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Reality T.V. on the High Seas....

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It would be a lot more interesting than the ones already on TV.


The Gates of Hell are flung open.....

from the firey mist steps forth....The Legend....

The woman everyone warned you about....

They didn't exaggerate!



Yeah seriously...where do we sign up? On PBS in April there is new reality immersion series called 1628. It was filmed right here in Maine. They dumped something like a dozen people into a perfect reconstruction of a small coastal colony for 6 weeks or so. Looks great!


Ok, I get it, someone is made to walk the plank when they screw up inta shark infested waters!

Aw, too bad that can't be done to a few I know of on land! Hmmmm, a deep well maybe? :ph34r:

Rumba Rue

**Ok bring out the giant squid now!** :ph34r:

  RumbaRue said:
Ok, I get it, someone is made to walk the plank when they screw up inta shark infested waters!

Aw, too bad that can't be done to a few I know of on land! Hmmmm, a deep well maybe? :ph34r:

Rumba Rue

**Ok bring out the giant squid now!** :ph34r:

Actually, walking the plank was their first suggestion.....



Well if you are able to convince them to do one let me know what channel to watch.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


It's still in the idea stage. We got a call from them and I had a nice long conversation with them about their ideas and answered some of their questions about the Royaliste, before handing them off to Gary.

I suggested that they might think about making it a competition between two ships- Say ship A has a golden chalice they've won that has to be delivered to a safe haven. They have to try to smuggle it past team B or just plain out sail them. Team B wants the chalice and will do what it takes to get it. They will have to battle ship A (perhaps with paint balls in the ship's guns?) And if they win the battle, they board the ship and collect their prize. Then the losing crew has to vote someone off their ship. Combine reality TV with historic elements of piracy- smuggling, battles, etc. Maybe have a saber instructor come in give them a lesson and see who can kick who's arse, etc.

Arrrrrrr... I would love to take a couple o' weeks leave o' absence from work n' crew this one. I be visualizin' th' scene now as the camera turns to "The 'Quill"...

"The skinny wench be a real bitch! I say to hell with the plank, lets keelhaul 'er!!! are ye' with me mates?!!!"

Just 'ow much reality do ye' want in yer TV, eh?!!! :huh:

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



A bit 'o thought ends up 'ere....First, sailin' down the California coast ain't nearly about survivin', old farts with no skill do it everyday....Number two:..This adventure woiuld just about have to start offshore of San Diego, and run south, who cares how far, as we are first and foremost pirates, and doing it offshore U.S.A. is considered chartering, and the whole damned dumb circle starts o'oer again!! Hoo-Raah for the Canuck-built Pyrate Ship! (KIn ye tell it's a nice day here today??) :huh:



About two years ago History Channel International had this mini-reality series called "The Ship", putting modern folk on a 17th century reproduction ship and having them use all the tools of those times to map and navigate to Jakarta from Australia (although they ended up in Bali).

I think they were on board for 2 months, and the only modern gadgets allowed was one satallite phone and a modern doctor. (Plus one camera crew- actually I think that was only 2 or 3 people that had to serve as part of the crew duties). They wwere allowed to bring two changes of clothes, a tooothbrush, hair brush, and one book.

I remember they helicoptered a few people out due to injuries, and they were filming this right when 9/11 happened so the captain of the ship had to inform the rest of the (generally international) crew about the event.

But watching them barter canned fish saved for rations for some fresh catches with islanders who did not want the canned fish, but did want t-shirts instead- that was priceless. So was watching the crew get "happy" on some palm wine.

I can't find the series anywhere, been looking for it to give to my husband, who also loved the show. I think that either of us would sign up for a pirate's reality show in a sec.

  Ida Dunnitt said:
About two years ago History Channel International had this mini-reality series called "The Ship", putting modern folk on a 17th century reproduction ship and having them use all the tools of those times to map and navigate to Jakarta from Australia (although they ended up in Bali).

I think they were on board for 2 months, and the only modern gadgets allowed was one satallite phone and a modern doctor. (Plus one camera crew- actually I think that was only 2 or 3 people that had to serve as part of the crew duties). They wwere allowed to bring two changes of clothes, a tooothbrush, hair brush, and one book.

I remember they helicoptered a few people out due to injuries, and they were filming this right when 9/11 happened so the captain of the ship had to inform the rest of the (generally international) crew about the event.

But watching them barter canned fish saved for rations for some fresh catches with islanders who did not want the canned fish, but did want t-shirts instead- that was priceless. So was watching the crew get "happy" on some palm wine.

I can't find the series anywhere, been looking for it to give to my husband, who also loved the show. I think that either of us would sign up for a pirate's reality show in a sec.

Right on the money, lass! :) That was a brilliant show and so much better produced than any program that the main networks could even think of doing. They were more concerned with the historical realism. CBS, ABC, etc. will do anything for ratings, including replacing realism with sexual sensationalism. I can see it now ... "Average Joe 3 - Which Lubber Will She Pick?" Blech.



That wuz a fine show, but..really a reenactment..These folks are talkin' down an' dirty reality t.v.---no nice guys gettin' along on 'Survivor', eh??

....I for one, am with me Quartermaster, Screw the plank!!..Prepare to feed the barnacles on the hull!(an' I'm way behind on a haul-out, so thar be plenty to feed!).....Big difference between shoreside survivors, and sea borne ones...the beach ain't movin', nor subject ta goin' aground! :huh:

...As far as signin' up, methinks they be talkin' eight arseholes competin' for dubloons here....... :huh:



I have serious reservations. There'd be a bunch of assholes on the ship, makin' a mockery of pirates everywhere. The networks would overdramatize everything, and the "reality" would be a bunch of the aforementioned assholes arguing and gettin' their carnal relations on. Ech.


Well, lookin' like this, as far as crew...Snoopy's in...( pictured on foredeck)CannonFlame2.gif

And Raul's in.(shown firing on the Lynx)LCLinxChieftain3.JPG

So, I be holdin' a spot for ye, 'Quill....AB2.jpg



...And REALLY Bad Eggs.....


Count me in- A leave of absence of a few weeks from work could be arranged, just would have t' make sure between the vacation hours I've got and hopefully a few dubloons from these folks to pick up the slack, that I could cover me bills in me absence from reality to go do a reality show.. LOL

-Claire "Poison Quill" Warren

Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas



Methinks whene'er they call back, an adventure on the Coast 'o New Spain be in order...About a month sailin' time from San Diego ta Panama, raid Acapulco, an' a few other places on the way...If it took off, the season two: Raid on Columbia, the Spanish Main, ...next the Carribean,..then...Halifax, lookin' fer Blackbeard.... :huh:


More Powder, monkee.....!!


i think i like the sound of pirates on t.v......give a little flavor ta all of the land lubbers on what the bloody hell they are missin. B)

When all else fails.......do a lil' jig


Well, I just dusted off me passport, so methinks 'good to go' status is achieved!...As far as transpirin'...They sounded a might serious....but hell, ye ne'er know, eh???..Where's the gunpowder??



Sounds interesting Capt. Keep me posted. I heard all about The Ship from one of the participants who did some research here. Can't remember the name though. :ph34r:

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