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I have heard from three different sources now that there will be a Pirates #4... likewise I have heard that nothing is solid, so is there anyone who can shed a bit o' light on this?

Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."

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Stuff is flying around like always. But at this time... nothing is really set in stone nor planned that I am aware of.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


:o Pirates 4?!?

I thought Pirates 2 only just came out? I had me copy before Bilge Munky did (beat him by one day on Great Salt Lake Pirates too :o )

So where can I find Pirates III??? :o

....sure wish they would stop drag'n their tails 'n get t' work on POTC 4 thou...we don't need no stink'n Alice in Wonderland #2,0002 (unless it was based on American McGee's version!)

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Personally, I wish they would have stopped at 1. The second was just OK, the third horrible in the extreme. I saw it once at the midnight premiere, and had no desire to see it again. We've owned the DVD for some time, and have never felt even a tiny urge to watch it. Pure crap from start to finish. Please don't inflict another on us, unless it is to atone for the last one!

Posted (edited)

The fourth is confirmed, Johnny Depp is the only cast member to have signed on officially.

Personally, I loved all three. They were Disney movies, and as such I thought them great adventure stories with great effects, costumes, and sets.

Not any kind of accurate portrayal of life at sea or the nasty, wretched people that actually were pirates of the golden age, but other than we few on boards like these, who would really want to see that? People want entertainment, not historical accuracy...

Edited by Captain Mickey

Mickey Flint

First Mate o' the Harbinger

Me Website...


The fourth is confirmed, Johnny Depp is the only cast member to have signed on officially.

Personally, I loved all three. They were Disney movies, and as such I thought them great adventure stories with great effects, costumes, and sets.

Not any kind of accurate portrayal of life at sea or the nasty, wretched people that actually were pirates of the golden age, but other than we few on boards like these, who would really want to see that? People want entertainment, not historical accuracy...

And they are based on an amusement ride, not history so if you watch them with that in mind, they can be somewhat good, mindless entertainment :)


What do ye mean 'no history'?! I practically grew up on that ride, why there be plenty o' history on that ride for sure there be, why I think I may have even lost me virginity on that ride....I think...I ask'd her t' confirm but she just giggled then ran off...never t' be seen again...


...stupid ride! :D

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


I too have heard rumor of a fourth but have heard nothing more that maybe. As for a possible $th? We have to remember this is Disney, not History channel. It's geared for family fun and entertainment which is what it provides else so many people would not spend so much to see them. Personally I have watched all three DVD's too many times to count and I love the music and the action. Again it's geared towards family and not PC and they are fun to watch. I would go with a fourth movie as I find them entertaining.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


Aye, if they make a fourth, and stick t' th' same theme with Jack as th' main character then it would be another box office hit...provided they do not go too far out with fantasy; no steam ships, no flying machines, and if they put creatures in it then they will have t' be Very careful t' choose only period ones and make them convincing (perhaps sirens, a low key sea serpent perhaps...but not much more...perhaps a mythological being what guards th' fountain o' youth at most, and then do not play too much on that throughout th' show).

But if they can not get Depp back t' play Johnny then they would certainly have t' create a entire New character, a entire New plot and setting; then perhaps they would have t' draw more from true history.

I think th' only problems they had with POTC 1,2&3 where hard core historians, those what thought Disney was do'n a National Geo film o' sorts; they went int' th' movie expect'n t' see Blackbeard, Calico Jack, Capt'n Avery 'n such. But them likes would have never even gone if they knew all characters where made up, them types, for th' most part, have no interest in "Treasure Planet", them types have blasted Cutthroat Island, Nate & Hayes, perhaps even Swashbuckler 'n Yellowbeard all for not being 'historically accurate enough' - - hopefully they never see Tom & Jerry's pirate toon or Scooby Doo's pirate engagement for they would surely rip them apart as well, 'n I likes them! ;)

True it be that 'fantasy' in th' days o' lore twas Sirens, Krakens, enchanted islands, cyclops', 'n such; today 'fantasy' (to th' mass' at least) be Jack Sparrow, Hobbits, 'n Capt'n Barbossa!

:blink: ....perhaps Jack could run int' Bilbo Baggins! Jack on he's way t' th' Fountain o' Youth while Bilbo with th' elves on their way t' Grey Havens...A NEW chapter fer Bilbo Baggins, the Pirate!

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

Posted (edited)

I hated POTC 3 not for its lack of history -- I had no expectations of it being anything of the like -- but for its claptrap, hodgepodge, self-indulgent storyline. It seemed to exist only as a vehicle to showcase one special effect after another. Some were pulled off with skill (the stone/crabs, the maelstrom) some were amateurish in their execution (the final explosion sequence, as the ship disintegrates behind Beckett. It's rear projection was as obvious as stuff my kids do at home with our computer. Effects like this were fine in the 1960s, but 40 years later, it just looks crappy. Geez, you're DISNEY fer cryin' out loud! Spend a little more money and make it look good!)

Ultimately, the whole thing just failed to come together for me. I left feeling unsatisfied and rather taken advantage of. If they do make a 4, I will wait until I hear at least a dozen good reviews from people that I can trust before I hand over any money.

And as far as historical accuracy in films go, even the ones that go to great lengths to be as accurate as possible, such as Master and Commander (my all time favorite film, BTW) have a handful of historical inaccuracies in them. But do they spoil the film? Not in the least. If you want complete historical accuracy, build a time machine or quit complaining. I'll forgive all kinds of historical inaccuracies if you give me a good film. But give me a really bad film, like POTC 3, then I won't be very forgiving.

Edited by Sjöröveren
....some were amateurish in their execution (the final explosion sequence, as the ship disintegrates behind Beckett. It's rear projection was as obvious as stuff my kids do at home with our computer. Effects like this were fine in the 1960s, but 40 years later, it just looks crappy. Geez, you're DISNEY fer cryin' out loud! Spend a little more money and make it look good!)

Ultimately, the whole thing just failed to come together for me.....But give me a really bad film, like POTC 3, then I won't be very forgiving.


Holly CARP Man!! Take me back t' 'YER' 1960!!!!

I was born in 1961 'n Capt'n Kangaroo 'n Howdy Doody wern't NUTH'n like that!!!!

Grow'n up in th' 60's we didn't even have Elvira! We had Semore 'n th' Wall O' Slim (sp?? I can not even find him anymore!), it wasn't even until th' 70's that we had TRON!!! Are sure now it twasn't that brown acid ye be remember'n now? .....ahhh, now I was too young for even that but I still remember it (see'n as how we recreated it at Cal Jam 'n then again at Cal Jam II ;) ), heck, even in th' 70's th' best they could do twas "Song Remains The Same" (ahhh, them good 'ol days) - sorry t' th' wee welps if'in we be speak'n over yer heads now, but with a statement like that ye would be say'n that "Star Wars" 'n "Jaws" had better FX then POT 4???? :lol:

I hated POTC 3 not for its lack of history

There be yer first mistake mate - 'Disney' has Nothing t' do with history. Disney is history, Disney makes history.

Just look at Jack he'm self now, he be a character who's make'n spans across several histories all roll'd int' one; th' cut o' his vest, his drop front breeches, his dreads (now where'd them come from?!?), he's wiskers, he's hat, even down t' he's bucket boots - come now, ye expect 'history' when all them pirates be wear'n bucket boots?! ;)

Ye needs t' sit back, let go o' reality, enjoy life, enjoy th' show....it be 'Disney' naught 'Nation Geographic' fer cry'n out loud!! ;)

Think 'Yellowbeard' but with different actors - think 'Shrek' but with real actors that naught be drawn.

Now do naught tell me ye gonna start in on "Beauty and the Beast" as not be'n period enough fer ye? 'n what about "Hunchback of Notradame", ye gonna say what a flog that be as it did not follow enough 'history' t' catch yer fantasy??

Aye, I too expected someth'n different after see'n them very first addies fer POTC that were air'd on TV....but after see'n th' first and realizing that it was indeed a 'Disney' movie and that it twas based around Pirates of the Caribbean, the Ride, then I was able t' sit back 'n enjoy th' ride....like watch'n a show 'bout Little Red Riddinghood, like watch'n th' movie Brothers Grimm...they be fantasy, done within a budget, for pure enjoyment, NONE where ever meant in intention t' be a Learn'n Experiance or t' Educate th' masses in history...for that ye must keep on waiting....heck, look at National Geographic's "Blackbeard - Terror At Sea"; He was flying Jack Rackham's flag fer cry'n out loud! Can't National Geo even get that right?!?! B)

Heck, I just wish them powers t' be would stop there bicker'n 'n get on with American McGee's version o' Alice - now THAT would be a movie t' behold!

Bring On American McGee's ALICE!

Bring On American McGee's ALICE!

Bring On American McGee's ALICE!

....ye know Jack Sparrow run's int' Alice in POTC 5 now do ye not?? He does, I saw it in a rum dream...rum dreams Never lie!

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Here it is:

POTC 4, like other films in the pipline for Disney is on hold at the moment. How long? Who knows with the economy the way it is. Yes, yes don't yell at me that they make money, we all know they do. They are also the most expensive films we make. It will have to wait.

No, there is no script as of yet.

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Grow'n up in th' 60's we didn't even have Elvira! We had Semore 'n th' Wall O' Slim (sp?? I can not even find him anymore!)

Larry SEYMOUR Vincent checked out in the mid 70's. Stomach cancer I thinks. Bummer , he was good. Ya gots ta be good when ya ends yer show with- "Have a bad evening , Fringies"

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.



Larry SEYMOUR Vincent checked out in the mid 70's. Stomach cancer I thinks. Bummer , he was good. Ya gots ta be good when ya ends yer show with- "Have a bad evening , Fringies"

Oh Lordy... I still have my SEYMOUR Fan Club Card that declares me a *True Fingie in the worst possible standing.*

Ah, those were the days. :huh:

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


Thanks for the update Bess. Your the best.

Naw.... <_<

It's just that I work in a better place to know these things from time to time. ;)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!



HOLLY CARP!! No wonder I could never find anything on him, I have been spell'n he's name all wrong, it be; SEYMOUR

Now I can find web pages on him!!! Been search'n he'm out ever since I lost me virginity when Elvira hit th' scene :lol:

(damn, guess I shoulda gone t' Enlish class :lol: )

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Larry SEYMOUR Vincent checked out in the mid 70's. Stomach cancer I thinks. Bummer , he was good. Ya gots ta be good when ya ends yer show with- "Have a bad evening , Fringies"

You mean the Master of the Macabe, the Epitome of Evil, the most Sinister man to walk on the face of the Earth?

As I recall shortly after his death was when Elvira came to LA. After ending her stripper gig at the Fort Carson Officer's Club where she went by the name "Big Red".

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


SEYMOUR 'n th' Wall Of Slime introduced me t' The Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Wolfman, Frankenstein, Dracula, Hunchback Of Notra Dame, I even join'd The Monster Club and got th' monthly Monster Newspaper what had stories of all th' good ol' classic monster movies...then he disappeared, but Elvia Mistress of The Macabre came on 'n introduced me t' me right hand! Then I join'd PlayBoy 'n Penthouse....and me reading skills went t' pot


~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

Thanks for the update Bess. Your the best.

Naw.... :blink:

It's just that I work in a better place to know these things from time to time. :P

Well it is still special that you share your info with us. A true asset to the community.


-1st Mate of Pirates Magazine

-Bladesmith/Owner of That Works Studio





I hope she kept to her schedule and didn't get behind in her work...

There was a transition wench between Seymour an Elvira. She went by the name 'o Moona Lisa.

Wayne- get out! :blink:

Damn, thats sharp!

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