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this past summer, i found a blouse at good will that the fabric content it 50% silk, 50% linen....

it is the sheerest, glimmery gossamer like fabric..and would make the most delightful gown..

and i have been trying to track some down ever since then...

the blouses label says "neiman marcus" { off the top of my head}....

sadly, it is bright orange!!

i have googled and googled this kind of fabric... cant find it anywhere....

you people are the BEST when it comes to typing iin and finding stuff available on line!

and suggestions or ideas or sources?



That etsy seller has some.. You can try contacting that person. Or any of these suppliers:


This company has silk cotton, silk wool, and silk HEMP blends....


I really like the above company, their prices are great, they ship fast and the products I have received from them are lovely.

Good luck!

Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.




I was going to mention Dharma Trading Co. I've ordered several yards of fabric from them and I highly recommend them.

Although from a PC perspective I'm not sure how PC the blend is. But this isn't Twill so I digress. :lol:


ohhhhhhhhh thak you both for the reccomedations.. they look very promising!

and it is nice to know that they are reputable and that you , Jack, have actual dealings with them!

thank you!

i knew you all would know!

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