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Those interested in being considered into the Honorable Order of Leviathan please let us know your interest. Each of the Order has a vote for a potential new member so start seeking us out!Please also send any info to Pirates Magazine.


I'll throw my hat in the ring. Would be an honor to be considered and an even bigger honor to join. I'll send in my info to Pirates Magazine as well. What type of things are you looking for us to post here? Like a piratical resume of sorts?

Posted (edited)

I'd like to nominate Michael Bagley, reenactor triumphant!

(Someone else, or a few could write a detailed, formal nomination)

I'm to unknown for such an honor.

Edited by Tartan Jack

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




For over 12 years Chris Suttle has portrayed Blackbeard for Teach's Hole Pirate Musuem, The Gold Coast Pirate Festival, The Turner Networks Liar and Legends and school groups across the East Coast. As Capt Scurvy he as gathered the most unique acts for his group called Capt Scurvys Carnival of Sensless Debauchery. Also the founder of the Fraternal Order of Rakish Deviants. While his antics have been quiet over the past year due to multiple surgeries he has bounced back, new hip and new back and continues to pass on his skills in swordfighting and combat. He can also be seen coming to the aid of fellow pirates without being asked (Bailing out the longboat for Dutch, helping Capt Sterling with gun demos in Marcus Hook PA and donating a treasure chest for a skit the same day since they couldn't find one) He works as a pirate entertainer full time and donates at least 30% of his profits to the National Autism Society from each event.

A charming but devilishly deviant rouge who will give you the shirt of his back and his last glass of rum with no strings attached because he can always charm himself into more plunder. The Golden Tounged Pirate, Blue Eyed Devil and Master of Aquisitions are just a few of his nicknames, there are plenty others not repeatable in mixed company and he is always looking for a way to gain a new title. Friend to Cascabell as well who remembers the days of chasing chickens in Key West and working the guns on the HMS Wolf. Capt. Scurvy has scattered himself across the pirate community leaving a lasting imression everywhere he goes and hopes his next destination will be here amongst the Order...

Posted (edited)

Alright, I'll throw in my lot as well!

I may not be very prominent on the national pirate scene as of yet, but I am attempting to carve out a niche for myself where I can. I am the captain of a small but successful pirate crew here in Colorado (www.piratesofillrepute.org), and I am one of the co-founders of the Sunken Bones Society - a 501c3 pending nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness for nautical causes and charities (www.sunkenbones.com). Along with the rest of the Sunken Bones crew, I am one of the organizers of what we call the "Buccaneer Bash." The Bash is a huge Talk Like a Pirate Day celebration in Denver, and by far the largest strictly pirate themed event in the state of Colorado. This year, we of the Sunken Bones society are fueling the fire, and are expanding the Buccaneer Bash into Colorado's first EVER pirate convention, called BrethrenCon (www.brethrencon.com). We hope that in time this will become one of the nation's premier pirate events. Being so far from any coast, it is a perfect neutral ground for a meeting of pirates from every ocean. For now, though, it's still the biggest, best pirate event in the state of Colorado.

By my own admission, I am a bandwagon hopper, and only really discovered the Pirate's Life when a certain Disney film was released in 2003. That year I became one of the first people in the nation to don dreadlocks and eye-makeup, and begin staggering around making my presence known. I spent 4 wonderful seasons entertaining at the Colorado Renaissance Festival in this capacity, and during this time I developed a keen interest in the history of piracy. It was then that began to branch out and create my own original pirate persona, and I decided to put together my own crew, as mentioned above. The Pirates of Ill Repute have been sailin' the high plains since 2007, and we've never looked back! Despite being landlocked, I have grown a strong love of all things nautical and piratical, and I am a big supporter of "the Brethren of the Plains" - that being, the collective pirate brethren living in and around the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains.

For your consideration!

Captain Jack McCool,

Landlocked Pirate Extraordinaire, and Captain of the Dreaded Prairie Schooner Ill Repute

Edited by Captain McCool

Captain Jack McCool, landlocked pirate extraordinaire, Captain of the dreaded prairie schooner Ill Repute, etc. etc.


"That’s what a ship is, you know. It’s not just a keel, and a hull, and a deck, and sails. That’s what a ship needs. But what a ship is… what the Black Pearl really is… is freedom."

-Captain Jack Sparrow

Posted (edited)

My vote, and my nomination is the Captain of my marines... Maddogge.

Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Post here if interested.

Each OL ring holder has a nominee .

We will consider all interested. WE will tell people at a later date when to submit Pictures and Bio to Pirates Magazine.


Posted (edited)

It is the unanimous decision of our crew and many others that we would like to nominate Captain Christopher Youngblood of the Cutthroat Titan crew in Georgia into the Order of Leviathan! (www.cutthroattitan.com)

Captain Youngblood is a historian (history major in his last year of college). He is also a pirate re-enactor, an officer/co-organizer for the Southern Pirate Festival, organizer and co-founder of the Dead Buccaneers' Ball, events board member of the National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus, GA, associate member of the St. Augustine Swashbucklers, and amazingly talented artist. He has begun doing many pirate drawings of notable pirates in the U.S. just recently, and has started his new business, www.piraticalportrayals.com. Captain Youngblood is also featured and a published artist for the covers of Southern Farm and Livestock directory (farm art) and has a children's novel that was illustrated by him that can be bought at amazon.com and Barnes & Noble stores. The novel is called The Night Watchers, and the author is Sheila Rice. Chris also co-owns an "at-home" business with his wife of which he paints, draws, and creates cartoons/logos/tattoos for commission. The website is www.heart-to-hands.com.

Captain Youngblood, along with meself, has just recently been employed by a pirate themed restaurant to be the weekly entertainment for the customers, which includes a bit of acting, playing games with the children, entertaining at birthdays, crab race announcements, pirate event coordination, advertising, and so forth. Recently at the restaurant, we helped raise over $1500 in 2 hours for a child dealing with leukemia. We were fortunate enough to have Bloody Sam Rackham and Calico Ann with us.

In the "pirate world," Captain Youngblood is a fierce and respected captain of a small crew of re-enactors, and is also dedicated and loyal to his friends. Each year, he, along with our crew, organizes a buccaneer ball to help fellow pirates get their names out into the community, whether it be for business purposes, or just to be known. This is also why Captain Youngblood has begun his pirate art of "famous" pirates, so that their faces and names can be more recognizable. He is always giving, never doing anything for his own benefit. His artwork has been solely for the joy of it up until recently when so many pirates convinced him to go into the pirate cartoon business. While his real character would make him a terrible pirate, it makes him an extraordinary person, and this is what warrants him way beyond perfect to be one of the Order of Leviathan for 2011.


We hope the world will see Captain Youngblood the way we do!!


Edited by renegaderaven

The Immortal Renegade "Raven"

My link


I would like to put forward the name of Poison Quill.

She is the creator of the pirate crewe Tales of the Seven Seas. She has been instrumental in getting the crewe participating in charity events, parades, along with the usual pirate events. She is always eager and willing to help newbies, and do whatever it takes to help them join into the fun of reenacting. She is a selfless, hardworking leader, and is currently fighting breast cancer, while still helping organize our crewe's participation in the upcoming NorCal pirate festival. She also created the Tales web site, which is why you don't see her on the Pub much.

A most deserving nominee, IMHO.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


I'd like to nominate William Red Wake.

A simple search of his posts here alone would merit a nomination, as well as the tireless efforts he has put into organizing those from the Pub at PiP and creating those works of art we wave proudly above our vessels.

Pieter_Claeszoon__Still_Life_with_a.jpg, Skull and Quill Society thWatchDogParchmentBanner-2.jpg, The Watch Dog

"We are 21st Century people who play a game of dress-up and who spend a lot of time pissing and moaning about the rules of the game and whether other people are playing fair."

Posted (edited)

Hmmmm...I see so many deserving names already listed here, this is going to be a hard contest. That being said, however, I must cast my official vote and nomination for Bloody Sam Rackham of The Cursed Few. Bloody Sam is a "go getter" pirate, always there and willing to lend a hand when others need him. He never backs down from any task and is an aggressive, adept leader. Bloody Sam is very active in the pirate community, and has done much in the way of charity, such as helping raise money for cancer research by participating in the St. Augustine Duck Race, and Give Kids The World charity. He is the co-commander of The Cursed Few, and is involved in the planning and organization of the Southern Pirate Festival to be held in October. On top of all of these accomplishments, Bloody Sam is first and foremost a loyal friend and brother, not only to me, but to anyone he calls friend. Aye, this is my official vote.


Edited by Captain Midnight

"Now then, me bullies! Would you rather do the gallows dance, and hang in chains 'til the crows pluck your eyes from your rotten skulls? Or would you feel the roll of a stout ship beneath your feet again?"

---Captain William Kidd---



Cap'n Midnight,

I accept this 'ere nomination and am Honored by it!

Many thanks, my Friend!

'Til the Morrow,
Cap'n Bloody Sam Rackham
Captain o' The Cursed Few
Co Organizer o' The Southern Pirate Festival
Ship's Carpenter o' The Atlanta Pirates & Wenches Guild

Member of Order of Leviathan 2nd Generation


Can I nominate everyone? Tis nice to see a Lady mentioned..perhap's the lasses need their own inductions?

Edward O'Keefe, bbcddutchman are two more that are not mentioned and should be as well as those previously mentioned.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png

Posted (edited)

OIy..Eye be throwin Me name in the hat of Ole Davy Jones himself! Eye Will be in this eerr Oder..Eye mean Order..Hee HEee ~

And Thankie for the Nudge Gun Powder Gertie..Makes Me heart swell abit..it does!


Talderoy..Eye will be sendin in info and a Pic fer the nonimation...When Eye finish the rum bottle to put it in..

Edited by oderlesseye

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."


I'd like to nominate William Red Wake.

A simple search of his posts here alone would merit a nomination, as well as the tireless efforts he has put into organizing those from the Pub at PiP and creating those works of art we wave proudly above our vessels.

Thank you, good sir. Rest assured, the nomination spread an unexpected smile across my face. It has been my pleasure to serve both for and with you. If a nod in kind is not remiss, I return the favor and my respect to Captain Pew, who along with Captain Lasseter and Captain Jim, share equal yet uniquely individual places of honor among the throng. Captains all and worthy of the title, every one.





  • 2 weeks later...

I concur! Perhaps the ladies need their own contest even! There are too many people notable of this award. :-)

Can I nominate everyone? Tis nice to see a Lady mentioned..perhap's the lasses need their own inductions?

Edward O'Keefe, bbcddutchman are two more that are not mentioned and should be as well as those previously mentioned.

The Immortal Renegade "Raven"

My link


Bloody Sam Rackham and William Red Wake would make fine additions. Aye.

"May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Leviathan."



Many thanks fer th' kind words, Bloody Bill Flint.

I am honored.

'Til the Morrow,
Cap'n Bloody Sam Rackham
Captain o' The Cursed Few
Co Organizer o' The Southern Pirate Festival
Ship's Carpenter o' The Atlanta Pirates & Wenches Guild

Member of Order of Leviathan 2nd Generation

  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm... so many to nominate.

Ladies gettin' their own? Oh, bloody hell no! ;) We can stand up with th' best o' them piratical scoundrels and most can out do them! Co-ed, says I!

There be a few of them who stated they'd nominate for me. But I have yet t' see those bloody scoundrels and lop-legged bilgerats step up to th' quarter deck an' pipe up! Tis time I be ensurin' they do such! ::: pulls out pisol and sword::: Pipe up!

Bagsley! Aye! Bagsley! And Aye! Second, Oderlesseye! These two gents have indeed done quite a bit for Pirate and Community. And Will! Th' bacon lover! ;) Hehehehe...

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Lady Barbossa be stompin tha decks hard enough to make crusted salt fall from the overhead!

Aye and Eye say to ye be this ~ True thar be few pirates of the female persuasion puttin into the

waters of this eerrr contest. So Eye will say so be it , fer the Lady Barbossa! Be ye warned though,

that like as in survivor, eye will put fer meself when it comes to drinkin ye rum...

Till then...Three lusty Cheers ~~~ For the Lady Barbossa nomination!

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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