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Bet you could use the bird feet to scare the hell out of kids. You could also use them for back scratchers...hair combs...eating utensils...

Right, I have absolutely nothing helpful to contribute. Great collection, though!

Oh, how beautiful it used to be

Just you and me, far beyond the sea


Alice Mason, Crewe of the Archangel


I think any and all of it would be wrong...why else would I suggest it? :rolleyes: I be teasing though, of course. The jawbones did make me think...me sister, Mae, once bleached some deer bones and used them to decorate a belt. Looks wicked, with the added bonus of the rattling sound when ye sway down the street.

Oh, how beautiful it used to be

Just you and me, far beyond the sea


Alice Mason, Crewe of the Archangel


You could portray a voo-doo priest I guess, or trade it all off to some mountainy-man type still stuck in the 1970-80 time frame? Not much to do that has anything to do with pyracy there really. Sorry mate.


Posted (edited)
  Thequartermaster said:
If you're really going to be no help... could you at least be good to look at for me? :D

Put some of them fox tails on 'em...who knows what a difference it might make? :rolleyes:

Edited by Brig

Oh, how beautiful it used to be

Just you and me, far beyond the sea


Alice Mason, Crewe of the Archangel


The Golden Age of Pyracy is a bit early to portray a naturalist, but you still could explain away a few of the items as just oddities collected by a curious sailor. They could also be reminders af a sailor's earlier times in the colonies among native nations. Apart from that, you might just trade most of them away for things more suitable to the hobby.

I would trade draughts of the Watch Dog for a turtle skull.






Thank you for the pictures!

I have a small jawbone like your coyote ones that I found at Canyon De Chelly in Arizona last year, I think it's from a baby coyote as it's pretty small and teeth still intact and there's even a bit of fur on it. Your picture of the jaw bones pretty much told me what I already suspected.

Posted (edited)

Well, ye could tie one o' them tails t' back o' yer belt, then make a jock strap from one ' them skulls 'n......


....Naw! Too Weird!

::from one who wheres a chicken foot what be flipp'n everyone th' Bird::

Edited by MadL

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Oh, I don't know about that...Golden Age isn't that far off from when Mark Catesby (a noted early naturalist) was active in the Southern colonies...and of course, ol' Billy Dampier was something of a naturalist himself.

  William Red Wake said:
The Golden Age of Pyracy is a bit early to portray a naturalist, but you still could explain away a few of the items as just oddities collected by a curious sailor. They could also be reminders af a sailor's earlier times in the colonies among native nations. Apart from that, you might just trade most of them away for things more suitable to the hobby.

I would trade draughts of the Watch Dog for a turtle skull.

Damn, thats sharp!

  Thequartermaster said:
Possibly.. but I like where yer heads at ;)




...except'n fer Capt'n Young Colleen McBust o' th' good ship Queen Fairy ;)

*strolls off sing'n*

"That Liverpool ship, that wonderful ship, now that’s the ship for me

She’s called the Queen Fairy and she’s quite a sight to see

The ship’s all manned by women, not a single bloke in sight

Except for me, the cabin boy, who tucks them in at night.

Our Captain, Young Colleen McBust, now she was best of all

She has two certain features just as large as cannonballs

Like two moons they’re big and round and alabaster white

And like all heavenly bodies, they’re sure to come out tonight!

That Liverpool ship, that wonderful ship, now that’s the ship for me...."

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


the tails could be added to a ladys mantua neck line or the bottom of the skirt...

maybe on the of ladies here would love to embellish her clothing.........

or what the heck be pirate cross dresser.......


A lady cross dress'n pirate? :P

Can ye say "Marry Reed"!! :lol:

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


If the turtle heads fit over the butt of a dog lock or other small arm, that would be pretty cool! all shelaced and weathered.

Turkey feet - give them a couple coats of poly urethane ( to keep the stink down) and drill a hole thru the end and wear 'em as luck charms.

Pirate music at it's best, from 1650 onwards


The Brigands

  Brig said:
The jawbones did make me think...me sister, Mae, once bleached some deer bones and used them to decorate a belt. Looks wicked, with the added bonus of the rattling sound when ye sway down the street.

I am finding Mae has all sorts of hidden depths to her character that I would never suspect.

And (as Brig suggested) the turkey feet would make awesome forks if they could be flattened out and treated with something or another that made them safe to stick in your mouth.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


  Thequartermaster said:
I have to say that I will never stick a turkey foot in my mouth. Not even if there was a little meat still left on 'em. haha

Such things only bother you the first time you do them. After that, the fun begins.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


Posted (edited)
  Mission said:
  Thequartermaster said:
I have to say that I will never stick a turkey foot in my mouth. Not even if there was a little meat still left on 'em. haha

Such things only bother you the first time you do them. After that, the fun begins.

Speaking of meat left on 'em.... <_<

I work at a wildlife center, and people bring in all kinds of carcasses. Not really sure what they think we want with them, but it worked in my favor when my dance troupe was performing at a Pirates of the Caribbean - themed fundraiser. I needed something slightly voodoo-ish for dancing in Tia Dalma's swamp, and that very week our secretary brought in the fresh skeleton of a deer that had died on her property.

Then began the fun task of pulling the skeleton apart, deciding which bones to use, and getting them cleaned up. Four days and 6 gallons of bleach later...a new belt was born. I don't think my hands will ever smell the same. <_<

Kinda hard to see in the pic, but I ended up using some vertebrae, a jawbone, a couple of ribs, and a scapula. It may not smell pretty...but like Brig said, the noise is great!


Edited by Mae


The world stands out on either side

No wider than the heart is wide.

~E. Millay

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