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I've mightily enjoyed the contributions throughout the Pyracy Pub, and hope you might help me. I've recently joined the Pub, hope to participate in PIP and am searching for my niche. First choice: musician, 2nd:Mary Read's cousin, 3rd:Wench Swimming in Ocean...

A professional pianist since age 13, I have a keyboard that I would like to build a case around with appropriate dimensions, wood and square nails, era 1710. Safely yet authentically yellowing the ivories would be a plus, as it has quite a repertoire of GAoP instruments (clavichord,harpsichord, dulcimer, pianoforte). I have a line at present on actual quite-yellowed real ivories. I've played on reproduction and original harpsichords before and they are a pain to constantly tune. This keyboard has an amazing array of realistic voices that would be appropriate for the era. The first piano was made in 1709 by Bartolomeo Cristofori, a Florentine maker of harpsichords who called his instrument:gravicembalo col piano e forte. I'm researching this area at the moment, and would love to hear your ideas on it. I have a wonderful, rare primary source book:John Ashton's Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne which also has a wealth of info on music,operas and concerts, along with some actual 1713 music.

My goal would be to not only educate the public with perhaps the history of the piano, but have some fun in accompanying groups or soloists at both public and private gatherings such as PIP. I LOVE reenacting and have performed most of my life, am comfortable singing, and want to participate in any way @ PIP. I have a motley assortment of weapons and clothing, and would dearly love to do it right with historical accuracy, while maximizing the fun, and keeping on a Billy Bare Bones budget. So- is a harpsichord -playing pirate wench who will be also packing a flintlock pistol too crazy for PIP?


Clearly you haven't been to PIP.

We hang people. Maddogge dresses up in a dress. We fire off cannon until the National Gaurd shows up with a helicopter gunship. What's a piano player amidst the chaos?





  William Red Wake said:
Clearly you haven't been to PIP.

We hang people. Maddogge dresses up in a dress. We fire off cannon until the National Gaurd shows up with a helicopter gunship. What's a piano player amidst the chaos?

For shame, William Red Wake! One would hope that an "oud" pyrate as yeself 'twould appreciate a bit a plunder teken from a rich prize, and have a bit 'o unnderstandin' when ye be low on the totem pole when the spoils be divvied an' I be given a fancy chest for doing my part in the fightin' and, and, and... Well you can well laugh like the others when I opened me prize and found it a box of wires and strings and what-have-you, but I taught meself ta' play shanties and whatnot on it, and when we be in port I carries it off to the the nearest ordinary to entertain all, and perhaps create a diversion for me friends what are short of Black Dogs, and I meself can earn a few Black Dogs for me rum instead of havin' ta' sneak out... Anyways, I play it anyways I @###% well please, as the very next booty I claimed included a cheery blunderbuss, so thars' nary a laughter anymores when I play me harpsichord, not evens when it be referred to by its proper name:the Virginals. And as for Mad Dog- well, I'm just down the road a piece from Bone Island and we sees gents in dresses all the time!


Aye Maddogge just tries to fit in with the natives of the Conch Republic ...besides it gives him a chance to show off his lovely frocks :lol::(:lol:

Posted (edited)

Well obviously the pirates do not appreciate the finer things in life, but the pirate hunters do... so you can always come play at our end of camp... the only thing I would be honestly concerned about would be the humidity on your instrument... it does some nasty things down there... just a thought...oh we have two violinists, possibly three, depending on who all shows, that might be able to play along

Edited by Capt. Sterling

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




For shame...?

You asked if a harpsichord would be 'too crazy' for PIP. Clearly it isn't crazy. PIP itself can be crazy, but music is always welcome.





  Capt. Sterling said:
Well obviously the pirates do not appreciate the finer things in life, but the pirate hunters do... so you can always come play at our end of camp... the only thing I would be honestly concerned about would be the humidity on your instrument... it does some nasty things down there... just a thought...oh we have two violinists, possibly three, depending on who all shows, that might be able to play along
Well, Capt. Sterling, thee be quite the gentleman, and you've truly tickled my fancy, that you have.Truth be told, I be in a tiny humble abode high up overlooking the water, living on an isle with all me windows open year-round to catch the breeze skimming through. For 'tis not the humidity itself but the stillness of the air that most hurt grand pianos and sundry instruments. Like sailing 'pon the water, 'tis the doldrums that ye must be wary of. I thank thee kindly, and must confess that I truly look forward to making music with thems that will have me, for I have a lusty repertoire of after-hour songs.
  Shay of the Keys said:
  Capt. Sterling said:
Well obviously the pirates do not appreciate the finer things in life, but the pirate hunters do... so you can always come play at our end of camp... the only thing I would be honestly concerned about would be the humidity on your instrument... it does some nasty things down there... just a thought...oh we have two violinists, possibly three, depending on who all shows, that might be able to play along
Well, Capt. Sterling, thee be quite the gentleman, and you've truly tickled my fancy, that you have.Truth be told, I be in a tiny humble abode high up overlooking the water, living on an isle with all me windows open year-round to catch the breeze skimming through. For 'tis not the humidity itself but the stillness of the air that most hurt grand pianos and sundry instruments. Like sailing 'pon the water, 'tis the doldrums that ye must be wary of. I thank thee kindly, and must confess that I truly look forward to making music with thems that will have me, for I have a lusty repertoire of after-hour songs.

oi...she said lusty!!! :lol: ...she'll fit in wif the likes of us!?!?...even if she does live in Lighthouse wit nary nuthin but a pi-any......they float right?? :(


OI! Why do they always fall for the Capt'n? Seems every time they fall for 'im.

Yes I think the harpsichord would sound lovely next to my flower pot.


If your wonderin what that is, well you'll just have to see at PiP.

  William Red Wake said:
For shame...?

You asked if a harpsichord would be 'too crazy' for PIP. Clearly it isn't crazy. PIP itself can be crazy, but music is always welcome.

My 'umble apologies, Sir William; I tho't that ye be chastising me. So now I'm right and proper mollified. And 'twould ye be bringing that oud of your'n?

  Jack Roberts said:
OI! Why do they always fall for the Capt'n? Seems every time they fall for 'im.

Yes I think the harpsichord would sound lovely next to my flower pot.


If your wonderin what that is, well you'll just have to see at PiP.

ooooowwwww!! 'Tis terrible cruel of ye, Jack Roberts, for 'tis more than a fathom of months till PIP, and I shall be in a deplorable state of curiousity meantimes. On the other hand, if it's teasing ye like, ye may 'ave met your match. Fair warning, especially if ye be a gamester!


Oi! Shay! Would bae louvlay t'ave such music playin in m'ordinary whilst d'likes uv Sterlin n' Brand discuss d'finer point's uv polatiks.

(In other words, tell me what songs to learn and I will sing along with you as will Ruzsty Nell and any number of the lads. If it rains I shall remove a table just so you can remain dry while entertaining at "The Sealkie's Hide". Jack ...bring the flower pot also!)


Wouldn't a Harpsichord be safer located inside of the Fort, maybe kinda close to the Tavern? ...not exactly inside the Tavern, but at least inside one of the gun ports so it would be safe from the rain (if it decides to rain)....?

I'm not a musician (wot I can play on th' concertina don't count....) but wouldn't the acoustics be better inside one of the gun ports?


No harm done and no need of harm. I'll never turn away a good musician. As for the oud, my intentions to buy one have always been interrupted by other requirements, so I haven't purchased one yet. More's the pity. I really do want one. Perhaps I'll finish my flute before PIP.





Posted (edited)
  Patrick Hand said:
Wouldn't a Harpsichord be safer located inside of the Fort, maybe kinda close to the Tavern? ...not exactly inside the Tavern, but at least inside one of the gun ports so it would be safe from the rain (if it decides to rain)....?

I'm not a musician (wot I can play on th' concertina don't count....) but wouldn't the acoustics be better inside one of the gun ports?

The problem I have with the acoustics inside the fort is the blasted echo! I can't hear over the din. It is all muddied up. However, Shay can play where ere Shay wishes. I am sure that none would be opposed to music in either place. I would however be delighted if said musician would grace the "Hide" with the sweet sounds of the harpsichord some day or evening.

some day I shall learn to run spell check before posting! lol

Edited by Silkie McDonough
  Silkie McDonough said:
Oi! Shay! Would bae louvlay t'ave such music playin in m'ordinary whilst d'likes uv Sterlin n' Brand discuss d'finer point's uv polatiks.

(In other words, tell me what songs to learn and I will sing along with you as will Ruzsty Nell and any number of the lads. If it rains I shall remove a table just so you can remain dry while entertaining at "The Sealkie's Hide". Jack ...bring the flower pot also!)

OOOh! Ye truly be a gem of Ladies, Mistress McDonough, and I am indebted to thee. Aye, let the gents speak of Politicks and such, whilst we make merry with all types of music. I be learning the songs what Nell gave so generously on the posts, and be composing quite a few meself to match the occasion for whens we be taking our ease as of the evenings, plus I 'twould be honored ta play at "The Sealkie's Hide" the current music from 'The Dancing Master; I have the new 1713 edition, and 'tis lovely ta hear! I thank thee! (and if ye be needing any help in borrowing cast iron cookware or extra-large wooden spoons I have them aplenty)

-Shay of the Keys, but I be pleased ta have ye call me by my Christian name: it be Treva.

  Shay of the Keys said:
  Silkie McDonough said:
Oi! Shay! Would bae louvlay t'ave such music playin in m'ordinary whilst d'likes uv Sterlin n' Brand discuss d'finer point's uv polatiks.

(In other words, tell me what songs to learn and I will sing along with you as will Ruzsty Nell and any number of the lads. If it rains I shall remove a table just so you can remain dry while entertaining at "The Sealkie's Hide". Jack ...bring the flower pot also!)

OOOh! Ye truly be a gem of Ladies, Mistress McDonough, and I am indebted to thee. Aye, let the gents speak of Politicks and such, whilst we make merry with all types of music. I be learning the songs what Nell gave so generously on the posts, and be composing quite a few meself to match the occasion for whens we be taking our ease as of the evenings, plus I 'twould be honored ta play at "The Sealkie's Hide" the current music from 'The Dancing Master; I have the new 1713 edition, and 'tis lovely ta hear! I thank thee! (and if ye be needing any help in borrowing cast iron cookware or extra-large wooden spoons I have them aplenty)

-Shay of the Keys, but I be pleased ta have ye call me by my Christian name: it be Treva.

Treva-Shay....!?!? :rolleyes: !?!?

  Patrick Hand said:

Wouldn't a Harpsichord be safer located inside of the Fort, maybe kinda close to the Tavern? ...not exactly inside the Tavern, but at least inside one of the gun ports so it would be safe from the rain (if it decides to rain)....?

I'm not a musician (wot I can play on th' concertina don't count....) but wouldn't the acoustics be better inside one of the gun ports?

Aye, Patrick, and I be doubly grateful ta thee for the wise counsel, as I don't mind a bit a' rain on meself, but 'tis a travesty on me harpsichord, and I need ta be finding a safe place ta play and put it ta bed at night. Do the gun ports have roofs and walls? 'Tis a bit of embarrassment, but I have not had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of the Fort, though I be living in the Keys. Do you know if the grounds be open year-round or to whom I may be enquiring as to construction or possible status of a safe haven, now that Harry be departing to the West?


Hehehe ...Treva Shay ...love it!

As t'dance, Mistress Alexander is a dancer, she too will be thrilled t'ave ya around! Now ...to make myself start learning these blasted songs.

  Silkie McDonough said:
Hehehe ...Treva Shay ...love it!

As t'dance, Mistress Alexander is a dancer, she too will be thrilled t'ave ya around! Now ...to make myself start learning these blasted songs.

easy....sounds like she gots a helluva arm...can hit from a mile away!?!? :rolleyes:

  M.A.d said:
  Shay of the Keys said:
  Silkie McDonough said:
Oi! Shay! Would bae louvlay t'ave such music playin in m'ordinary whilst d'likes uv Sterlin n' Brand discuss d'finer point's uv polatiks.

(In other words, tell me what songs to learn and I will sing along with you as will Ruzsty Nell and any number of the lads. If it rains I shall remove a table just so you can remain dry while entertaining at "The Sealkie's Hide". Jack ...bring the flower pot also!)

OOOh! Ye truly be a gem of Ladies, Mistress McDonough, and I am indebted to thee. Aye, let the gents speak of Politicks and such, whilst we make merry with all types of music. I be learning the songs what Nell gave so generously on the posts, and be composing quite a few meself to match the occasion for whens we be taking our ease as of the evenings, plus I 'twould be honored ta play at "The Sealkie's Hide" the current music from 'The Dancing Master; I have the new 1713 edition, and 'tis lovely ta hear! I thank thee! (and if ye be needing any help in borrowing cast iron cookware or extra-large wooden spoons I have them aplenty)

-Shay of the Keys, but I be pleased ta have ye call me by my Christian name: it be Treva.

Treva-Shay....!?!? :rolleyes: !?!?

Aye, Mad Dog, deceptively simple yet always striving for accuracy above all else, delightfully obsolete in many ways yet still packing a punch. And.... the French translation for the trebuchet is "to fall over or rotate about the middle"...a handy reminder not to emulate when imbibing!!


the tavern is fine in the day however it can get a little crazy in the evenings. Don't worry we will find a safe place for your baby to sleep. Yes the gun ports have walls and roof. If you have any requests for music or questions, Rusty is my wife so.... "Fire away."

Illustration courtesy of Patrick Hand, and his Pyrate Comix. To see comic in it's entirety, click below

http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=13374 All rights reserved.

  Cannibal Chrispy said:
the tavern is fine in the day however it can get a little crazy in the evenings. Don't worry we will find a safe place for your baby to sleep. Yes the gun ports have walls and roof. If you have any requests for music or questions, Rusty is my wife so.... "Fire away."

"Tis pleased I be indeed, for I have much enjoyed Rusty Nell's wonderful contributions! She be my heroine since I stumbled upon this gathering of truly fascinating folk, and the B.I.B. songs were a joy to discover. Many thanks to you, Rusty!! I've still a myriad of queries concerning dress, but will keep reading the posts and tracing primary sources while working on the harpsichord.

Thank you both for your help!! - Shay of the Keys


The tents of the encampments will hold out even a stout rain, but as a precaution, I would recommend making a bag or covering of weatherproof canvas. This could be sealed in various way, including a good coating of tar. Their are a great many here that could tell you have to make one, and it would provide protection from the elements and a means for transporting it about the festival.





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