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Captain Jim reporting back for (more) active duty

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Hey, all. Some of you have noticed that my post rate has been down quite a bit lately, that I went missing there for about a month. Well it seems I was busy trying not to die.

The short of it is that I had my appendix removed at the ripe old age of 51. Indications are that it should have been done at 50. I am recovering.

The long version is that my appendix didn't go down like a normal appendix where the victim gets excruciating pain in the lower right abdomen, goes to the hospital, has it removed and is back on the street two days later and to work a few days after that. No, mine had been chronically infected for anywhere from eight months to a year, the infection slowly spreading until February 10 when it went critical, probably kicked off by some stomach bug the kids brought home from day care. The kids got over the bug in 24 hours. I kept getting these 104 degree fevers about every four to six hours until I went to the ER on the 13th (yes, that would be Friday the Thirteenth. I should have known). I suggested that it might be my appendix as my entire abdomen was involved. The on-duty Doc did the normal appendix test (pokes the appendix area: if its infected the patient screams). I had no centralized pain so he concluded that I had a virus and would get over it in time. Over the weekend more fevers. Went to my GP on Monday. Same appendix test. Sent out for blood work, to return in two days. Nothing in the blood work to pinpoint the source of infection. More fevers, more blood work searching for the source. All of my organs reported in normal, nothing terribly out of whack except my white cell count was off the chart. Five separate consulting physicians were brought in. Yes I had an infection, just no one knew where. The one thing that they all agreed on was that it couldn't be my appendix because I had no localized pain there. Eventually I was sent for a blood culture test, to determine if I was suffering from some sort of blood infection. The results came back marked "Possible sample contamination" because there was so much going on in there. My circulatory system had become a petting zoo. My GP suggested that I check into the hospital, so I could be monitored more closely. Too bad he forgot to prescribe Tylenol, a substance that had become my best friend. Without it and without authorization to get it in the hospital my record temperature was pegged at 104.7. Some minor hallucinations. Blood tests every four hours. Isolation room, as no one knew what it was that I had. It was a rough first night.

Now mind you that this was Friday, March the sixth, three and one-half weeks after the initial February 10th "stomach virus." I would eventually lose 25 pounds. As I didn't have 25 pounds to lose I started giving up muscle mass.

Saturday the seventh, in hospital, more blood tests, including another culture test. More specialists were brought in, including representatives from the Center for Disease Control, cancer specialists, blood specialists. Same results as before: I was loaded with wildlife but without any obvious source since it couldn't be my appendix. Saturday afternoon a CT scan was ordered. All the while fevers topping out at 104 (I had Tylenol again.)

Sunday AM I am declared non-infectious and the isolation order is lifted. I can now be visited by my wife, friends and family (but not my kids: I looked like something out of a bad zombie flick. It would have scared the crap out of them. Hell, I was scaring the crap out of me.) Sunday afternoon the results of the CT scan had been analyzed and...it was my appendix after all. Two hours later that puppy was gone. As I had a laproscopic surgery I got to see a picture of the appendix in situ: It was huge, misshapen and had a spidery-looking, necrotic, gangrenous abscess on it. It had been infected for some time. Now I know why I needed those naps after the battles at PiP: I was fighting it off way back then.

I spent five more days in the hospital. After returning home I was pretty useless. I would cook myself breakfast and then put it in the 'fridge because I was too tired to eat it. I'm still working at recovering anything like stamina, still need periodic naps. Gaining weight by working out and taking walks. I look pretty good, I just have no reserve gas in the tank.

Every day after returning home I had to drive in to Bradenton (50 miles each way) for intraveinous antibiotics to get rid of the various critters that had taken up residence. Patti drove the first few days. After that I drove but had to stop on the way to rest. Thirty minutes was about my limit behind the wheel. Then I'd pull over, nap a bit, then continue on. It took an hour and a half the first day I went solo to drive the 50 miles. I got better at it after about a week. Those treatments lasted six weeks.

Something else turned up on the CT scan that I'm still working on. I have blood clots everywhere, probably as a result of the prolonged generalized infections. Some are quite large and in bad places but no occlusions have occurred. I'm taking "blood thinners" (anticoagulants) to dissolve them. Another CT scan is scheduled for early May. In the meantime I've become a self-induced hemophiliac. I'm actually under Doc's orders not to do anything where I might get hurt. No ladders, no power tools. A broken arm could prove fatal at this point. A paper cut took three days to stop bleeding.

So I'm getting to the point that I'm able to get some things done around the house and have time left over to hang out at the Pub again, so I'll be posting a bit more often. I tried a couple of times when I first got home and couldn't read for more than about 15 minutes. By the way, you people write way too much stuff. I got on line yesterday and had to wade through 15 pages just of topics that had been updated since I had last signed on.

To quote Monty Python, "I'm not dead yet!"

Many thanks have to go to my wife, Patti, who had to go to work and then take care of the three kids and the two eight-week-old labrador puppies we got two days before I went into the hospital. She was a trooper. She's still going to kick my ass when I get better for scaring her so badly.

Bizarre post script to the above episode: My 29-year-old daughter who lives in Kentucky called while I was in the hospital and gave me hell for not supporting her genetically. It seems that her mother and half-brother had both lost their appendixes and I was supposed to supply the genetic material that would allow her to not worry about losing her appendix. So she read me the riot act for losing my appendix, thereby disappointing her genetically.

She contracted appendicitis and had her appendix removed exactly two weeks later.

It's good to be back.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Good to have you back, even if you aren't in one piece any more..

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




'Twas but a small piece. I shan't miss it. Glad to have it gone, actually, traitorous bit of flesh that it was.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Yeah, they're sisters, blacks. I'll post pictures soon.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


It's dark out...have you ever tried to take a picture of a black lab at night? Hell, it's hard finding a black lab at night.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Oi he's just making excuses...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Yeah excuses, excuses. :huh:

Wow! I'm sooo glad your still with us Jim. I'll be praying for you. I certainly hope you can regain your strength.

I hope to see you at PiP again this year. Glad you made it so far.


You went to a chirurgeon without consulting any of your shipmates.

How would we know who to string up if something had gone wrong? There were profound threats to be made. Assurances to be considered. Shares to divide in the event of...well...

We're glad you're fine.





  William Red Wake said:
Shares to divide in the event of...well...

Nice..... :huh:

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



Posted (edited)
  Capt. Sterling said:
  William Red Wake said:
Shares to divide in the event of...well...

Nice..... :huh:

My shipmates...got to watch my back, I do...

And not to worry, Jack, I will be back at PiP.

William, I realize I was in error in not having one of you standing by in the surgery to ah, press my case with the physicians. Still, seeing as how you were planning to divide my shares so quickly, I may want someone else to accompany you should the time ever come again. Just bein' cautious is all...

Edited by Captain Jim


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Glad to hear the sawbones found out what was ailing you lad ....would hate for you to have to meet my ex-wife (she runs the gates of Hell) ....We'll keep a light burning for you lad; just so you can find your way back t' PIP ...follow the doctor's orders for now and get better and stronger every day ...I'll be sending extra prayers up for you. God Bless Patti and you too :huh::huh::huh:

  Captain Jim said:
  Capt. Sterling said:
  William Red Wake said:
Shares to divide in the event of...well...

Nice..... :lol:

My shipmates...got to watch my back, I do...

And not to worry, Jack, I will be back at PiP.

William, I realize I was in error in not having one of you standing by in the surgery to ah, press my case with the physicians. Still, seeing as how you were planning to divide my shares so quickly, I may want someone else to accompany you should the time ever come again. Just bein' cautious is all...

Planning on dividing your shares? One never plans to divide shares, as one cannot plan when and where one shares shall be left behind. However, one does plan to know what one should do with those shares belonging to another in the event that they are lost at sea, killed in combat or sent winging to heaven or hell by a pressed, mercury pushing, undereducated man of limited medical experience. The matter of shares is of course less important than the importance of the man himself, but with the man gone, shares as remains must satisfy those remaining. I would of course pass them along faithfully to Patricia as I might, but I assume she was more aware of your shares these past few days than we.

And to think that you doubt my loyalty after you saved my miserable hide in the Carolinas. Tsk, tsk and another tsk.






Jamie! How dare ya just off an visit d'chirurgeon widout so much as a whisper t'any uv us!

Thank heavens you are recuperating. Glad to hear Patti was there for you and if she needs assistance kicking your butt I ...well I won't help but I would be willing to watch the kids and the pups while she attended to the needed butt kicking.


My best friend had a bad appendix experence also. I am glad that you made it through and still this side of the bright light.

Git up of your asses, set up those glasses I'm drinking this place dry.


Forgive me, William, for jumping to such a conclusion. I know that you will always have my best interest at heart.

Chrispy, Nell, Johnny Tar and sweet Silkie, thanks.

Silkie, could you watch the kids and the pups next weekend so me and the Missus can go to the beach? Or is that offer only good if I'm getting my butt kicked?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


It's a good thing your wife is planning on kicking your butt, Else you might have to have it kicked again when you come here. Wow to think if something had happened to you none of us knew or would have known. But still I am glad that you are well again, and recovering everyday. Heck after my latest surgery I still take naps though mine was not near as bad as yours. Just nice to have you home again safe and sound. And like everyone is fond of telling me..*And I do listen by the way* Do what the Dr. tells you to and nothing more.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


Wow, Captain, that is on helluva tale. And a scary one at that. Glad you are on the mend and that they finally figured out what was wrong. Danged doctors... might as well bring in a witch doctor instead sometimes.

Take care - naps are good!

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com


Oy! Jim.. ye rest up and be careful. Blood thinners are no laughing matter that's fo' sure. Don't be pushin' yo'rself. And don't let anyone else push ye either.

Rest up mate. Glad t' have ye back with us.

And have those doctors keelhauled!!! :lol: I'm beginning to find doctors more and more USELESS!!! Ye had angels about ye, Jim, that's fo' sure. Appendix is not something ye want to test and prod.... not from what I've seen. People die within a couple days at most from such. Again, those doctors need to be keelhauled!

And again, glad ye be back with us. :D I'd offer ye rum, but not a good idea with the thinners and stuff he be gettin'.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Good Lord! I'm gone for 3 days...and look what you do to yourself, Captain Jim!

I am glad to hear that all is well and you are recovering nicely. You'll be up and about before you know it. Best wishes.

Member of "The Forsaken"

Posted (edited)

Thank you all. Patti had instructions to tell all of you in case of the worst...and, yes, it got to that point. And as Lady Barbossa said, people die within a couple of days of a ruptured appendix and I had one for at least four weeks. In review my GP told me flat out that I was lucky to be alive. I'm inclined to agree but then I've always felt lucky to be alive. I also have a kick-ass immune system that held up under the pressure and protected the major organs.

One of the infectious disease doctors who was on the case called and asked if I wouldn't mind being written up for a medical journal, so that maybe the next victim's doctor will take a look at the appendix early on, instead of finding it by accident. So perhaps some good will come of this.

Edited by Captain Jim


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

  Captain Jim said:
Silkie, could you watch the kids and the pups next weekend so me and the Missus can go to the beach? Or is that offer only good if I'm getting my butt kicked?
It was meant for the butt kicking but if I were closer I would be willing to watch them ...however, since I am several states and hundreds of miles away AND I will be at Fells Point pirate event ...can't manage next weekend. :lol:

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