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I've finally completed my Ph.D !!!!!! I am so excited and relieved. Now I will have some of my free and fun time back!

I've miss everyone here and all of the fun topics. My b/f is happy to finally have me back. A little TOO happy as the clamps were way too tight. "OUCH!"

Guest Angus MacVox

contgratulations! what's your phd in? are you going to be a professor?


Congratulations, lass! And welcome back.

I am with Unkie Angus - what be yer pHd in?

Now we'll 'ave ta call ya "Doctor Jenny G!"

How 'bout "Ship's Doctor"???


Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!)

"Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"


Cograts lady Jenny. Ye be an educated lass. "raises tankard" To you lass!


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


Thanks everyone! My Ph.D is in ... Political Science (YAWN!)

I teach political science now at a local community college, and i guess i could be considered a professor, but I'm not ready for anyone to call me professor LOL!

I can't tell you how relieved I am that it's finally over after years of research LOL! What do do now?! Go out and celebrate and get good and drunk! :D

  Jenny G. said:
I've finally completed my Ph.D !!!!!! I am so excited and relieved. Now I will have some of my free and fun time back!

I've miss everyone here and all of the fun topics. My b/f is happy to finally have me back. A little TOO happy as the clamps were way too tight. "OUCH!"

Congrats Jenny! Drinks on me! :D:D

What is your PhD in? Wait...let me rephase that...In what is your PhD? Wait, that doesn't sound right either...So, what makes ye so smart? No. That's not it... What is your field of study? Aye...that sounds better.


Cap'n Slappy

:D My congratulations to ye Lass :) But political sience does that mean PHD stands fer pile it higher an deeper :D Just kiddin Lass I wishes thee the best in yer career as a educator like .. Oh and oooooh clamps ..... :)

Lord above please send a dove with wings as sharp as razors , to cuts the throats of them there blokes what sells bad booze to sailors ..

" Illigitimiti non carborundum . "


Splice the Mainbrace for Jenny!!


Gettin me masters an m'lady her masters was blimey enough for this stronghold.

But you m'lass have gone one further which to ye we toast with the finest grog on the open sea!

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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