow figurines. The likeness of Depp as Ichabod is just amazing! To see them do PotC, with skeletal versions & normal versions of Jack & Barbossa.. would be SOOOO awesome!

As to a TV series... the more I ponder it... the more I think it would hurt PotC movies. Perhaps they should hold off until after the movies.

If an animated series... I bet they will only air it on the Disney channel. B)




Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Ohhhh......POTC for TV........Just won't work.

It would end up being like one of those other Spin-offs or whatever you want to call it, to where you could be the biggest fan of the movie, but when the TV show comes out..............YOU HATE IT!

I hate the idea allready!

And yes........If a TV show comes out.......There will be no more higher budget action movies. This would make it boring!


"Permit me aboard and I'll be takin yer ship!"

"Don't permit me abourd and I'll still be takin yer ship!"

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The more I think about it. the more it makes sense that the series would have to be animated. Which would aim it squarely at the "tween" demographic exclusively on the Disney channel. Which means....no one will actually get CUT with the cutlasses. No one will get SHOT. No one will get DRUNK. No one will HANG for their crimes. Basically you'll have an exaggerated version of Jack (think the Genie in Disney's Aladdin) sailing around with Will digging up buried treasures and going on Indiana Jones-style adventures.

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ARRR! I be back from me slumber to weigh in on this...

I dinna know if the TV thing be real or not... but I for one see a TV show as... well it wouldn't involve Sparrow or Turner at all.

I can see it involving a young, teen Sparrow with a younger Barbossa maybe...

As fer the toys. 'Cause I knows me toys. I believe NECA is doing them. Much like MacFarlane, they're great to look at, but not very playable.

If ye wants a nice pyrate toy... I would recommend waiting a month or 2 for Sideshow toys to release their Blackbeard (historically accurate) 12 inch figure. It be a thing of beauty to behold!


"Yo Ho, all together

hoist the colours high

Heave Ho, theives and beggers

Never shall we die..."


"I don't care who ye say you are lad, if ye say 'savvy' one more time, I'll bury this cutlass in that thick skull

of yers!"

-Captain John Young - PILF

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If ye wants a nice pyrate toy... I would recommend waiting a month or 2 for Sideshow toys to release their Blackbeard (historically accurate) 12 inch figure. It be a thing of beauty to behold!

Aye that sounds like a winner!!

In the meantime, eventhough ye can't move him much, the toy figurine of Blackbeard that Teach's Hole sells, by American Legends, is a KEWL display!! :)

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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Hmm.. personally... I wouldn't want thar whole thing te turn into some type of publicity stunt (not like it already has)

Call me a hypocrite... but I think I'd like te' get me hands on some of that Jack gear... ;)

Keep us posted!

Cabinlass Maggie B)

Maggie shame on you! B) You're going to have to wait till you're 18 to get your hands on Jack's gear! ;)B)

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Just a cautionary note, maties.

Remember that Disney has "sacked" their animation departments around the globe (first Paris, then Orlando, FL, and lots in Burbank, CA) so they don't really have the artists; and most of what they do put out is either done by other companies or looks crappy.

So personally I hope they don't do a TV series because it will never be as good as the original.

Also, be careful of who makes the swag fer sale. The Star Wars fans and collectors have lots of opinions about the companies who are "officially licensed" to reproduce props. Some are revered (like the Code 3 scale replicas of the ships), some are hated (like the cheapo Halloween costumes by Rubies), and some cause lots of debate (like Master Replica products of lightsabers - nice to look at but you can't use them or they'll break; many fans prefer sabers made by independant folks like Jeff Parks).

If they be makin' the Aztec coins outta plastic in China, ye can bet I'll be spendin' me gold elsewhere. I got friends what makes fine replicas that can be gold-plated, and that be the way I goin'.

That be my 2-dubloons worth.


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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Hmm.. personally... I wouldn't want thar whole thing te turn into some type of publicity stunt (not like it already has)

Call me a hypocrite... but I think I'd like te' get me hands on some of that Jack gear...  :P

Keep us posted!

Cabinlass Maggie  :P

Maggie shame on you! :P You're going to have to wait till you're 18 to get your hands on Jack's gear! :P:P


But, but Red.... I TOLD you he only looked twelve!! :P

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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Basically you'll have an exaggerated version of Jack (think the Genie in Disney's Aladdin) sailing around with Will digging up buried treasures and going on Indiana Jones-style adventures.

Exactly. This is exactly my idea.

It seems that all of you dislike the idea of a tv show, but I guess I might be biased becuase I want them to make it so I can work on it. :P

Has anyone ever read or seen the comics that Disney has made of PotC? It's basically the same principle: it's post movie, with Jack onboard the Pearl and the enemy pirates of Barbossa's crew revived in their skeletal, cursed forms. Will and Elizabeth are in there (not married or anything, as far as I can tell), and they join jack on his treasure-seeking quests and the like. Defeating the evil pirates, etc. I always imagined that a show of the movie would be like this. And knowing Disney, they are not stupid. They know where the popularity of the film derives from, and they'll milk it as far as it's worth. In other words, I think it'll be based on the film so far, and have Jack, Will and Elizabeth in it.

I still don't think it would hurt the films. I think that they will try and make it around around when they plan to release the sequel, so perhaps it'll be based on it? If not, I think that if my presumptions of the show are correct, the second film will completely ignore the tv show, as far as story is concerned.


Hmm, and they stuff hat they make I can assure you will not be as cool as the replicas and good stuff they produce for Star Wars. (Jeff Parks is amazing, btw :P Remember we are still dealing with THE RAT. But they won't be unbearable. Some of the best children's costumes are made directly from Disney.

Captain Wolfy Wench

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Good news, everyone!! Looks like NECA is making the toys, and they make GREAT figures that bear uncanny resemblances to the actors! They've been making 19" Aragorn and Legolas statues that are absolutely stunning.

The article announces Captain Sparrow and Captain Barbossa figures coming soon. (Good news for ye, Lady Barbossa :P )

Here is also two bobblehead PotC figures (of the ride, not the film) NECA made.

Now I'm REALLY excited. :P

Captain Wolfy Wench

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I'm having a thought here.

Eisner cans the traditional animation departments; he kills the deal with Pixar, and has his own CGI film coming out "Chicken Little".

An animated TV series for POTC? How about CGI animated series of POTC? You already have a "Buzz Lightyear" CGI Tv series.

Iron Bess, your take on this thought please.


Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.

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I bought one of the NECA's POTC head knockers...the skeleton pirate. They did a fantastic job with the detail..can't wait to see how they do the real figures.

I found a site that said the first POTC series will feature Jack, Will and an undead pirate. Series II will be Liz, Barbossa and another undead. They mentioned that Jack will be similar to those killer Spidey figures with 32 movable joints, so he'll be super posable! :P

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