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POTC wins best film of the year !!!

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POTC wins its first big award, so far that I have seen. Is it up for any more???? Nominated in the Oscar race maybe???

Too bad Johnny didnt win :huh:

Gabrielle :ph34r:


HUZZAH! :huh:

Drinks all 'round! I have my wine! :ph34r:

Aye.. a pity about Johnny. But... If Johnny gets nominated, in my opinion, so should Rush. Those 2 were amazing. Especially together. Plus how well they did their characters, composing them. Just far too awesome. :)

& Elaina.. LOVE the Jason pic! :huh: Hehehe... I still haven't seen the movie.. hope to soon... but Jason is a delight. & to see him as a pirate.. especially now.. just doubles my delight.



~Master & Commander of the Resurrection


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Sad to say, but PotC did not get nominated for an Oscar. Of course, Hell would have to freeze over before a movie such as PotC would get nominated for an Oscar, plan and simple. Action/adventure movies rarely get nominated for Best Picture; fantasy movies, almost never (a fantasy film, BTW, has never won the Best Picture award at the Academy Awards -- though the first two Lord of the Rings films were nominated, they didn't win). A movie like PotC -- an action/adventure AND fantasy film -- hasn't a chance. So no nomination.

But I'm SO happy PotC won as Favorite Motion Picture for the People's Choice Awards. That really is, IMHO, the best honor a film can receive -- the Oscars are chosen by Hollywood people, but the People's Choice is voted on by, like, the actual AUDIENCES out there. So that's great. Now, 'ere's hoping Johnny Depp takes home the Golden Globe! :)

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.



Well.... you can still hope out a bit of hope because the Oscar nominations have not been announced as of yet lass.

The ballots are due back at months end so.... we'll see what happens.


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



But Bess, surely ye knows them Oscar voters don't ken to what the public likes. They be lookin' at "art" not entertainment. And the whole thing be too political fer me anyway, given the number of times they snubbed Speilberg's pictures despite their quality. As always, I be boycottin' the Oscars. :ph34r:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.


:o Drink up me 'arties YOHO to all the cast n crew of POTC for your takin the Peoples Choice treasure!!

Oscar nomination?? Yah I know hollywood peeps can be sticklers.

All we can do is hope folks. Maybe.....just maybe history can be re-written. :rolleyes:

<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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