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Col. Hawkyns

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Everything posted by Col. Hawkyns

  1. Ahoy! Anyone know where I can get a pattern for a waist coat like the one by Barkerstownsutlers? Much grateful, Col. Hawkyns
  2. Born In Portland Org. Raised in a town called Monroe in Washington state. North of Seattle. A pirate of the Puget Sound. Now living West of Santa Rosa CA in the coastal redwoods. So you can say I'm a pirate of the west coast from San Francisco CA, to Everett WA. Col. Hawkyns
  3. Aye again!! Here is another flintlock some of ye may be interested in. Any advice on this one? another ebay flintlock thanks Col. Hawkyns
  4. Ahoy mates!! Could use a bit of yer advice, thers a nice piece on ebay that I would like you guys to look at and give me yer opinion. I thinks me be bidding, me ebay ID be piperguy02. I'll be gratefull for anything ye might have to say about it. Flintlock on ebay Thanks Col. Hawkyns :angry:
  5. Aye!! Warmer weather sounds good. Although its not snowing here. It ain't warm I'ther. Been low 40's ta mid 50s. North of San Francisco I be. But me real home port be North of Seattle, theres its about high 20's, low 30's , low 40s. Col Hawkyns
  6. Aye!! That is fun!! I can't wait till next party!! I find it hard to get "out" of character when I'm off the 'boat' too. Me says something nice and piraty and me buckos just stares at me like what yer say it way fer. Or somethin like that. Me's like oops. Back to the "real" world. Again. Col. Hawkyns
  7. ahoy!! I agree it DID slow down quite a bit, of late. I be checking once everyday and it seems theres hardly any new compared to even last month. A pirates life can get busy. All that plundering and stuff. I hopes it picks up soon. We should probably look back at the old topics again, aye? A pirates life is so fun and interesting thers got to be somethin to say 'bout somethin. Oh well, it'll pick up. And quite blamin yerselves! It isn't right for a pirate to blames him/herself. Anyhow... I'll be posting. Maybe I'll buy ya'll a Rootbeer. So cheers!! The rounds on me!! Happy posting!! Col. Hawkyns
  8. Aye!! Thanks Dreamie!! Very nice job! Looks Great!! Col. Hawkyns
  9. Aye thank ye! Let me knows what ye finds. Thanks. Col. Hawkyns
  10. Aye! I love the Queen Annes. Good price too. Is that the kit or the full pistol? How many do ya have to purchase for a bulk price? Col. Hawkyns
  11. Aye! What yer favorite? Mine be Henry Wienhards Root Beer. Until me finds a better one. Me most favorite be Henry Wienhards Vanilla Cream. That be the best out there methinks. Ye have any suggestions for other non-alcholic pirate brews? Cheers!! Col. Hawkyns
  12. Aye! That could be difficult. What be the price per piece for a bulk buy? I be willing if the price be right and enough join together. Col. Hawkyns
  13. Aye!! Its been good knowing ya. Even in the short time I've been at the Pub. Me hats off!! And a Cheers to ya!! ahh... The rootbeer is good here, aye? Col. Hawkyns
  14. Aye!! I live a little north of Seattle, East of Everett. Alas!!! It is a 21 and over gig aye? Anyhows I be down in CA right now anyway. Won't be up there again till end O'March. Have anything planned then? err thereabouts? Well say hello to ye fellow Puget Sound pirates for me. Col. Hawkyns
  15. Aye, Ships are a pirates life. I couldn't imagine not being able to sail. I'ther a large vessel, or a race dingy. My grandparents have both in the Puget Sound. Aye!! The feel of a salty sea breeze and da smell of the ocean. It calls to a pirates heart. Me grandmother though loves boats and sailing, and fishing, But you can't ever get her to snorkel, something 'bout the face in the water me thinks. Or even really swim for that matter. It all must depend on the person me thinks.
  16. I saw the photo!! Thats great!! Me and me crew are going to build a ship like that soon.
  17. ahoy there! Just found a good pic of Barbossa's and Sparrows pistols. Heres the link: http://pub86.ezboard.com/ftellnotalesfrm2....opicID=36.topic hope it works. and helps.
  18. Avast ye mates! Ye have any flintlock pistols, blunderbuss, muskets, musketoons ye would like to sell? Or are looking for? Real or decorative? Be my pleasure if ye would post here. I am personally looking for a used real flintlock pistol for reenactments. Those new ones are a wee bit expensive for us pirates who have had little blunder or treasure coming in of late. Thanks to ya
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