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umm i need advice...

i have buttons that are pc...{thanks to you mary diamond!!}

but when you place them on the coat, the scale is all wrong--- no matter how many you try to place on there.....

no matter how few { that makes the problem MORE apparent!!!}

so geeeeee how does one search for 17th centurybuttons?

man would i love non pc blingbling as i intend to wear this coat all winter some flash in the pan!!!

opinions please!!TIA


The most popular buttons for the period for common or working class were all fabric buttons (fabric stuffed with fabric), other alternatives (and going up the social ladder), wooden beads/biscuits covered in fabric (I've personally seen no evidence for these in our period, but they were very common later in the 18th century, and I haven't looked for evidence of them in our period which is likely the reason I haven't seen it), metal buttons (brass, tin, pewter etc.), passementerie (sp?) buttons (wood beads covered in woven thread, and sometimes fancily metal threads as well), dorset buttons (rings with woven thread), and towards the end of the period "death's head" buttons come in (wooden biscuit covered in a particular style of woven thread)...

I think that cover the ones I am aware of...


This is an interesting button source with some how to's



They also have museum quakity textiles..albeit pricey


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help....

Her reputation was her livelihood.

I'm a pirate, love. By nature and by choice!

My inner voice sometimes has an accent!

My wont? A delicious rip in time...

Posted (edited)

What size Buttons are you looking for and How many,I am clearing out my old pewter samples.

If i have anything you can use you are more than welcome to them

Edited by renfairpirate

that is just it!!

i dont know exactly what size---

the smaller buttons all seem wrong as far as scale----

i thnk they need to be at least and inch and a quarter wide...and not brass colored.. but a delicate silver in nature....and i would need about 8- 10 of them.....

and actually i am currently looking at "lacing" style buttons--- wouldnt that be fab?{ not saying it would be PC-- but how cooooool!!! lace the coat shut!!!i keep on trying to remember WHAT sizemary diamond had on her coat that i swa at PIP last year...........!! and for the life of me-- i cannot remember and even going thru all the pictures, the buttons cant be seen..........GRRRRRRR


that is just it!!

i dont know exactly what size---

the smaller buttons all seem wrong as far as scale----

i thnk they need to be at least and inch and a quarter wide...and not brass colored.. but a delicate silver in nature....and i would need about 8- 10 of them.....

and actually i am currently looking at "lacing" style buttons--- wouldnt that be fab?{ not saying it would be PC-- but how cooooool!!! lace the coat shut!!!i keep on trying to remember WHAT sizemary diamond had on her coat that i swa at PIP last year...........!! and for the life of me-- i cannot remember and even going thru all the pictures, the buttons cant be seen..........GRRRRRRR

Ok let me see what i have and i will send you pics

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