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Where has th' Chivalry all gone?

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I was go'n t' post this t' th' Capt'n Twill thread but then thought th' direction it may take may naught fit; so here it goes:

"By the sixteenth article of war, persons deserting or receiving deserters, or enticing persons to desert, "shall suffer death, or such other punishment as the circumstances of the ofence shall deserve and the cortmartioal shall think fit; and if any commanding officer of any of his Majesty's ships or vessels of war shall receive or entertain a deserter from any other of his Majesty's ship or vessels, after discovering him to be such deserter, and shall not, with all convenient speed give notice to the captain of the ship to which he belongs; or, if the ships are at donsiderable distance from each other, to the secretary of the admirality, or to the commander in chief; every person so offendig, and being convicted thereof by the sentence of the court martial, shall be cashiered."
(added by Mad L)

o'course not t' include any legitimate action o' true piracy in which case - GO F K The Queen!!!

now seriously, what has happened t' th' rule makers abiding by th' rules they made?

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

now seriously, what has happened t' th' rule makers abiding by th' rules they made?

That is a post revolution concept... The revolution was about 50 or 60 years after the end of the pirate era. And let's be honest, even in the last 250 years after the revolution, how often has that concept truly been followed? Sorry but both modern and ancient history is written on the sole concept of those that lead are above the laws they represent... Sure every generation or two produces a leader that tries to live within the rules they are trying to encourage their people to follow, but those are exceptions rather than the norm.... Sorry if I seem a little cynical about this, but it is as I see it.


As to living inside one's own rules...the navies official policy on DUI's is that if it happens out in town and a non military court is taking care of the matter then the US. Navy is supposed to consider the matter taken care of instead of the individuals command taking action and charging them with a DUI also. This is in all respects double jeopardy. But, i ave seen it happen time and again. The individual doesn't take the time to go to legal and assumes the command knows the rules and follows the laws set down buy their own. In order to see that those in authority positions follow their own rules those that are under their jurisdiction must keep them honest. A friend of mine was recently in this position and had shown the command the error of their ways. but not liking being told what they aren't allowed to do they drummed him up on other charges and let others who were involved go because they didn't buck the system. all in order to make an example. i lost all faith in my chain of command at that point, thankfully it's starting to rotate out now.

To be happy for a night - get drunk

To be happy for a month - get married

to be happy for the rest of your life - get a sail boat

Sorry but both modern and ancient history is written on the sole concept of those that lead are above the laws they represent...

So true, so true....'n yet so sad. But then again, I suppose that be too what lead some t' piracy 'n other life o' crime on land. From that very fact where borne such stories such as Robin Hood and also th' drive o' many other such as Scarecrow and th' modern film Crow as well.

I think actually what brought that whole statement t' me mind was when reading about some current events (just recently and within th' past 6 years now) of military soldiers what abandon their post upon th' current stage in effect, even ones what voluntarily join then upon completion of training they get their first duty orders then run away with such attitude of "hey, I just want th' pay, not th' responsibility..."

kinda like this whole new philosophy that if kids in grade school get into fights then they must be mentally disordered so they need t' be pumped full o' controlling drugs t' make them behave....heck, when I was a kid and came home with a black eye me da said "I hope ye gave th' other guy TWO black eyes!?". One even when I was a young lad and was jumped by a gang on me way home (around th' age o' 8 I'd say), I took a good beating (heck, it twas 6 against 1!) when th' local police came, after taking th' report they gave me and me folks information on a local martial arts class, said a young man need t' learn t' stand up t' such bullies....heck, by t'days standards them officers would be stripped o' their badge for insighting such 'Stand Up For Yerself' behavior.


Also playgrounds where covered in sand, not rubber, slides where made of steel, not plastic, parks had things t' climb on near two story tall, not kept close t' ground so we wouldn't "fall and hurt ourself"....we played Tug-O-War, not tug-o-peace, and ONLY ONE TEAM walked away th' winner, th' loosing team simply learned a lesson o' life and learn'd they need t' practice more.

Heck, times a changing, today I suppose if someone commits murder then we should just take them out for a cup o' tea 'n a beagle and ask them "So Johnny, what made ye do it, is there something we can do t' make ye feel better 'bout yer self?"

cynical ye says Michaelsbagley, I posted this not with cynical intent but with Rage in eye....

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

  • 2 weeks later...

Friday Feb 13 2009. If ya need ta be askin' the significance 'o the date then ya ain't been payin' attention. You was sold today. Welcome ta the USSA.

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.


OK... I don't get the reference.....

Sorry, but a quick Goggle didn't turn anything up either.....

SO what happened....?

A link to what you were typing about wouldda been kind nice......


I think I know what he be refer'n t'; T'day be th' beginning of the end, th' bill been sign'd now only th' payment need be paid - Welcome t' th' USSA

...am I close?

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Yeah Patrick, I think he is playing to the Republican fear that the Democratic bailout of all the crap the Republican regime put the country in is going to lead the country to communism...

Hard extreme rightist paranoid crap that doesn't warrant being commented on....

Posted (edited)

Funny how we seem to like a United Earth (ie: Globalism, One World Government) when it's in Star Trek, but we don't seem to have any idea how to get there. Looks like we're going to have all the tech gizmos from science fiction long before we have the social evolution.

Personally, I think I'd prefer the United States of Earth to the People's Republic of Earth.

And now back to your regularly scheduled topic: chivalry :blink:

Edited by Quartermaster James

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