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Not funny and I hope they catch these yahoo's right quick.

Ok with that said, if you read the first page of the Pub where it says "Recently Added Topics" it says and I quote

"Cannon Stolen by Capt. Bo of the WTF co."


LMAO, ok Bo you gonna give it back?

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


DONT LOOK AT ME!!! :unsure: ....i live a good...15 minutes from where it was stolen :lol:

on a side note....my truck was recently stolen...with ball hitch....hmmmmmmmm :P ....

next closest suspect....Mission....i'm not sayin...i'm just sayin... :huh:


I'm about 1/2 an hour away, but this is irrelevant to the case at hand. I am a surgeon, what the heck would I do with a cannon? Now, if we're talking about stolen bone saw...well, I was out of the country on that particular day.

What a very strange thing to steal! I mean, what can the market be for a stolen cannon? It might be a terrorist act...no doubt they will want to notify Homeland Insecurity...but we should not jump to any conclusions until we have considered all the facts we can gather. Missus HudSON!

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



I think we now know how Rats hurt his back, hmmmm? Come, Watson, the game is afoot!


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


I'm about 1/2 an hour away, but this is irrelevant to the case at hand. I am a surgeon, what the heck would I do with a cannon? Now, if we're talking about stolen bone saw...well, I was out of the country on that particular day.

What a very strange thing to steal! I mean, what can the market be for a stolen cannon? It might be a terrorist act...no doubt they will want to notify Homeland Insecurity...but we should not jump to any conclusions until we have considered all the facts we can gather. Missus HudSON!

hmmm.... What would mission do with a cannon?? ...




Aye... Plunder Awaits!


I'm about 1/2 an hour away, but this is irrelevant to the case at hand. I am a surgeon, what the heck would I do with a cannon? Now, if we're talking about stolen bone saw...well, I was out of the country on that particular day.

What a very strange thing to steal! I mean, what can the market be for a stolen cannon? It might be a terrorist act...no doubt they will want to notify Homeland Insecurity...but we should not jump to any conclusions until we have considered all the facts we can gather. Missus HudSON!

hmmm.... What would mission do with a cannon?? ...



I can't say for sure, but Mission does seem to have some sort of fascination with enema equipment...watch your stern, says I.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Actually, at every re-enactment I have been to except the last PiP, I have been on a cannon crew. Hmm. Although I think Rats' strained back is more telling than my waning interest in firing cannon.

Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?

To the curious incident of Rats in the night-time.

Rats did nothing in the night-time.

That was the curious incident.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


Posted (edited)

All jabs at Mission aside, let me get this story straight:

This guy leaves a fully functional artillery piece unwatched and unsecured outside his office?

Seems to me he's lucky it was only stolen; that the yahoos didn't load her up and fire her where she stood!

Added: Oh! Nevermind! I didn't notice it was in a trailer when I first read the account!

Edited by Quartermaster James

Actually, at every re-enactment I have been to except the last PiP, I have been on a cannon crew. Hmm. Although I think Rats' strained back is more telling than my waning interest in firing cannon.

Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?

To the curious incident of Rats in the night-time.

Rats did nothing in the night-time.

That was the curious incident.

How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...



To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



I am a surgeon, what the heck would I do with a cannon?

Create patients.

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!

Posted (edited)

HAPPY ENDING! It has been recovered.


From the above:

Great News! Got this update this evening. Thanks everyone for putting out the word.

Well Boys,

We're back in business. Got an anonymous phone call from a couple of"good Samaritans" in Detroit who was really scared of finding a stolen trailer in his neighborhood with a cannon in it after watching the news today. He offered to bring it to me anonymously and he did so around 5pm today. Ole number 5 is back home minus the winch and battery and with a broken side door handle Cursory look thru the inventory in the dark is that all the important stuff is there and I will do a daylight check tommorrow. Have to go back tonight with another padlock for the tongue. Good news is Good news and thanks for all the help the Batty mates put out. Got a call from a fellow cannoneer in Richmond Va this am and he notified the entire east coast about the theft. This afternoon got a call from a fellow in Dallas Tx and he notified the entire southwest of the US. Great Lakes region was notified. What an amazing network of fellow reenactors we have. Description of No. 5 went cross country in a half day..

Thanks all,

Col. Bill

Edited by Graydog

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


That's... ummm, mighty disturbing. Usually I would say "Ooppps, stupid people"... But one of the units from the NWTA had one of their cannons stolen a few years ago, too. Oddly, the cannon was in a storage unit and all locked up and someone still grabbed it! I have heard of cannons being stolen in multiple states from Kentucky and now up there in Michigan, from Pennsylvania to Illinois. This is VERY disturbing, mates. :D This makes the 3rd cannon stolen in less than a decade that I have heard of.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

Networking is a good thang.

The Pirate network...better than Verizon

Who steals a cannon..really?

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...


Real pirates actually did it all the time. (Thus the odd divide between who we play and who we are rears it's ugly head once again. :D )

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."



lol well..Im glad it was returned

Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

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