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-- the other day i found and purchased a coat for 10 bucks--- i knew it was a REAL ANIMAL PELT coat.... but had NO idea what it was ....

upon coming home and showing silas the coat, he simply said " well, the label says lambs wool, so i guess it is that".....

after laughing my butt off at my complete momemts of absolute idiocy.....LOL...

anyway--that thing is sooooooooo huge, that i really dont know what to do with it....

i am thinking of making a blanket out of it.. like a mattress pad thingy--- so i can throw it down for bedding in the tentage for re enacting.....

and the smaller pieces i can use for trim on something....

i just know that england had to use lamb pelts for many things....aside from the wool they used...

any ideas? suggestions?

interested to find out what you all have to say.....


Yes they used the fleeces for lots of things, bedding and chair pads among them. I'm sure that your resourcefulness will find lots of uses for the fleece (shoe insoles is another use for them to keep your toes warm in the colder climes) :D


the coat is now in pieces.....so blanket /throw here we go!!! ( ok tonight after work)

they are very nice to sit on-- keep your back side very warm.....will be a nice thing to throw on the pirate bed


dang...that thing looked like it wouldve fit me?? ;);)

looks like the sleeves could turned into muffs quite easily....and tell silas that yes men used muffs too!!


Exactly what I was thinking Mr. Dogge. MUFFS!

and that's exactly what i first thought after seeing your fine work... but we would probably use the blanket/ seat warmer more than a muff... heck, the way the sleeves were, not much had to be done to make them muffs !!

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