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The Pyrates Way Issues 10 -14 Updates


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'ere's a quick update on our slow journey to catching up with time!

Issue #10 - Now in the mail to folks (with free music CD)

Issue #11 - Going to press before I git to PiP - should be mailed out prior to xmas (with free Scallywags magazine for the kids)

Issue #12 - Layed out - estimating a mailing mid-January 2010 ( Two from Set #3 of Pyrate Trading Cards included)

Issue #13 - 1/2 Layed out - estimating a mailing mid February 2010 ( Two from Set #4 of Pyrate Trading Cards included)

Issue #14 - Will be at least 1/2 PiP coverage and estimated out mid March ( Two from Set #5 of Pyrate Trading Cards included). . . putting us back on track in a true quarterly fashion

. . . thank the gods that subscriptions and advertisers have returned!

. . . and we continue to provide free booty with every issue!

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Callenish - you can punch him in the snot box down at PiP -- he'll be there. Brave soul...

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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We've PM'ed him here and emailed him at the magazine for the past 8-9 months and it has never been resolved ....Bad business practices!!!

I've emailed him on numerous occasions, got a reply once- to wait.That was several months ago.

Okay- it's been over a year- and not one issue.

I keep seeing these postings about issues in the mail.

Gettin' old, really.

Has anybody gotten an issue? I subscribed in October '08.

I think that was before he put out his new mag. Is that where my money went? Maybe I should get one of those, too...

and oh wait- he's got a Steampunk mag coming out too now? Is that how he got the money to make the issues that supposedly are in the mail?

Colour me disgusted.

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Has anybody gotten an issue?

Yes, I got mine two days ago and it is exactly as Black Fox described along with an actual CD enclosed (Hooked on to a page).

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!

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Seems with subscriptions down across the board and many top magazines failing for lack of subscribers and ad revenue, a magazine would be bending over to keep its subscribers happy. No subscribers, no ad revenue.

Maybe someone's a better pirate than we are. Hahaha

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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Sorry if I didn't answer every email and pm about the lateness of the issues. . .with all of the information on the website, I found that repeating something that any pirate with a lick of sense could find out on their own. again was not covered under the umbrella of "customer service." I don't respond well to whiners so I don't respond at all to them.

If you're too lazy or not smart enough to check a website for publication dates that were ALWAYS updated, that's your problem mates. . . not mine. I'm a one-man business busting my butt to deliver what I think is a high quality product that, unlike other magazines, never, ever skips an issue. . . . it might be 10 months late. . . . but not skipped. I don't have time for lazy pirates looking for an excuse to complain.

Yeah. . .I'm a bit defensive over what I do for a living. . . not for just a hobby like most pirate enthusiasts.

Refunds for a subscription balance are always available. . . no questions asked.

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Well said, William... not much more one can say.


-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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Sorry if I didn't answer every email and pm about the lateness of the issues. . .with all of the information on the website, I found that repeating something that any pirate with a lick of sense could find out on their own. again was not covered under the umbrella of "customer service." I don't respond well to whiners so I don't respond at all to them.

If you're too lazy or not smart enough to check a website for publication dates that were ALWAYS updated, that's your problem mates. . . not mine. I'm a one-man business busting my butt to deliver what I think is a high quality product that, unlike other magazines, never, ever skips an issue. . . . it might be 10 months late. . . . but not skipped. I don't have time for lazy pirates looking for an excuse to complain.

Yeah. . .I'm a bit defensive over what I do for a living. . . not for just a hobby like most pirate enthusiasts.

Refunds for a subscription balance are always available. . . no questions asked.


Ah the first lol of the day.

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I've keep fairly quiet, but I really have to vent now.

I never got the 4th issue of my one year subscription and that was issue #7!

No replies to emails, so I've given up.

My emails recently have been to remove me from the email list because if you're not going listen to me, I don't want to hear from you.

I asked if my account on their forum can be removed. I've blocked the emails as spam.

Bad business. I've told people around here about this, and they have gone with Pirates Magazine. I'm very happy with their customer service. They made sure I had one of my issues before I left for Afghanistan.

I've written Pyrates Way off.

William Blydes

I don't get lost, I EXPLORE!


Adventures on the High Seas

(refitted and back on station!)

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Sorry if I didn't answer every email and pm about the lateness of the issues. . .with all of the information on the website, I found that repeating something that any pirate with a lick of sense could find out on their own. again was not covered under the umbrella of "customer service." I don't respond well to whiners so I don't respond at all to them.

If you're too lazy or not smart enough to check a website for publication dates that were ALWAYS updated, that's your problem mates. . . not mine. I'm a one-man business busting my butt to deliver what I think is a high quality product that, unlike other magazines, never, ever skips an issue. . . . it might be 10 months late. . . . but not skipped. I don't have time for lazy pirates looking for an excuse to complain.

Yeah. . .I'm a bit defensive over what I do for a living. . . not for just a hobby like most pirate enthusiasts.

Refunds for a subscription balance are always available. . . no questions asked.

ya know what?

There is no need to take this tone with us..or me! I've emailed you several times, you could at least reply. You've had my money for OVER A YEAR..and then you think you can call ME a whiner?

I had pretty much written you off. As for checking your website..hmm- yeah I did.

Even checked your forums that laid dormant with no postings for months.

And- let me tell you- your website would say an issue was going out- and then months would pass, and then another website "update" saying it had gone to press and was going out the next week..and then..nothing for months.

Gimme a break.

Yeah- I could have cancelled my subscription- but would you have answered THAT email if you didn't answer any of the others? Seems you got attached to my money.

But you've still got enough fundage to launch Faire magazine..and now- what is it? the Compendium?

Quite the scheme you've got goin' buddy.

and you have the nerve to insult your subscribers, who have until now been patient.

Yeah- okay.

Edited by Gunpowder Gertie
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  • 2 months later...

We've PM'ed him here and emailed him at the magazine for the past 8-9 months and it has never been resolved ....Bad business practices!!!

I've emailed him on numerous occasions, got a reply once- to wait.That was several months ago.

Okay- it's been over a year- and not one issue.

I keep seeing these postings about issues in the mail.

Gettin' old, really.

Has anybody gotten an issue? I subscribed in October '08.

I think that was before he put out his new mag. Is that where my money went? Maybe I should get one of those, too...

and oh wait- he's got a Steampunk mag coming out too now? Is that how he got the money to make the issues that supposedly are in the mail?

Colour me disgusted.

You never subscribed. . .good try though.

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Sorry if I didn't answer every email and pm about the lateness of the issues. . .with all of the information on the website, I found that repeating something that any pirate with a lick of sense could find out on their own. again was not covered under the umbrella of "customer service." I don't respond well to whiners so I don't respond at all to them.

If you're too lazy or not smart enough to check a website for publication dates that were ALWAYS updated, that's your problem mates. . . not mine. I'm a one-man business busting my butt to deliver what I think is a high quality product that, unlike other magazines, never, ever skips an issue. . . . it might be 10 months late. . . . but not skipped. I don't have time for lazy pirates looking for an excuse to complain.

Yeah. . .I'm a bit defensive over what I do for a living. . . not for just a hobby like most pirate enthusiasts.

Refunds for a subscription balance are always available. . . no questions asked.


You never subscribed. . .good try though.

Ah the first lol of the day.

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It's not very pyratical to see how many of these cake-eating whiners have actually subscribed to The Pyrates Way. . . and how many actually did NOT but are big supporters of m'competition. Curious, ain't it?

I need no endorsements or subtractives from those folks on this board who apparently have their own agendas planned and hope that ye don't look too closely at their posts in "random" order.

By May, The Pyrates Way will have caught up to our back-lag of issues. We DON'T hide behind changing seasons on the cover to "issue numbers." We NEVER skip an issue. . .albeait late (sometimes almost 10 months) but NEVER skipped. Our advertisers, subscribers, and readers deserve all that they have paid for and I've gone into MUCH debt to make sure that happens by May of 2010. The 16th issue of The Pyrates Way will be FREE FROM ADS. . . . this means from the photography and the writing, to the editing, printing, and mailing. . .it comes out of MY pocket. It will be an EXTRA issue to all subscribers!!! (i.e. you get 5 issues instead of 4)

We ARE America's FAVORITE Pirates Magazine and in Issue #14 (Winter) you'll see the actual percentages of each "favorite pirates magazine" of those who were on stage at PiP for the Wench/Pyrate contests which we caught on video start-to-finish. What gives us more credence in that we weren't event asked to be a judge, which our competitors were.

I welcome you to check it out and read it for yourselves.


Edited by TheBlackFox
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We've PM'ed him here and emailed him at the magazine for the past 8-9 months and it has never been resolved ....Bad business practices!!!

I've emailed him on numerous occasions, got a reply once- to wait.That was several months ago.

Okay- it's been over a year- and not one issue.

I keep seeing these postings about issues in the mail.

Gettin' old, really.

Has anybody gotten an issue? I subscribed in October '08.

I think that was before he put out his new mag. Is that where my money went? Maybe I should get one of those, too...

and oh wait- he's got a Steampunk mag coming out too now? Is that how he got the money to make the issues that supposedly are in the mail?

Colour me disgusted.

You never subscribed. . .good try though.

Excuse me..are you saying I never subscribed?

Interesting- you don't even know my real name off this board.

FYI- I didn't subscribe as Gunpowder Gertie.

Good try though.

FYI- I was in the hospital, and that's why I haven't PMed you.Oh btw- I guess it's okay for you to ignore emails, for an entire year..and not for someone to take a couple of days to get back to you, by PM on a public board.

You know, I would suggest you just take care of your subscribers and get the mag out, and quit coming back to mouth off.

cause it isn't winning you any friends.

And you are just looking like a pompous fool.

I'll be happy to show you my credit card receipt.

From OCTOBER 08.

Agenda? You bet yer ass.. I want my magazines that I PAID for.

That's not too much to ask, eh?

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Black Fox,

My good try though..... I did subscribe, and buy back issues, now i will post me email invoices, SENT FROM YOU, ya wanker.

NOTE to all pirates, DONT waste your time or hard earned coin on this rag , or any others he may be affilated with.

for example here is the last time i didn't SARCASM subscribe.

Dear Gretchen Sproat,

You sent $22.00 USD to The Pyrates Way, LLC for a subscription payment.


Payment Details


Subscription name: Gretchen Sproat

Transaction date: Aug 1, 2009

And the year before that i didnt suscribe to either

Dear Gretchen Sproat,

You have successfully signed up for a subscription to Pyrates Way US Subscription ONE YEAR using PayPal.

Your first subscription payment, for $22.00 USD, has already been sent to The Pyrates Way, LLC.


Subscription Details


Date of sign up: Aug. 1, 2008

Subscription Name: Pyrates Way US Subscription ONE YEAR

Subscription Number: S-35904673YA7479011

Oh yeah, I DID, and never got any of the issues for that year either.

Two years Black Fox two years and though most of us are honest pirates, you are not. but before you start calling people liars and whiners, pray they dont have the proof to show just what a lying sack you are

Edited by Saltypots

Mud Slinging Pyromanic , Errrrrr Ship's Potter at ye service

Vagabond's Rogue Potter Wench

First Mate of the Fairge Iolaire

Me weapons o choice be lots o mud, sharp pointy sticks, an string

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