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bodiced gown --the cheaters way....( not for cap'n sterling to see

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this is the back of a jacket that i found.. note the sleeves/ cuffs ...

shall attach a voluminous skirt to inner jacket back,rounding to the front yet wont close completely--will have to wear a front skirt that shall be contrast-- perhaps the light punkle ( cross between pink and purple) that is already shown with the back pic of this gown shall become the under skirts

the front i shall make a stomacher-- and attach the front to it....

may have to cut the neck to hang a bit lowernd farther on the shoulders....

what do yah all think? ( yah it is cheating--but it is FAST and if you think the lines are close enough, well that means i can make a pattern off of it!!}

thoughts please...TIA


Hehehehehe.... :::nods::: I think it'll work. If only as a piece to tide ye over until ye get to make more outfit pieces. But tis nice and a good choice.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


well the stomacher is going.... i used the front of the jumps for pattern tracing.... now it is all the embroidery ...

the way i think i shall make it work is to shape th3e jacket front and add hooks....and the eyes will go on the stomacher part...

been ooogling over 18th century embrodiery books and patterns to choose on--- with pink flowers of course!!!

and i cant decide between blacksilk skirt to attach-- or black linen....

ohhh and did yah see that warehouse of fabric is having a sale on silk--all kinds starting the 18th?????

thanks for your comments and input Lady B !!!


Oh, don't tell me that. :) Now I'm wishing I had a million dollars. :unsure: LOL

Hmm... that is a tough decision between linen or silk.


..... Silk! :unsure:

Hehehehe.... pink flowers, hmm? That'll look cool!

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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