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Everything posted by Piranha

  1. Finally, It is safe to go back into the water... the Shark Red Eye Has been to the Dentist & all his teeth got torn out! Mad Props and Congrats to Mad Eye for his BIG win in court yesterday! Mad Eye Won against... RED Eye aka Andre Vriese... Red Eye the black-hearted pirate vendor from Southern Cali ... Red Eye who has been cast out and set adrift .... Red Eye who will forever wear the Black Spot, the sign of a traitor... all over his face! Applause and Congrats go to you Mad Eye... You ARRR the pirate hero of the day... nay of the year! Mad Eye you did what needed to be done! Your defeat of the carpetbagger "Red Eye" in the Van Nuys California court was Awesome. Finally it is safe to go back into the water....as true blue pirates. This is a well deserved victory for you and long overdue. It seems that red eye is now reaping his own karma with all the bad luck he is having. And it will only continue....The Bad JU JU that the VooDoo Gods have brought down on his head is going to be severe. Three times worse than what he has done to all the others he has wronged. You Mad Eye, and so many other pirate we all know were wronged by RED EYE. Now you have been vindicated with this win. All of us have been bothered and harassed as Red Eye continued his year long unwarranted tirade of rants and raves against many of us legit pirates. Red Eye has been an annoying thorn in the sides of so many pirate in Southern California and in New Orleans. Red Eye's cowardly way of fighting us was with filing endless frivolous lawsuits over and over, and finally today Red Eye was beaten and completely defeated against Mad Eye. Mad Eye won in the Van Nuys California Superior Court. Mad Eye won a well deserved substantial monetary award settlement. Now Red Eye must pay... This is great and glorious news for you Mad Eye and for all the other good guys & good pirates! Thanks for making it safe to go back into the water .... as good upstanding true-blue Pirates!
  2. Piranha

    Piranha Swann Kidd with mates and crew

    Pictures of Piranha with mates and Crew
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