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A note to the Moderator(s) of this forum... That kind of negativity HAS been used in the past on this forum, and almost every time addressed by the moderator, I am baffled by the complete lack of interference when it comes to Kass and RH. I have no issue with negative feedback on products that some people have troubles with, but the frequency and intensity of the comments directed at RH by such a few individuals has turned this into something a heck of a lot more than an honest negative review.

As Moderator, it is not my job to defend (or attack) a product. Every member has a right to express themselves, vehemence and personality notwithstanding. I can only suggest that you, and others who support RH, feel free to post you positive experiences in response.


Oooh, shiny!


I'll just peep in my three cents...........

I've spent money on expensive patterns and cheap ones and have always had to do a bit of re-doing simply because not everyone is built alike. I don't make a fuss over it, just do it.


There's no need to exaggerate or turn the opinions made by our good Lady Constance into anything more than what they actually are - expressed opinions of frustration.

Plus I've met Kass once, even hired her on as a moderator and she seemed more than sufficiently growed to take care of herself and defend her products, brand or whatever.

For all the years I've been sewing - I've never once come across a set of pattern instructs that I thought were complete enough to do the job properly. I think that it's sort of like having a well written computer user manual - I just don't believe that they or Santa Claus exist.

And as someone that recently put together a couple of RH patterned sleeved waistcoats, I'll tell you that the first one drove me up the f***ing wall! I don't know how many times I repositioned the sleeves, sewed, ripped, repositioned, sewed, ripped - repeat again and rinse. After about 5 days of that nonsense, I made some alterations and somehow got it all to work - well kinda sorta.

But I really like Lady Constance's idea about referencing a similar enough pattern - what a brilliant remedy.

As for my own frustrations with the RH patterns, I do like the way they're styled and have since ordered more. Am I a glutton for punishment, or what?

But yes, this is the place to discuss such things. In fact that's the whole point of the Pub and the idea behind an online Pyrate community - we sit around while we're suppose to be at work at our jobs, talk about fun stuff of interest and hopefully find friends, support, conformation, answers and some level of joy in this thing we do.

Now let's not take ourselves so seriously, that it sucks the fun out it.


Lady Brower,

i simply LOVE LOVE your additions to the patterns that you amended to make period correct!--

having done that a few times { and plans to quite a few more things!! as i listed}

you have done very well.....and i really like your initiative and drive and ability to do these things!!

so---what pirate festival thingy are you and your dear husband going to attend wearing your fine garb? blackbeard fest there in VA?

and i sense that i scared you with my frustration rant.... i am so sorry.i will think 3 times before writing out my feelings again.

and Michael...i too must ask you to forgive me for causing you discomfort and pain too.. i am sorry. even at my grand old age of 44, i am still learning to say what i mean and not say it mean. my promise is that i will think 3 times before voicing my frustrations... i will look within and make sure i have thought out in entirety the entire issue....

peace and joy,

lady constance

Lady Brower,

i simply LOVE LOVE your additions to the patterns that you amended to make period correct!--

having done that a few times { and plans to quite a few more things!! as i listed}

you have done very well.....and i really like your initiative and drive and ability to do these things!!

so---what pirate festival thingy are you and your dear husband going to attend wearing your fine garb? blackbeard fest there in VA?

and i sense that i scared you with my frustration rant.... i am so sorry.i will think 3 times before writing out my feelings again.

oops. I suppose I should mention THAT man is not my husband but rather good friend and fellow pub patron, Kian McBrian. lol. (My hubby is the Gent' in the picture I posted awhile back of the Captain Morgan costume)

We shall be going to a number of events: Long Island, New London, hopefully to Blackbeard in VA and several local things.

As for your rant, I was not scared so much as surprised. It is my firm belief that online forums, however convenient, can be a difficult place to communicate. We lack so many audio and visual cues that meanings can be often misconstrued. Though I must say you were probably quite clear with your superfluous use of Capital letters and exclamation points. lol. Still, I find it difficult to communicate properly. Given the fact that people seem to have different feelings on the pattern in question, it seemed to spark a small debate. I am sorry you were so upset, though.

I will finally put in my two sense. Personally, I was not pleased with the one pattern I purchased, it was very expensive and it did not have nearly the amount of explaination that I had hoped for from a historical pattern, given that the techniques are different from modern sewing. However, this may be because the way I learn I require a little more explaination particularly with visuals (that's why I love the cheap patterns, they have pictures!) But anyway, maybe a lot of it is personal preference and how we are used to sewing. I don't know. I know it is unlikely that I will buy another pattern if I can find a way to draft my own. Again, it may just be personal, and the fact that I am not such an experienced seamstress that caused me trouble, but I am learning and going with that...

I hope that all made sense, I'm on heavy duty pain killers so I'm a little fuzzy. lol.

Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.




Lady Brower,

wooo hooo!! that you live so close to that many events!!

yah know, i have to admit that i DO like the creative process about re enacting ... and garb making.....

and to look at older garments from different time periods, i often wonder what their thought process involved... why did they construct a garment this way verus that? why are the seams on the arms so different than nowadays?...and i am sure that much had to do with the width of the loomed fabric...

i often think about what particular kind of math did they teach back then because there is formulaic way we can see things were done....

when i was making my first couple of shirts, i could see the math.... it was like euclidean geometry... squares, triangles,rectangles...like some stone mason tried to teach a tailor to lay a floor but instead chose fabric....and i thought , if only a mosaic maker would have taught sewing instead of a stone mason!!---it seams { LOL} that they were afraid of curves..... and how can that be? think of flying buttresses! think of ogives in building construction-- they KNEW the strength of curves and the weight bearing faculities.....but never applied it to sewiing.......stumps me why that is so....yet there is no cross over in other applications and use!!

have yah heard of margo anderson? she has designed a series of patterns for re enacting... many different time eras.... alot of detail and accuracy....she has a fabulous website and reading her blog entries cracks me up....

anyway--i natter on....{ imagine that}

as of late, the 8 year old has taken the notion of wanting to sew... and use the machine... she is actually piecing scraps of her oldest brothers fake fur and attempting to make herself a wolf costume....sewing all the scraps together...i am delighted by her interest and motivation.... perhaps i have another "kass" on my hands... and i do everything to promote and fuel it....

lady constance

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