Hellava Posted January 27, 2004 Posted January 27, 2004 The 2004 Blackbeard Festival in Hampton VA is set for June 5 and 6 with the Pyrate Ball on June 4 (Friday night). The festival on Saturday and Sunday is free to attend. Pirate garb is required to attend the Pyrate Ball but precise authenticity isn't required. There is a buffet (included in the price of the ticket) and a cash bar. John Glass (Gov. Spotswood) will have all the details on the website next month. Here is the link to last year's event......2003 Blackbeard Festival - Hampton VA The Gates of Hell are flung open..... from the firey mist steps forth....The Legend.... The woman everyone warned you about.... They didn't exaggerate! ~~SAVE THE ROYALISTE~~
Desert Pyrate Posted January 27, 2004 Posted January 27, 2004 Who else is going to this? If I decide I can go, is there anyone who'd be willing to split costs of rental cars/hotel rooms? Not sure if I can scratch the cash though...
TalesOfTheSevenSeas Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Aye! The Hampton Blackbeard Festival rocks! The Pyrates Ball is not to be missed and well worth the $25 admission fee. The only ones who are required to wear authentic costuming are reenactors who are participating in an organized reenactment or performance. Here is one of me all-time favorite photos- Soaking Saber, who was in posing as a plain-clothes member of the audience in our "Drenched by a Wench" skit at the 2003 Blackbeard Festival. Sadly, the Land Shark has gobbled up all our funds and we're not going to be able to make the trip out this year, but we want to see photos!! -Claire "Poison Quill" Warren Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas www.talesofthesevenseas.com
Desert Pyrate Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Tentative planning looks like cash might be there, and airfare looks roughly $203. Is a car even really a necessity?
TalesOfTheSevenSeas Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Desert Pyrate, We have about 8 east coast pirates who are involved with Tales of the Seven Seas and Pan Historia that attended this event last year with us. It looks like Hellava is stepping up to the helm in my absence this year, and doing the organizing. :-) So please drop her a note to learn more about the plans. If you can get to the Raddison Hotel at the waterfront from the airport, you can stay right there at the BBeard Fest. The Raddison is right in the same plaza with the whole festival. The Pyrates Ball and all the events are right there. I think you could do it easily without the car. -Claire "Poison Quill" Warren Pyrate Mum of Tales of the Seven Seas www.talesofthesevenseas.com
Paisley Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 crap, crap, crap!!!!!...wans't sure on when they were going to put out the dates... i already signed up for a bicycle charity ride for the maryland lung assoc. that weekend! drat!!!!!!! "This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones
Hellava Posted January 28, 2004 Author Posted January 28, 2004 Paisley.....Love your emoticons!! Where did you find them? The Blackbeard Festival is 2 days.....perhaps you could make it down for at least one. The Gates of Hell are flung open..... from the firey mist steps forth....The Legend.... The woman everyone warned you about.... They didn't exaggerate! ~~SAVE THE ROYALISTE~~
Mad Woman Cheryl Posted January 29, 2004 Posted January 29, 2004 We're planning t' be there!!! Hey Paisley, at least you won't have Capt. Flint buggin' you 'bout this one. Little one is due in May. Quill, sorry t' see ya won't be there. I will try to take pics...... Mad Woman Cheryl By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"
capnwilliam Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 First Mate Jannet has friends in the area she wants to visit, so we are debating between this one, and Drake's Raid in St. Augustine; assuming we can afford either trip. Capt. William "The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"
Selestia Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 Anyone planning to be at the Hampton Blackbeard Festival, please let me know. I'll be there for certain. Would love to have a meet up and raise a tankard or two with you all! ~Selestia~ First Wench Pyrates Of the Eastern Sea Email - pyratesoftheeasternsea@usa.com Website - Pyrates Of The Eastern Sea Pirate Reenactor - Tales Of The Seven Seas website - Tales Of The Seven Seas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wildest dream come true ~or~ worst nightmare realized.... the choice is NOT yours.... it all depends on which mood I'm in .... and.... how much rum there is to drink! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Duncan McGuyver Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 Hey now this looks like too much fun to miss, I will be checking with the crew about getting a boarding party together and heading down. Captain Duncan McGuyver Crew Of The Vigilant Baltimore Maryland Based 17th & 18th Century Naval Living History Crew Of The Vigilant The Juryrig MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew The Juryrig Port Tortuga A Piracy based Pennsic household B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left) Port Tortuga
Cascabel Posted March 5, 2004 Posted March 5, 2004 Selestia said: Anyone planning to be at the Hampton Blackbeard Festival, please let me know. I'll be there for certain. Would love to have a meet up and raise a tankard or two with you all! I'm part of the regular cast, so i'll be there. Give me a poke in the ribs and say hello.... >>>>> Cascabel
Stynky Tudor Posted March 9, 2004 Posted March 9, 2004 Aye, we plan on attending again this year ourselves. We had a great time last year.
Zorg Posted March 9, 2004 Posted March 9, 2004 HEllava, If the campout thats in the making for Morehead works out, who might be interested in campin for the Hampton one as well. Anyone? Z Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins... Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up.... Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be..... Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered
Selestia Posted March 9, 2004 Posted March 9, 2004 I've been gathering info on the Hampton BB Festival and have posted links on the Pub calendar for June. No one had asked about camping but I'll start checking that possibility for those interested. Two attendees are already confirmed at the Radisson in Hampton. There is one male pirate in Kentucky planning to come and may be interested in sharing a room. Haven't gotten a definite yea or nay from him yet as to whether he'll be present. With the popularity of the Hampton festival growing each year, hotels can fill up quickly the closer it gets to the festival date.... so making your plans/reservations as soon as you can would be advisable. If I can help anyone planning to come to Hampton, let me know. Just email me and I'll do whatever I can to help you. Here is the info I posted on the Pub calendar...am posting it here for easy reference: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 2004 Hampton Blackbeard Festival is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday - June 5-6, 2004 in Hampton, Virginia. The Pyrate Ball is June 4th. The weekend festival itself is free but tickets are required to attend the Pyrate's Ball. Pyrate Ball - June 4th - Friday night (pirate garb required to attend) - held at the Couteau Society building on the waterfront. The cost is approximately $25 per person which includes a buffet dinner. There will be a cash bar for cocktails, beer, wine. There will be piratical music, dancing, sea shanty singing, and tales. There is information for reenactors, encampments, krewes, volunteering for the festival, boaters, etc., on the webside. Here's the link to the ......2003 event ....2003 Blackbeard Festival - Hampton VA Here are links to helpful info ...... Information on the City of Hampton VA Links to Hampton VA lodging ...... Where to stay in Hampton VA Radisson Hotel Website There are 2 bed and breakfast inns..... Little England Inn Victoria House..... 4501 Victoria Blvd, Hampton VA 23669.... (757) 722-2658 (haven't found a website for this one yet) Other information ...... Map Quest..... for driving directions. For determining general distance/driving time from your home to Hampton....use the address 700 Settlers Landing Road, Hampton VA, as your destination as this is only a few feet away from the festival itself. There will be vendors selling an array of items as well as festival posters, shirts, hats, etc. See you in Hampton!! AARRRRRRRRR!!!! ~Selestia~ First Wench Pyrates Of the Eastern Sea Email - pyratesoftheeasternsea@usa.com Website - Pyrates Of The Eastern Sea Pirate Reenactor - Tales Of The Seven Seas website - Tales Of The Seven Seas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wildest dream come true ~or~ worst nightmare realized.... the choice is NOT yours.... it all depends on which mood I'm in .... and.... how much rum there is to drink! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stynky Tudor Posted March 10, 2004 Posted March 10, 2004 Zorg said: . . . who might be interested in campin for the Hampton one as well.Anyone? Arr, has anyone done the foot work for camping near the Hampton event?
Stynky Tudor Posted March 10, 2004 Posted March 10, 2004 Wow, great work Selestia! Thanks for including the related lodging web links.
Duncan McGuyver Posted March 10, 2004 Posted March 10, 2004 We might be interested - one of the crew has a pop-op camper we can pull down. Captain Duncan McGuyver Crew Of The Vigilant Baltimore Maryland Based 17th & 18th Century Naval Living History Crew Of The Vigilant The Juryrig MDRF Based Social & Renfaire Crew The Juryrig Port Tortuga A Piracy based Pennsic household B09 Block, The Highlands (Up Hill & Left) Port Tortuga
capnwilliam Posted March 11, 2004 Posted March 11, 2004 Is the Radisson the hotel that's right next to the festival site? Capt. William "The fight's not over while there's a shot in the locker!"
silverhearted maggie Posted March 11, 2004 Posted March 11, 2004 Ahoy. Me husband and I are plannin' on attended as we can drive it in a day. I just got a new waistcoat an I be needed a place to wear it! S.H. Maggie Long Live the crew of the CrimsonPermanent Assurance!
El Pirata Posted March 11, 2004 Posted March 11, 2004 TalesOfTheSevenSeas said: Sadly, the Land Shark has gobbled up all our funds and we're not going to be able to make the trip out this year, but we want to see photos!! Don't worry, I'll take enough for everyone on the forums, I mean we are talking to the man who took over 6000 pics in 3 weeks on my last vacation to Panama.... Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
Selestia Posted March 22, 2004 Posted March 22, 2004 The website for Hampton has been updated with info for this year's festival ....... 2004 Blackbeard Festival - Hampton VA Anyone who plans to be there, please let me know so we can arrange a meetup to plunder and pillage! The Radisson is literally only a few feet away from the festival on the waterfront. I just received a Virginia campground list and will post what is close to the festival. UPDATE.... Pirate's Ball....7-11pm - June 4th.....advance tickets (purchased by May 15th) cost is $25 per person. If purchased after May 15th....cost is $30 per person. ~Selestia~ First Wench Pyrates Of the Eastern Sea Email - pyratesoftheeasternsea@usa.com Website - Pyrates Of The Eastern Sea Pirate Reenactor - Tales Of The Seven Seas website - Tales Of The Seven Seas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wildest dream come true ~or~ worst nightmare realized.... the choice is NOT yours.... it all depends on which mood I'm in .... and.... how much rum there is to drink! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Selestia Posted March 22, 2004 Posted March 22, 2004 Gathering from the posts so far.....here is a list.... Pirates definitely attending from the Pub.... Selestia Mad Woman Cheryl Zorg Cascabel Lady Elaina El Pirata Silverhearted Maggie Tentative attendees from the Pub..... Raven Cole Captain William Duncan McGuyver Privateer Pete Stynky Tudor Others (non-Pub).... There are 5 pirates (3 definite/2 tentative) planning to join us in Hampton. My apologies if I left anyone out or listed you incorrectly.....if I did, let me know. ~Selestia~ First Wench Pyrates Of the Eastern Sea Email - pyratesoftheeasternsea@usa.com Website - Pyrates Of The Eastern Sea Pirate Reenactor - Tales Of The Seven Seas website - Tales Of The Seven Seas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wildest dream come true ~or~ worst nightmare realized.... the choice is NOT yours.... it all depends on which mood I'm in .... and.... how much rum there is to drink! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Selestia Posted March 23, 2004 Posted March 23, 2004 I found one campground close by the Blackbeard Festival (used the Radisson as the destination).... Fam Camp (757) 766-7627 123 Saunders Rd, Hampton, VA 23666 Here's a link to a map showing Fam Camp (1) and festival location (2) .... Fam Camp to BB Festival Can't find any other info for this place except what SmartPages has listed. I've never been to Fam Camp so have no idea what it's like or offers to campers. FYI.....I did call their phone number tonight and they are in existance. I left a voice message asking them to send me info on their campground. As soon as I get it, will post it. NOTE.....If I can help anyone with their plans for Hampton, please contact me. I can be reached here at the Pub (PM/email) or email me at...pyratesoftheeasternsea@usa.com ~Selestia~ First Wench Pyrates Of the Eastern Sea Email - pyratesoftheeasternsea@usa.com Website - Pyrates Of The Eastern Sea Pirate Reenactor - Tales Of The Seven Seas website - Tales Of The Seven Seas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wildest dream come true ~or~ worst nightmare realized.... the choice is NOT yours.... it all depends on which mood I'm in .... and.... how much rum there is to drink! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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