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I came across this pic of an old coin. Being a fanatic of octopi (as well as treasure treasure treasure :D ), I'd like to know its origins. Can't seem to find anything about it. My first guess was Greek. Any other ideas?


Wartooth (who coincidentally enough is in the midst of designing an evil-looking octopus tattoo for his left arm)


Impressive indeed. Claire! Reckon we'll appoint you the list's resident coin expert! :)

Wartooth, I'll bet yer an HP Lovecraft fan. (?)

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

Impressive indeed. Claire! Reckon we'll appoint you the list's resident coin expert! :)

Wartooth, I'll bet yer an HP Lovecraft fan. (?)

Capt. William

Hah! :huh: You know ..... I had never made that connection before. I have an entire bookshelf dedicated to Lovecraftian stories and such. As we are soon moving into a larger house, I was planning on setting up a 50-100 gallon saltwater tank for an bimac octopus. Perhaps an appropriate name would be Cthulhu or Dagon?

Wartooth (who's getting the willies just thinking about it :huh: )


Aye, Wartooth, then the connection was subliminal: or maybe "Great Cthulhu is molding your fleshy mind, in sleep". :(

I'm an on-again, off-again Lovecraft fan; never tire of him, just that the interest gets pushed down deep, and then resurfaces. My wife is currently reading The Case of Charles Dexter Ward - one that I haven't read - and is becoming hooked!

I'm also interested in how that for-real octopus works out for you; you sound like an experienced salt water aquarist. (?) We tried our hands with it but decided to stick with fresh. I have one angelfish in a tank and a bunch of bettas in individual bowls. When the angelfish goes to fish heaven (assuming his/her murderin' soul makes it there, after killing all the other fish in the tank!), I want to keep 5-6 female bettas in that 10 gallon tank, and a few males in bowls.

When I have more time on my hands I want to start breeding bettas.

Capt. William

"The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"

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