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Posted (edited)

I have a pair of sea boots that are made by "Pleaser". They are real leather, not the greatest, but still real, and have a vinyl lining.

They're pretty darn good boots, they've held up for a year and half of constant wearing so far.

The only problem is this, I am about 115-120 pounds and I have SCRAWNY lil legs. These boots were made for someone with a larger calf.

With no internal support system, (which I've tried to do as you shall see below), they just fall down about my ankles and look ridiculous.

So how do I get them to fit?

I've super-glued paint strips, yardstick pieces, and neither of them hold up very well. The superglue tears the lining off after a few wears.

Any suggestions on how I can make them stay up permanently?

I've had a couple ideas, but I'm curious to see what ye might have to say...

Edited by CaptainThomasBlackthorne


"Bucket Boots" are GAoP period correct....as long as your near a horse that is.....and they were MADE to be pulled up and over your knee(scrawny or not)...and then fold down...into the bucket....for ease in walking when not mounted...often is quite the fashion statement to have them folded down round the ancles.....

otherwise...the general consensus is.....if not a horseman....then shoes were more the norm...cheaper...less material...and more easily aquired...as quite fahionable.

but if ya truly need to wear em up high....then try suspenders

.....and they were MADE to be pulled up and over your knee(scrawny or not)...and then fold down...into the bucket....

Just to make sure that everyone understands this, I do have them folded over into the bucket or typical hollywood "pirate boot" fashion, and that's what refuses to stay in place, the bucket itself keeps falling down.

Well, then you need to start running and doing calf raises and your lady needs to cook more high calorie meals... problem solved. Yes.


We'll get you out here to one of the events and you can watch me eat m'lady. You'll change yer tune, I'm certain of that.

.....and they were MADE to be pulled up and over your knee(scrawny or not)...and then fold down...into the bucket....

Just to make sure that everyone understands this, I do have them folded over into the bucket or typical hollywood "pirate boot" fashion, and that's what refuses to stay in place, the bucket itself keeps falling down.

I think what Dogge is trying to say is instead of having the leather fold out like you see in hollywood...they would be folded into the boot itself. This way the "excess" leather acts as an internal support instead of an external weight pulling the boot cuff down. So tuck them in and not fold them out...


Half Moon Marauders

Irish Diplomacy... is the ability to tell a man to go to hell so that he looks forward to making the trip.

Posted (edited)
I have a pair of sea boots

What pray tell are Sea Boots?

Other than the rubber boots worn by modern fishermen.

Edited by CaptainSatan

As we say in Ireland let's drink until the alcohol in our system destroys our liver and kills us.


I have a pair of sea boots

What pray tell are Sea Boots?

Other than the rubber boots worn by modern fishermen.

"Sea boots" as translated in this spanish drawing are a much smaller boot (I think when compared to bucket boots) coming up below the knee as can be seen on this drawing (circa 1725)



I think suspenders might be what you need. problem is attaching them. If the clip won't work with the vinyl lining (are you sure it is vinyl?) then sew it to the boot and clip it to the pants somehow ...or your underwear ...if you go PC then you will have to clip it to your shirt tails.

Posted (edited)
.....and they were MADE to be pulled up and over your knee(scrawny or not)...and then fold down...into the bucket....

Just to make sure that everyone understands this, I do have them folded over into the bucket or typical hollywood "pirate boot" fashion, and that's what refuses to stay in place, the bucket itself keeps falling down.

they are supposed too....if they are made right....

when mounted...their was often a tie or strap to keep em above the knees...(in case of brambles and the like).....otherwise folded down to fall where they may....if round the ancles...so be it....makes em real...instead of..."finished" and matching.

i have a pair for my Captain of the Marines impression....and often wear them askewed like...one all the way down...one half way up....where ever they are comfy....it shows that they are real and used for real intent.... instead of the more sewn in place look.

...but if ya must.....i have known people to stick a 2 litre soda-pop bottle in there boots(cut in half length ways) to help them keep em up....(wild west/german ww2).....tho i never had too....been blessed with scottish stout calves i have.... :P ...i generall have the opposite problem!!

Edited by M.A.d'Dogge

We have used steel stays inside the boots to keep them up. Sew them in on the bottom and the top, inside the lining if possible. Work great!

The wenches tie their boots under the bucket and above the calf just below the knee - the wider calf then keeps them up.


-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

I tried using a staple gun as well, which seems to be working pretty well, however, I could use longer staples, to fold the points...as the straight points are just coming loose.

dosent that hurt??? :P

Posted (edited)
I tried using a staple gun as well, which seems to be working pretty well, however, I could use longer staples, to fold the points...as the straight points are just coming loose.

dosent that hurt??? :P

I'm sure it hurts the wood pieces I have in the boots right now, but I'm also certain that it would hurt my legs too, so thank god for wood huh? :P

Edited by CaptainThomasBlackthorne


couple o' idears!!

try ace bandages wrapped around the calves as many times as need be to keep them where you want them-- go up and down the length of your leg evenly building up to the girth you need in the gastrocnemius muscle area to keep them up..... then get the self sticking bandages to adhere the ace bandages in place.. forget about those wing shaped metal things--worthless!!

CAVEAT-- DONT CUT OFF THE CIRCULATION TO YOUR FEET! [ why do i feel the need to issue a caveat?][ safety first!]

or how about velcro around the inside of the boot and the opposite side of the velcro to your socks?

or how about stuffing your socks from top to bottom.........

or how about suffing your boot with material from ankle to knee area.........

i would say a fat transplant would be way down on the list for curing this slight problem.. but i will suggest it anyway--there are plastic surgeons who would do this if you asked them---

good luck!

i would say a fat transplant would be way down on the list for curing this slight problem.. but i will suggest it anyway--there are plastic surgeons who would do this if you asked them---

Would that constitute as cosmetic surgery? I have been interested in "fat transplants" for sometime now, simply because I cannot gain weight naturally. No matter how much I eat, drink weight gainers, work out, nothing ever seems to work...I am cursed...


I was cursed. Then, I went to school, earned degrees in subjects involving heavy reading, curse reversed.

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




It sounds a bit 80s, but perhaps wearing leg warmers would keep the boots up?

As we say in Ireland let's drink until the alcohol in our system destroys our liver and kills us.


It sounds a bit 80s, but perhaps wearing leg warmers would keep the boots up?

I thought it. Wasn't going to say it, but thought it.

Legwarmers under striped pop-piratey socks . . .

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina



It sounds a bit 80s, but perhaps wearing leg warmers would keep the boots up?

I thought it. Wasn't going to say it, but thought it.

Legwarmers under striped pop-piratey socks . . .

I think I would rather staple the boots to my legs as someone previously thought I was doing, lol.

I was never one for the stripey sock thing, especially now that we're discussing the disgusting notion of COUPLING them with leg warmers.

In all due respect, I think it is a good idea, just not one I am willing to suffer through.



(I didn't think anyone would take that seriously . . . I didn't.)

-John "Tartan Jack" Wages, of South Carolina




Besides..... wouldn't leg warmers defeat the purpose of wearing boots? You wouldn't be able to see the boots......

I just think they would look kinda silly over bucket boots..... :rolleyes:


(I didn't think anyone would take that seriously . . . I didn't.)

Well now ye know ye can at least count on me for when ye be in need of a good laugh.

(I tend to not catch jokes right away...it's kind of a curse)

Posted (edited)

And there is always the option of getting calf implants.

If you think that you'd feel silly wearing leg warmers underneath your boots :rolleyes:

Edited by CaptainSatan

As we say in Ireland let's drink until the alcohol in our system destroys our liver and kills us.


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