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Finally, It is safe to go back into the water.... The Shark Red Eye ha

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Finally, It is safe to go back into the water...

the Shark Red Eye Has been to the Dentist & all his teeth got torn out!

Mad Props and Congrats to Mad Eye for his BIG win in court yesterday!

Mad Eye Won against... RED Eye aka Andre Vriese...

Red Eye the black-hearted pirate vendor from Southern Cali ...

Red Eye who has been cast out and set adrift ....

Red Eye who will forever wear the Black Spot, the sign of a traitor... all over his face!

Applause and Congrats go to you Mad Eye...

You ARRR the pirate hero of the day... nay of the year!

Mad Eye you did what needed to be done! Your defeat of the carpetbagger "Red Eye" in the Van Nuys California court was Awesome.

Finally it is safe to go back into the water....as true blue pirates.

This is a well deserved victory for you and long overdue.

It seems that red eye is now reaping his own karma with all the bad luck he is having. And it will only continue....The Bad JU JU that the VooDoo Gods have brought down on his head is going to be severe. Three times worse than what he has done to all the others he has wronged.

You Mad Eye, and so many other pirate we all know were wronged by RED EYE. Now you have been vindicated with this win.

All of us have been bothered and harassed as Red Eye continued his year long unwarranted tirade of rants and raves against many of us legit pirates. Red Eye has been an annoying thorn in the sides of so many pirate in Southern California and in New Orleans. Red Eye's cowardly way of fighting us was with filing endless frivolous lawsuits over and over, and finally today Red Eye was beaten and completely defeated against Mad Eye.

Mad Eye won in the Van Nuys California Superior Court. Mad Eye won a well deserved substantial monetary award settlement.

Now Red Eye must pay...

This is great and glorious news for you Mad Eye and for all the other good guys & good pirates!

Thanks for making it safe to go back into the water .... as good upstanding true-blue Pirates!


Not in these waters, it ain't safe. Idunno who the Shark Red Eye be (do I really wanna?), but clap yer deadlights on this bit of local news, and ponder...

Akron OH might be on the way to overtaking Florida in raising alligators...tastes just like chicken!


Damn, thats sharp!


Two 'gators?????? Not even close. Lake Jesup up hear has a population that rivals the Glades. I see them everyday when I'm out driving doing deliveries. Once while crossing a bridge over Lake Jesup, I counted 10 in a group. Keep trying Ohio.


Buccaneer - Services to the highest bidder!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

For those interested here's the latest scoop on the red-eyed villian.

This is truly a case of I told you so and I hope Ms. Shayna gives me an apology for her cruel words to me.

Liar Liar

  • 2 months later...

Fans of ol' Red Eye have GOT to check this out!


Finally, It is safe to go back into the water...

the Shark Red Eye Has been to the Dentist & all his teeth got torn out!

Mad Props and Congrats to Mad Eye for his BIG win in court yesterday!

Mad Eye Won against... RED Eye aka Andre Vriese...

Red Eye the black-hearted pirate vendor from Southern Cali ...

Red Eye who has been cast out and set adrift ....

Red Eye who will forever wear the Black Spot, the sign of a traitor... all over his face!

Applause and Congrats go to you Mad Eye...

You ARRR the pirate hero of the day... nay of the year!

Mad Eye you did what needed to be done! Your defeat of the carpetbagger "Red Eye" in the Van Nuys California court was Awesome.

Finally it is safe to go back into the water....as true blue pirates.

This is a well deserved victory for you and long overdue.

It seems that red eye is now reaping his own karma with all the bad luck he is having. And it will only continue....The Bad JU JU that the VooDoo Gods have brought down on his head is going to be severe. Three times worse than what he has done to all the others he has wronged.

You Mad Eye, and so many other pirate we all know were wronged by RED EYE. Now you have been vindicated with this win.

All of us have been bothered and harassed as Red Eye continued his year long unwarranted tirade of rants and raves against many of us legit pirates. Red Eye has been an annoying thorn in the sides of so many pirate in Southern California and in New Orleans. Red Eye's cowardly way of fighting us was with filing endless frivolous lawsuits over and over, and finally today Red Eye was beaten and completely defeated against Mad Eye.

Mad Eye won in the Van Nuys California Superior Court. Mad Eye won a well deserved substantial monetary award settlement.

Now Red Eye must pay...

This is great and glorious news for you Mad Eye and for all the other good guys & good pirates!

Thanks for making it safe to go back into the water .... as good upstanding true-blue Pirates!


Seriously, are we still talking about this? Whatever litigation is on between Mitch and Andre is not a public affair - I'm happy to see folks talk about the pros and cons of attending PyrateCon, but not this crap. And Tess, I don't like the look of that link. What the hell does it go to? It's a rather abnormal URL - maybe it's a forum, maybe it's malware. But I won't be the first to click it and find out.



Seriously, are we still talking about this? Whatever litigation is on between Mitch and Andre is not a public affair - I'm happy to see folks talk about the pros and cons of attending PyrateCon, but not this crap. And Tess, I don't like the look of that link. What the hell does it go to? It's a rather abnormal URL - maybe it's a forum, maybe it's malware. But I won't be the first to click it and find out.

Didn’t intend to offend you, Bilge, but the reason it’s still being batted about is because of it’s continued and annually renewed relevancy. Admittedly the link is a bit juvenile, and not strictly on topic, so I’ll accept the slap the on the back of the head for that and consider it deserved. But in actuality, determinations on court cases are a matter of public record, which is just how it should be. How else are we to know that justice is being served? Discussions about the pros and cons of attending PyrateCon are just a vague and polite step away from “this crap”, but it’s “this crap” and yet more and more “crap” of it’s ilk that continue to pile up every year that began the discussions in the first place - and keep 'em going. Frankly, I believe that it’s “crap” such as this that is pertinent and should be known before anyone decides to give this event further patronage.


I suppose I could relent that the PyrateCon fueding is 10% relevant, but still 90% crap. There is clearly a lot of bitterness in southern california, and I'm not much inclined to believe any post I read as being unbiased, especially when most are overly long, juvenille, and full seething anger, petty jabs, and unsubstantiated rumors that don't matter a lick to those of us involved.

"Person A has just been caught stealing from Person B and Person A has also kicks puppies so if you've ever had business relations with Person A WATCH YOUR BACK Person B is now starting their own pirate festival and it will definitely be the BEST FESTIVAL EVER you should never ever ever go to Person A's events because they robbed me of tens of thousands of dollars THIS IS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS!!!"

Really, that's how it all reads anymore. Hell, even the PR piece about Mitch's new Pirate Daze published in the NQG 15th Anniversary Issue was 2/3s about how bad Andre is, and how Mitch and his mother (yes, his mother) have a good lawyer. Only the final paragraph bothered to explain to us - the potential attendees - what the event actually has in store and why we should wish to patronize their efforts.



Normally I wouldn't say much anymore, but the fact is when NQG sides with the majority of those who got the shaft from Andre (themselves included), you have to wonder what kind of idiot he is. :(

We all have our opinions and we are all able to state them, ya or nay. :(


I suppose I could relent that the PyrateCon fueding is 10% relevant, but still 90% crap. There is clearly a lot of bitterness in southern california, and I'm not much inclined to believe any post I read as being unbiased, especially when most are overly long, juvenille, and full seething anger, petty jabs, and unsubstantiated rumors that don't matter a lick to those of us involved.

"Person A has just been caught stealing from Person B and Person A has also kicks puppies so if you've ever had business relations with Person A WATCH YOUR BACK Person B is now starting their own pirate festival and it will definitely be the BEST FESTIVAL EVER you should never ever ever go to Person A's events because they robbed me of tens of thousands of dollars THIS IS IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS!!!"

Really, that's how it all reads anymore. Hell, even the PR piece about Mitch's new Pirate Daze published in the NQG 15th Anniversary Issue was 2/3s about how bad Andre is, and how Mitch and his mother (yes, his mother) have a good lawyer. Only the final paragraph bothered to explain to us - the potential attendees - what the event actually has in store and why we should wish to patronize their efforts.

Oh dear….yes indeed, I must concede (with feeling) that some testimonials of being a Con partner would have benefited profoundly and taken much more seriously if time had been taken to CALM DOWN and take a deep breath before slamming it down and throwing it into public forums without even stopping long enough to proof-read it - not to mention how much of this unedited testimonial the public would even be able to understand and take in before giving up in disgust. It is difficult to feel empathy for a person’s plight after you have long gone glassy-eyed from attempting to follow a single train of thought to it’s completion…and failing. But, people tend to have very strong opinions about a subject after they’ve been taken for the proverbial hard ride - this, of course, being a perfect case in point. This does not, however, make them biased (indicating little or no basis for their opinion, view, and/or anger) or make their complaints (no matter how annoying they are to read about) unfounded or untrue. And certainly in partner number 1’s case, it appears his complaints and charges could in fact be substantiated and proven after all, doesn‘t it? Personally, I think it is tragic that partner number 2 has more or less shot herself in the foot due to her method of communicating her story, as in many circles it’s been thrown out whole as so much tiresome trash. And partner number 3 has burned so many bridges and alienated so many simply by defending Andre so ferociously with complete disregard for her own back, that many simply don’t care about her sacrifices or the (alleged) significant price she has had to pay for the privilege of being the latest partner-cum- volunteer. Now, how pathetically ironic is that?

By the way….whatever happened to the original creator of the Con? This event seems to have broken out of the gate with a nefarious past built in from the beginning.

But as the saying goes, there are two sides to every story and somewhere in the middle is the truth. If that is the case, and even half of what has been relayed to the public from all partners is true….well. Damn. At the very least it certainly explains why so many events promised on any of the Con’s itineraries don’t make it to realization. Oh, and never mentioned again, or as you yourself have pointed out as a paying guest, not even an apology offered up for it’s absence. AND the redundant disorganization. Delivering a good Con just doesn’t seem to be a top priority to it‘s organizers - honestly, how can it be? That so much damage is alleged to be happening to individuals in the name of the Con….that is disturbing and worrisome, and I feel that you don’t have to be intimately involved with the specifics for that to be your business as a potential customer. And also just stepping back and taking a look objectively - any partnership that can turn a normally good-hearted and strong-minded person into an incoherent hysteric….or making it a priority to state in a reputable magazine just how much Andre sucks BEFORE promoting his own event….well, that’s just really bad mojo, my friend. But here‘s the real question for you , my dear “I don’t want to hear about this crap” friend - if the head honcho can repeatedly treat his own co-promoters with such blatant disregard (giving him an enormous benefit of the doubt, as this would just indicate a passive, rather than an active or directed hostile intent), just how concerned do you think he’s going to be about you as a faceless guest getting the most for your buck at his convention? What has REALLY improved over the course of the three Cons - um, besides the speed and efficiency of demoting and removing the partner-du-jour?




Posted (edited)

Well, what the hell. I might as well add my two cents.

I don't really care who's at fault or who did what to who. However, Bilge, there are others outside of Southern California who've had the misfortune of getting the shaft by this said individual, they just don't talk about it here. But I've heard the stories from those people first hand from their own mouths.

I don't personally care about this one way or the other. Haven't done PyrateCon since year 1. Don't plan to ever do it going forward.

But, I will say that:

1) Freedom of speech is a fundamental right and as long as it is not of malicious intent, it should be supported and condoned.

2) There are lots of people who are new here that deserve to make their own informed decisions, pro and con about this situation. Otherwise, pirates here have the potential to be scammed as well, if there is scamming going on. As PT Barnum said, "A sucker is born every minute" and an opportunist can root them out before they even knew what hit them.

Oh, and I clicked on the site and it's not malware. It's just one person's version of the truth as much as I'm sure Andre has his version. And somewhere in the middle lies the complete truth.

People here can make up there own minds about what is true and what isn't. However, the resolution of litigation in a court of law is pretty finite. It's not hearsay, it's not innuendo. It is indeed public record and let the facts of the case and the truth of the matter prevail. But it does deserve to be aired.

It's the job of the moderators to keep this civil and not be reduced to name calling and I think they've shown good judgement on that in the past, including slapping me down a time or too in my crankier days.

-- Hurricane

Edited by hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


Well, what the hell. I might as well add my two cents.

I don't really care who's at fault or who did what to who. However, Bilge, there are others outside of Southern California who've had the misfortune of getting the shaft by this said individual, they just don't talk about it here. But I've heard the stories from those people first hand from their own mouths.

I don't personally care about this one way or the other. Haven't done PyrateCon since year 1. Don't plan to ever do it going forward.

But, I will say that:

1) Freedom of speech is a fundamental right and as long as it is not of malicious intent, it should be supported and condoned.

2) There are lots of people who are new here that deserve to make their own informed decisions, pro and con about this situation. Otherwise, pirates here have the potential to be scammed as well, if there is scamming going on. As PT Barnum said, "A sucker is born every minute" and an opportunist can root them out before they even knew what hit them.

Oh, and I clicked on the site and it's not malware. It's just one person's version of the truth as much as I'm sure Andre has his version. And somewhere in the middle lies the complete truth.

People here can make up there own minds about what is true and what isn't. However, the resolution of litigation in a court of law is pretty finite. It's not hearsay, it's not innuendo. It is indeed public record and let the facts of the case and the truth of the matter prevail. But it does deserve to be aired.

It's the job of the moderators to keep this civil and not be reduced to name calling and I think they've shown good judgement on that in the past, including slapping me down a time or too in my crankier days.

-- Hurricane

Hear hear, Hurricane, and God bless yer head. There is no doubt - at least in my mind - that Andre has cut a very wide swath and left a lot of grief behind him, even before he went into the “convention“ business. I often wonder if some of us had spoken up and not just cut our losses and kept our mouths shut, if this Con business would ever have gotten this ridiculous. I’ll go so far as to say that we might have actually saved a few from the same fate.

Pirahna has been soooo harshly criticized for her version of dealing with Andre, but at least she spoke up, dammit. Then she held her own when the fallout started and refused to be cowed or swayed. It took a lot of guts and I’ve got nothing but admiration for her. That’s a heck of lot more than I can say about the masses of the rest of us - oh yeah, myself included - and she makes me feel ashamed of myself. That she continues to be slammed about it just gives me REALLY tight jaws.

1) Freedom of speech is a fundamental right and as long as it is not of malicious intent, it should be supported and condoned.

Just because we're free to speak doesn't mean it's always appropriate or a good idea. But please note that not once have I suggested the moderators should intervene - I am not a supporter of censorship. A little etiquette, however, is a wonderful thing.

This thread started with a sort of a "dancing on Andre's grave, Mitch is the hero of day" sort of post. It wasn't a link to a court decision or newspaper article, it was more word of mouth from someone who clearly has an axe to grind - an axe that, while possibly justified, had little to nothing to do with the public aspects of PyrateCon, which people can (and should) feel free to openly discuss. But there is a such thing as personal and professional decorum which seems to be sadly lacking amongst the PyrateCon scufflers.

And for the record, please don't interpret my fatigue regarding the PyrateCon he-said she-said as defending or condemning either side - the complaints regarding Andre seem legion, and while some of them don't fully add up, I'd be quite daft if I was to assume it was all born of nothing but malcontents and active imaginations. If folks have been wronged, they should absolutely seek due compensation and I hope that justice is served. But The Pub isn’t in a position to serve justice – in this paritular case it seems ill-suited for much of anything except gossip, rumors, and venting.

Oh, and I eventually clicked the link - the result was idiotic and juvenile.

However, Bilge, there are others outside of Southern California who've had the misfortune of getting the shaft by this said individual, they just don't talk about it here.

Good for them - I'm glad to hear that not everyone feels a public forum for pirate enthusiasts is the place to air grievances that are better addressed through other, more productive channels.



This topic is a horse that has gone beyond being beaten to death. Over the past year it has been beaten into dust. I doubt there is anything new that can be added by either side. I also doubt this very heated debate is helping promote either event. People may chose to ignore both venues, and attend events closer to home, where the atmosphere isn't so charged with discord and animosity. I would like to quietly suggest that, here on the Pub at least, everyone let the dust settle and move on. Whatever litigation is taking place is between the parties involved.

Respectfully submitted,


...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


This topic is a horse that has gone beyond being beaten to death. Over the past year it has been beaten into dust. I doubt there is anything new that can be added by either side. I also doubt this very heated debate is helping promote either event. People may chose to ignore both venues, and attend events closer to home, where the atmosphere isn't so charged with discord and animosity. I would like to quietly suggest that, here on the Pub at least, everyone let the dust settle and move on. Whatever litigation is taking place is between the parties involved.

Respectfully submitted,


Arghhh, Ransom, and undoubtedly showing much better sense as well. I’m a relative newcomer here and my priority should be to play nice with my mates rather than start kicking up the proverbial dirt. As you have probably gathered by now, this subject still gets my back up dry.gif ….but I’ll go slap the wind out of my sails and knock back a stiff one for the common peace…

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