TalesOfTheSevenSeas Posted January 29, 2004 Posted January 29, 2004 OK Ebay auction addicts!! Describe fer us if ye' will, the best deals ye' ever plundered on Ebay. Here are mine- I bid on an ancient Egyptian bronze ring. The seller photographed it to show that the band was intact and stated (incorrectly) that it was inscribed with a cartouche (encircled royal name) I knew this was unlikely as it would make it something akin to priceless. It had, however been deaquisitioned from a museum. The seller did not photograph the inscription, so I bid a little over $200 and took a chance on it. I won the auction and didn't know what I'd get when I opened the package- I was stunned. Inside was a beautiful bronze ring inscribed with heiroglyphs and encircled with an oval (decorative, not a cartouche) I took it to an antiquities appraiser and had it looked at, then showed it to two Egyptologists and a professor of Egyptian studies. They all were wow'd by the ring and all agreed that it was authentic and dated it to the New Kingdom (1550 - 1070 BC) I had the heiroglyphs translated and the inscription reads: "Hes nefer Amun Ra" or "High Praise of Amun Ra" My other score was the Land Shark- $27.53 for a boat (no motor) on a sturdy and fully functional trailer, which we converted into a pirate ship parade float. -Claire "Poison Quill" Warren Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas www.talesofthesevenseas.com
hurricane Posted January 29, 2004 Posted January 29, 2004 I would have to say that it's a beautiful jacket that appears in the ball scene of Cutthroat Island, just behind Matthew Modine. Hollywood CPR was auctioning it off along with a bunch of other pieces (don't even ask how many we bought - thought me wench was goin' to kill me). You can see it at: http://piratesofthecoast.com/artifactsphot...mensjacket1.jpg The entire haul can be found at http://www.piratesofthecoast.com/artifacts/ Be lovin' that ebay! Arghuably the best pirate auction house... -- Hurricane ______________________________________________________________________ http://piratesofthecoast.com/images/pyracy-logo1.jpg Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011) Scurrilous Rogue Stirrer of Pots Fomenter of Mutiny Bon Vivant & Roustabout Part-time Carnival Barker Certified Ex-Wife Collector Experienced Drinking Companion "I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic." "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com
El Pirata Posted January 29, 2004 Posted January 29, 2004 An 8 reale that I bought for $58 plus $3.85 shipping and was later valued at almost $600. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
Paisley Posted January 29, 2004 Posted January 29, 2004 you go girl!!! my best find was a cycling jersey. it had a cute picture of a goat overlooking mountains. it also had"tour dupont" on the collar. knowing that this race does not happen anymore (it was the closest thing to tor de france we had in the u.s. at the time...94?) i bid on it...and won it for like ~$12. i get it in the mail....held it up to show hubby...he wanted to know who signed it?...i didn't know anyone signed it...you couldn't see anything in the picture, and the seller never stated anything. upon closer examination... we are now the pround owners of a cycling jersey signed by greg lemond!!! for those of you who don't know...he was huge before lance...first american to win tour de france. he has his own brand of bicycle and you might see his bike stuff being sold in target stores now. "This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones
Nigel Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 My all-time best eBay grab would be: An exact reissue of my 1960's Yamaha Flying Samurai guitar, down to the Turquoise metallic sparkle finish. I had sold the original Flying Samurai to buy my Strat (no regrets there) because the electronics at the time were sh**. Custom electronics weren't widely available back then. Nowadays, they are much more common, and I had lamented getting rid of the guitar. It had a unique neck, and played wonderfully. I had never seen another one since, until I got an "encyclopedia of electric guitars" and saw the picture of one. The turquoise finish was rare indeed. I was discussing it with my nephew: "the one guitar you wish you'd never sold". I decided to look it up on eBay - and there it was, only brand new! It was like having a dreadful sin abolished! All is forgiven...I got my baby back! Nothing plays quite like it! And this one is brand new! Woo HOO!! Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!) "Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"
endkaos Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 I would have to say my favorite prize is a Pave' (that's french for fake jewels) Gold Spanish Galleon pin that's marked "Disney" on the back. It is not related to POTC to my knowledge and I have looked for more information about it. It looks like Captain Hook's ship, so I am guessing it is related to Peter Pan. The other is a complete set of 20 Frank Braynard "The Tall Ships" lithographs in the Official OpSail '76 Portfolio. I'm going to have these professional framed. That will break me treasure chest. I haven't done it yet, because I can't bear to part with them even to have them framed. ~Tori Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.
endkaos Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 hurricane said: I would have to say that it's a beautiful jacket Hurricane, Those be lovely! You are a lucky gent to have plundered those for your treasure. ~Tori Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.
PirateQueen Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 endkaos said: <snip>Pave' (that's french for fake jewels) <snip> Pavé isn't French for fake jewels. It describes a method of setting jewels, which can be very real indeed. (They are set very close together, sort of cobblestone fashion, so you can't see the base. Often done with diamond chips—real ones.) Back to the topic: I've gotten a lot of cool stuff off eBay, not all of it piratical. Among them: -- The costume worn by Morgan's uncle Malachi in Cutthroat Island (yes, won during the auctions held by that Hollywood charity): coat, shirt, vest, breeches. I love the coat, wear it to events, get lots of compliments on it. -- Lots of jewelry. I collect fleur de lis motifs, and have gotten several lovely bracelets, pins and necklaces. One favorite is an elaborate costume necklace with brass fleurs de lis, deep red stones. -- Another favorite is a sterling silver cuff bracelet with black leather inlay. It's got an elaborate fleur de lis design, I wear this bracelet almost every day. (It's actually considered to be biker jewelry, but most people don't guess that.) Melusine de la Mer "Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich
"Broadside" Long Posted January 31, 2004 Posted January 31, 2004 Sounds like you mates know where to make the good finds on Ebay! I thought I did well with me hat purchase, but now I have some doubts! Broadside Every normal person must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats! - Lucanus
BILLY BONES Posted January 31, 2004 Posted January 31, 2004 Most of my purchases were not Pyrate related. I used to collect 19th century base ball equipment and got some great stuff! One thing pirate related however was a pistol. The seller didn't have a photo and a very bad description. Knowing nothing of weaponry, he described the pistol as a long replica flintlock made to hang on the wall. No one else bid on it, and I figured for 5 bucks, I couldn't lose too badly. When it arrived, I found it was indeed a long flintlock pistol, but hardly intended for hanging on a wall. It was an original British Dragoon pistol that had been inlaid with mother-of pearl and gold wire in an east-Indian style not long after it was issued. I guess the inlays fooled him into thinking it was a cheap Arabic made pistol for the tourist trade. Instead, it is a quite servicable and beautifully made martial pistol! What a score! Capt. William Bones Then he rapped on the door with a bit of stick like a handspike that he carried, and when my father appeared, called roughly for a glass of rum. This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste, and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard. "This is a handy cove," says he, at length; " and a pleasant sittyated grog-shop. Much company, mate?" My father told him no, very little company, the more was the pity. "Well, then," said he, "this is the berth for me." Proprietor of Flags of Fortune.
hurricane Posted January 31, 2004 Posted January 31, 2004 endkaos said: hurricane said: I would have to say that it's a beautiful jacket Hurricane, Those be lovely! You are a lucky gent to have plundered those for your treasure. Thank ye kindly for the compliment - most of the apparel gets regular wear by the crewe, particularly Spitfire and meself. We recently sold off one of the pieces, a beautiful period pale yellow dress and underskirt for a tidy profit. Miss it - but it was too nice to just keep in a closet... -- Hurricane ______________________________________________________________________ http://piratesofthecoast.com/images/pyracy-logo1.jpg Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011) Scurrilous Rogue Stirrer of Pots Fomenter of Mutiny Bon Vivant & Roustabout Part-time Carnival Barker Certified Ex-Wife Collector Experienced Drinking Companion "I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic." "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com
Andre LeClerc Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 TalesOfTheSevenSeas said: OK Ebay auction addicts!! Describe fer us if ye' will, the best deals ye' ever plundered on Ebay. My best, all time greatest find from the isle of ebay, was an auction that my third wife, started bidding on, a repo grimsley saddle, she contacted the seller and they stated there was an older saddle tree under the new leather, etc, etc, etc. Well, we got it for a fair price, and when it arrived we discovered that it in fact, was an orginal Grimsley tree, worth way more than what we paid for it. Wooo Hoooo. I also obtained a much desired, RCMP buffalo coat in pristine condition, which I still love to this day. She bought many, many orginal period dresses off of ebay, that were treasures at the various enactments we toured. Oh well, like Dumpster Diving, one man/womens garbage is another persons treasure, Andre LeClerc master for the moment of the St. Vitas Dance "When in the midst of heaving, shipboard fightin, my old pappie use to say----If you aint cheatin, you aint tryin"
endkaos Posted February 1, 2004 Posted February 1, 2004 PirateQueen said: Pavé isn't French for fake jewels. It describes a method of setting jewels I beggin yer pardon, of course you're right, it must be me rum talkin. The french, ah yes, didn't they invent maynoise? ~Tori Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.
Isabella Posted February 2, 2004 Posted February 2, 2004 I got a Autographed Iron Maiden Christmas Card with all the band members in the band currently for 16.00 for Christmas for my Husband. That was my BEST auction ever. Izzy
Sjöröveren Posted February 6, 2004 Posted February 6, 2004 This past August, I got my wife a silver French coin from 1715, and a sterling silver bezel. The coin cost less than $10, the bezel was quite a bit more. It was for our 20th anniversary, and she was quite overwhelmed by it. There's lots of interesting old coins on ebay, many of them with really cool sailing ships. But since POTC came out, there are lots of fake doubloons, etc. plus many coins sold as "pirate treasure" when they're really just old coins. Wait another few months, and the interest in them among all the flatlanders out there will die down. the Fool's Gold Pirates
'Salem Bob' Posted February 7, 2004 Posted February 7, 2004 I don't e-bay much, because most things I've seen on there that I have knowledge of the relative value of, I see going for far more than they are worth - Indeed, I often get identical items for much less money by shopping around on the net or in person. Kudos to those of you who have gotten a deal. Best nautical related thing I've gotten on e-bay is a late 19th/early 20th century sailmakers fid in excellent condition, for less than $25.
darkthing Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 'Salem Bob said: I don't e-bay much, because most things I've seen on there that I have knowledge of the relative value of, I see going for far more than they are worth. EBay is a HUGE community, and there are all sorts of sellers on there. I find it is important to differentiate between the professionals, who just use eBay as a storefront, and the amateurs, who use it as a "garage sale". You're never going to get a bargain from a professional, who knows what things are worth. It's in the "garage sales" that I've found the good stuff cheap. How do you tell them apart? For one thing, professionals tend to have "Buy it now" prices, amateurs (who don't know the value of what they're selling) tend not to. Professionals have flashy HTML descriptions and studio-quality pictures, while amateurs are text-only and poorer pics. My favorite technique is to look for alternate keywords and mis-spellings in the titles. For example, I was in the market for a US Navy "Bridge Coat" (like a pea coat but longer) as an overcoat for sailin' in the wintertime. These items normally resell for $100+ for a used coat in a regular men's size (I wear a 42, the smaller sizes are much cheaper). I got one recently for $30 from a seller who didn't know what it was, and listed it as a "Navy Trenchcoat" instead of using the words "Bridge Coat" in the title. The seller was happy to get rid of this musty vintage coat, and I got the coat I wanted for a quarter the price! It's like legal piracy!
Nigel Posted February 8, 2004 Posted February 8, 2004 Good advice, DT! Thankye! Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!) "Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"
Rosalinda Posted February 9, 2004 Posted February 9, 2004 Cauldrons. The older the better, and the larger the better. Big, old, pot-bellied, three-legged, black iron cauldrons. *wicked cackle*
imadrunkenpirate Posted February 9, 2004 Posted February 9, 2004 TalesOfTheSevenSeas said: My other score was the Land Shark- $27.53 for a boat (no motor) on a sturdy and fully functional trailer, which we converted into a pirate ship parade float. Aye... I saw yer site about that ship, I LOVE it! I hope te be getting one like that and transforming it like that some day.. Cabinlass Maggie It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.
imadrunkenpirate Posted February 9, 2004 Posted February 9, 2004 P.S.- fer all any of ye care... the message above was me 100th post.. *yay* Cabinlass Maggie It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.
the Royaliste Posted February 9, 2004 Posted February 9, 2004 Hmm, mebbee a colonial Naval baldric buckle with stamp listed as 'brass belt buckle'... A real 'steal'...
Paisley Posted February 9, 2004 Posted February 9, 2004 i just won a 35mm film trailer for cutthroat island...set me back a whole $1.45!!! "This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones
Col. Hawkyns Posted February 10, 2004 Posted February 10, 2004 TalesOfTheSevenSeas said: My other score was the Land Shark- $27.53 for a boat (no motor) on a sturdy and fully functional trailer, which we converted into a pirate ship parade float. I saw the photo!! Thats great!! Me and me crew are going to build a ship like that soon. May the road, rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rain fall soft upon your fields. Until we meet again, May God hold you, In the hollow of his hand.
Capt. Morgan Posted February 10, 2004 Posted February 10, 2004 Got a first edition hardcover (1923 I think...) of Porto Bello Gold, in great condition, for $15 a few weeks back! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
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