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I use to play when it 1st came out, i loved it but my system stb and i couldnt play. now i just dont have time. any questions you have i could try and answer


Ok first question is, I just learned how to take a ship. Now how do I upgrade the ship. Like add durability to it so if it gets sunk I don't loose it? Can I add cannons and other stuff?

Posted (edited)

If you're a pirate, then all stolen ships will only have a durability of 1. You can add durability by getting ship's deeds - deeds can be converted into a new ship, or used to add durability to an existing ship of the exact same model. You can purchase ship's deeds from the ship seller in the stores, or by stealing them from derelect ships (I believe the salvage skill comes in later, so this might not be an option for you yet.) When you salvage from a derelict, about 5% of the time you'll find a ship's deed amongst the cargo.

When I was just starting, I found the game is wildly more complicated than can be sumarazed in the basic tutorials - things like ship upgrades and durability eluded me for a long while too. My savior was the PotBS Wiki - you'll find loads of info there.

Edited by Bilgemunky



I play as well, and almost every day at that. My advice is to find a really good society on your server (I am on Blackbeard). The best advice comes from those that play often and have played for a long time. I can answer alot of your questions if you have any more of them, and if you happen to be on blackbeard I can invite you to an awesome society. I just recieved a poseiden from one of our ship builders and I must say that it is awesome!


Gage - I'm in Blackbeard too. What society are you in? I've not dealt much with other players ingame (I'm in a society of two :ph34r: )



PotBS is visually stunning and I use to play all the time. Problem I had with it was the pirate end-game has nothing to do with pirates since they operate just like the other empires in the game, in other words, if you try to make a livin' a pyratin' you'll starve.





  • The Charles Towne Few - We shall sail... The sea will be our empire.


So far I've managed to do all right via the pirate lifestyle - level 28 and never bought a ship or participated in the "respectable" economy. No plantations or shipyards, just a couple of warehouse for storing plunder, and I only sail in vessels I've properly "acquired" upon the sea. I'm hardly wealthy, but I only ever use money for buying cannonballs and other consumable items, so my expenses are pretty low.



Hey bilge, I'm in rackams raiders, and I highly recommend it. We have a great group of people who would give you the shirt off of their back more often than not. I'm actually an agent, so if you are interested we would be glad to have you!


Bilge, I never got close to a million doubloons until I started messing with the econ. It's boring but more productive then piratin'. Often I've expended more in taking a prize then I got form it.

I'm an LV48 on Roberts. It's fun because the Brits, Frenchies and Dons are really the Brits, Frenchies and Dons. :P Unfortunately it's kind of dried up in recent months.


  • The Charles Towne Few - We shall sail... The sea will be our empire.


I'll agree that it seems unlikely to get into the "big" money piratin - I usually hover around 50,000 on the books. But like I said, more than enough to restock. And I'm really not sure what I'd need more money for since I steal my ships anyway. Guess I'm a pirate of simple means :P




You can play Pirates of the Caribbean Online for free but only up to a certain level. If you want to go past that then it too is $15/mo. It is more cartoon like but has the advantage that you can crew a ship with other players. Wish PotBS had this feature.


  • The Charles Towne Few - We shall sail... The sea will be our empire.


I haven't played in a while. I've a lvl 50 spanish Freetrader on Antiqua and I think my buccaneer is still on Rackham or maybe Roberts can't remember.

I think once I rebuild my machine after the hard drive crashed I'll get back on and play some more.

So, are you all PvP or PvE or some combo of each? I've been mostly doing PvE, running the missions I could without needing a group.

Maybe I'll cross paths with some of you. Look for Geminia De Caos on Antiqua and Gemini Chaos on Roberts or some variation of those names.

Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.


Crew Of The Vigilant

Baltimore Maryland Based

17th & 18th Century Naval Living History

Crew Of The Vigilant

  Pirate Petee said:
So I bought myself a Jamaican sloop, it had six durability, it is down to four, how do I add or refill durability to it.

You increase durability by purchase of a similar ship deed to the sloop you have. Then go to the harbormaster and the drydock to add the durability of the deed to the ship you currently have. if you still have 4 durability I would not worry too much. by the time you get to 1 dur you might want a different ship. add modifications to your sloop to make her more resistant to damage, and more seaworthy , and dangerous.

It's a great game, but a real time suck if you are not careful. And I HAVE a real life.

  Silken Jack said:
  Pirate Petee said:
So I bought myself a Jamaican sloop, it had six durability, it is down to four, how do I add or refill durability to it.

You increase durability by purchase of a similar ship deed to the sloop you have. Then go to the harbormaster and the drydock to add the durability of the deed to the ship you currently have. if you still have 4 durability I would not worry too much. by the time you get to 1 dur you might want a different ship. add modifications to your sloop to make her more resistant to damage, and more seaworthy , and dangerous.

It's a great game, but a real time suck if you are not careful. And I HAVE a real life.

Or a wife. LOL.

So I can use any old Jamaican sloop ship deed?


As I recall (I am not currently subscribed to the game) "civilian" ships purchased through the auction house ship deed trader have slightly different stats than those posted by players on the auction house. You need to buy the deed of the same stats as the one you have, which I believe is the latter. You can sink a lot of money into this, without real necessity. I had a lighter ship in the game, which I used for getting around quick more than getting into trouble, but had a 13 durability rating. I never came close to using any of that. That was money wasted that I could have put into something else.

When you get to the higher rated ships, even the player- made ones have a fairly low durability rating, and are just horrifically expensive to replace. Which is a good approach to actual period conditions. To lose a " Prince" class first-rate is a disaster that everyone on your side will feel, and feel for you. But first-rates are only done by nations, and you might be playing the Pirate side. I played it as a French privateer, primarily.

I should also say the play of the game up to level 50 and play at level 50 are two different things, almost 2 different games. When I departed, I actually had three characters: my privateer, with which I had much fun; my naval officer, who I developed to be an aid to my nation in port battles pretty exclusively; and my free trader, who handled most of my economic work. I had actually got my privateer into shipbuilding, but was gradually transferring things to the free trader as my free trader rose in level.

Multiple characters enabled me to do different things. My privateer eventually ended up hated by number of national navies as well as the Brethren of the Coast, which inhibited his ability to use the auction houses of foreign countries. My free trader, who had an indifferent relationship with everybody, was in a different situation. Multiple characters also increase the number of ships available to you for special purposes.

A very useful thing also is membership in a player Society; but research carefully before you join. Some of them are organized for the particular purposes of their members; some for national protection in the organization or large port battles; some for economics; some for PVP battling. The level of maturity of the players matters too ; one idiot 13-year-old or emotionally immature 25-year-old can make life in the society very unpleasant. But a healthy society often helps you maximize your economic development and shipbuilding at a rate much less expensive than the auction houses. And one really can't do all one's necessary economics by oneself. and their advice is priceless, as well as the opportunities for gaming... Nothing like systematiclly making life for the British miserable by blockading Guyana or PvPing the Dons as one of a fleet of six! And killing Pirates, I have to admit, was also a joyous activity.

One could also simply play the missions in the game for fun - there are soooo many; and one adventure after another!

You can see why I had to leave! Just too much fun!

  • 5 months later...

I played when it first came out and I'm loading it up again to give the trial another try. Should be fun times


I was a level 49 when I quit playing. I know the game has changed since I played it last. I would really love to play again but can't afford it and don't have time for it with all the buckle making I have to do.

Here's some screen shots that I made when I was playing.



This is the first big ship I captured.





Battle for Port contention. Pirates fared poorly in Port battles, don't know if it's still that way.



In a temple devoted to some heathen god.


My muslim wife in our home. Notice her eyes are red, I think it's from the hepatitis c she received from my characters favorite recreation ashore.


This is a funny one. Anyone who knows of the hornet gunboat knows just how small it is. Pretty much a dingy with a sail and a

solitary cannon. To have a Mississippi company trader give up to me surprised and delighted me.


No Cage for the bones of Gibbet Jones.

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