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Posted (edited)

I got one of these to use to fit kit for Salty ...I'll have to adjust it to her measurements with a bit of EVA foam an electric carving knife (usually used for carving turkeys) and a tight T-shirt over it. A theatre costumer showed me that trick years ago; you can pick up mannequins cheaper than dress forms some store fittings shops in major cities have used ones for $25-40 (just a thought)


Cheaper than a sewing form by like $60-80

Edited by callenish gunner

well it is a great thought---

go for it!!!!

and let me know how it turns out!!!

i saw one on criagslist.org in our area.. wanted 30 bucks for it---

guess it would be a good idea to see if it is still avaliable........

i just HATE craigslist ads that dont list their phone number... emailing themis a drag..even if safer....


thought of something to make it easire for you callenish...

1.get an old bra of saltys...place it on dummy and fill the cups with fluff { or better yet get an old bra at thrift store that is somewhat padded that fits well her shape and smoothly looks nice--there should be no wiggle room!!}

2.find an old fitted shirt( as in a fitted button down} of saltys that fits SKIN TIGHT.. one that she fills out every inch of it!

place shirt of dummy open and begin to place padding or wrap with fabric that is thicker in volume

keep opening and closing the buttons to make it fit the dummy as it does her { take a photo of her in the shirt to refer to}


Just be careful- that dummy's shipping was 50 bucks, bringing the total up over $100. You can get a new, adjustable sewing manequin at Joann's for that. Some on ebay are much cheaper (I have one) but they just sort of suck for actual work. <br><br>Also, if they are like the one I have, they are firm, so they are not good for stays (because they don't smoosh), unless they are SO much smaller that you can pad and create smoosh. I can use it for certain stuff and display, but it's not ideal. <br><br><br>

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Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.




Or you can go the event cheaper route & make your own Duct Tape Double.


Mine didn't cost more than $30 & that was with purchasing the expensive brand name tape. Add some friends, a 6-pack of beer & you've got yourself a fun project (plus plenty of blackmail material).

I constructed my DTD over my modern "shape" but it could also be constructed over a stayed figure by simply wearing the stays underneath the base t-shirt. The biggest advantage to the DTD over other dress forms is that it has just enough give, which allows it to adjust for various historical "shapes". Especially useful when fitting over stays from different time periods.


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I got mine from a shop that was closing but they also told me that they were available in Pittsburgh at a fitting's store or on ebay so that was why I posted the link


I'll make a road trip ....Let me know when he's going to be out of town!!! :P;)...And don't tell him ;) ....WHAT??? It's a humanitarian gesture to help out another PYRATE!!!! I'm sure some of you have dirty minds ;)


Keep checking out the second hand stores. Found one at a second hand store for $25. This is an adjustable, dress for like the fine, new ones ye see today. Been using this thing like mad. :)

I'm interested in the padding to create the correct size though, Callenish. Have ye a Tutorial?

~Lady B

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The foam I used was an old camping sleeping mat and double faced carpet tape and a bit of sculpting to create the right shape to add inches to where she's a bit rounder since Hamish was born ...the lack of thyroid and radiation treatments have screwed with her metabolism so for now her losing weight is rough



is your dress form completed? I HOPE SO AND KUDOS TO YOU!!

i just keep dreaming about the duct tape dummy dress form.... but have not gotten around to actually DOING anything about it.....

AND I JUST KEEP FIDDLING WITH stays design.... chopping up paper peices .. lots of tape and math....

there are days i think i need to find and take a college class on pattern designing....for that extra edge...

plow forward!! and stop imagining that a dress form would make this process easier.... live here and now , not in dream land.. makes dreams in fabric!

onward ho!

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