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We made this double fullered baskethilt yesterday along with a pair of rapiers and some crazy axes. Anyway. This is a one off blade that I ground from a random piece of alloy. I added some Swatton style fullers up the spine that I think set the piece off. It has a full grind on onbe edge and a flase edge on the back of the blade. The blade is slightly curved and polished.

I would have liked to have speant a few more hours on this guy but I thought I would share it with you all anyway. I believe the customer plans to line the inside of the basket with some leather.






-1st Mate of Pirates Magazine

-Bladesmith/Owner of That Works Studio





is taht a really big basket??...or do you have really small hands??

really like that one...whats the ball park figure for sumpthin like that??


How much for one similar to the one you showed on this thread?

I am interested in Jacobite as well as pirate reenactment. I need one that could be accurate for the 1715, which would mean it is also good got the 1745 and for the GAoP.

I also need to get a dirk. I may just buy one readymade, as they seem pretty accurate. Do you make those too?

- My thought is that a good dirk could be used for my on-board weapon and the baskethilt for landed.

As for accuracy . . .

I am more along the lines of Black John's group than the less historical stuff. I want as accurate as possible.

I've heard GREAT things about you and your blades.

You can respond my PM. I tried to send this to you that way, but your PM box is full.

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina



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