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The Columbia’s Revenge

Patrick Hand

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I actually have dual citizenship in real life - Canadian/American. But my Canadian and American citizenship cards and papers are separate; I don't think a document exists that combines the two, since they are issued by two different governments (and I can't imagine two governments ever being able to coordinate something like that.)

So realistically, I'd need two cards. But I imagined that historically, they might have used an actual document rather than a small card. My image is someone asking me for my papers and me reaching into my coat pocket, unwrapping and unfolding a well-worn packet of citizenship papers (something about 6 x 8 or so.)


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OK I think I have an idea for a persona, but I need the Ok to move forward.

Name: Dr. Thadeus Primate, M.D. PH.D. W.D.

Occupation: Ship's "Doctor" Alchemist/Occultist/Witch Doctor/Doctor of Medicine

Background: Obtained a Doctorate in medicine from a Confederacy university, Obtained a Doctorate in Occultism/Alchemy from a Union University, and spent several years in the Wild Lands studying under various medicine men and witch doctors. Joined up with the Columbia Revenge during one of their jaunts into the Wild Lands. It seems he did not realize he was agreeing to marry a local tribal leader's daughter until the wedding in which he ran away from.

Captain Justin Kase

Captain of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey

Beloved of Anya Kase

Also Known As Silverback, The Naughty Bard

Quixotic Pyrate of the Desert Seas

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Had a small thought. How exactly does the Columbia's Revenge get airborne? If it were helium might it be gotten from a mine in KS?

The reason I say KS is that the first helium mine was discovered there in 1902 and or 3ish, and I thought it might make a fun bit that KS while being part of the wild lands might also be fought over so as to who controls the mine.

Anyways that's my 2 cents worth.

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If it were helium

Nawh... pure hydrogen...... that's why the "Patch Monkeys are sooooo dang important..........

Name: Dr. Thadeus Primate, M.D. PH.D. W.D.

Occupation: Ship's "Doctor" Alchemist/Occultist/Witch Doctor/Doctor of Medicine

On-line that would be fun...just the kinda Doctor our Capitan needs..... but then you could never talk to the rest of the crew..... (you'd know too many secrets..) :lol:

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No problem Patrick, like I said it was just a thought.

I was re-reading this thread after I posted my previous comment and I saw that smuggled produce can only last so long in steam-powered carriages(I think that's what it said). Anyways so's I wonder how long would they last in an airship...*thinking smugglers using airships*.

Also I know in current history that the Chinese at one point were legally banned from entering the country due to a rampant run of xenophobia. Might this still hold true in this timeline?

Just kinda thinking outloud.

Edited by hellfirehannah
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Hannah... I ain't picking on you.... most of the deposits of helium are in someplace like Texas...... If Texas controls alla th' helium.... well the alternative story kinda bogs down...... so Hydrogen just makes it easier... (and more fun.... dang the stuff explodes nicely ... :lol: i)

Also I know in current history that the Chinese at one point were legally banned from entering the country due to a rampant run of xenophobia. Might this still hold true in this timeline?

That kinda depends.... in real history, they (the Chinese) were brought over here to work on the railroads... in an alternative History, the railroads were never built (fragmented Governments...)

But in California History, the Chinese are kinda fun..... I wanna say something about the whore houses and gambling in San Fransisco .... but that ain't fair..... The Chinese added a lot to California Culture.... Now we gotta figgure an alternative way to add them to the story....

A fun/icky aside...... how much racism do we want in the/our story?..... yeah... it really happened "back then".... DO we want to include it in "our" story ? ......

Once upon a time "Taking care of our little brown brothers" was though to be a good Christian thing......very Victorian.

As Icky and nasty as it was..... I think a little bit is ok.... Hey... An Italian (Irish, Chinese, Japanese )Emigrant having to deal with that ickyness, might make an interesting story.... (I'm just glad I didn't have to live through that ....crap.)

NOTE: I an not talking about real racism..... And there is nothing good about the racism that really and still happenes...

But it does or could make a good story.....

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Hmmm... depends on how you want to handle it and the discomfort level. I suppose folks here will let you know if they are uncomfortable with that.

Here's another tack - if we're dealing with alternate history, why don't we make it more about rivalry rather than one group erroneously thinking that "God made them naturally superior" - master race crap and all that? Or switch it around, like the Chinese used the Italians to dig in their mines, that sort of thing.


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Name: Dr. Thadeus Primate, M.D. PH.D. W.D.

Occupation: Ship's "Doctor" Alchemist/Occultist/Witch Doctor/Doctor of Medicine

On-line that would be fun...just the kinda Doctor our Capitan needs..... but then you could never talk to the rest of the crew..... (you'd know too many secrets..) :lol:

The capt needn't worry. I take my Doctor / Patient confidentiality very seriously. I mean otherwise I would have to constently explain why I have so much penicillin on hand due to the results of shore leave. And I swear the peyote and absinthe is for medicinal reasons only.

My father was a medicine man in the Order of the Arrows (Boy Scouts) and I inherited all of his gear when he passed away (Head Dress, Bone Breast plate, etc). I thought it would be fun to incorporate some of it into my Steam Punk outfit (like the bone breast plate and maybe choker). Instead of beads i could decorate it with gauges and such.

Also I am going to start working on a medicine bag similer to the one that Icabob Crane carried in Sleepy Hollow. I was rewatching over the weekend and thought that is the way steam punk operating tools should look like.

Oh now my mind is racing with garb ideas.

Captain Justin Kase

Captain of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey

Beloved of Anya Kase

Also Known As Silverback, The Naughty Bard

Quixotic Pyrate of the Desert Seas

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Hmmm... depends on how you want to handle it and the discomfort level. I suppose folks here will let you know if they are uncomfortable with that

Yeah, I wouldn't want it to get outta hand. But I was thinking more along the lines of that was happening in the movie "The Gangs of New York"... But maybe Airship Pyrate crews would be so mixed, that there wouldn't be a problem.

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Hmmm... depends on how you want to handle it and the discomfort level. I suppose folks here will let you know if they are uncomfortable with that

Yeah, I wouldn't want it to get outta hand. But I was thinking more along the lines of that was happening in the movie "The Gangs of New York"... But maybe Airship Pyrate crews would be so mixed, that there wouldn't be a problem.

That could also depend on the airship in question, whether the crew are race/nationality purists, or they accept an able body crew member for what they can do, and not where they were born.

Personally if the Comlubia's Revenge is going to have a captain that has been talked about I think the crew is going to be a more accepting crew of individual types.

Has there been much thought of what kind of cultures that can be found within the Wild Lands. I am assuming and indiginous folks would be tribal in nature, but I was wondering if the thought was to lean towards Native American, Afrian Tribalism, or even Southern VooDoo. Personally I think a mix of all three would be very interesting.

Captain Justin Kase

Captain of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey

Beloved of Anya Kase

Also Known As Silverback, The Naughty Bard

Quixotic Pyrate of the Desert Seas

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OK I think I have an idea for a persona, but I need the Ok to move forward.

Name: Dr. Thadeus Primate, M.D. PH.D. W.D.

Occupation: Ship's "Doctor" Alchemist/Occultist/Witch Doctor/Doctor of Medicine

Background: Obtained a Doctorate in medicine from a Confederacy university, Obtained a Doctorate in Occultism/Alchemy from a Union University, and spent several years in the Wild Lands studying under various medicine men and witch doctors. Joined up with the Columbia Revenge during one of their jaunts into the Wild Lands. It seems he did not realize he was agreeing to marry a local tribal leader's daughter until the wedding in which he ran away from.

I wanted to update this a little bit. Wife came up with a better play name (she would not let me use it as a middle name for our son, so I am creating a Steam Punk persona with it)

Name: Dr. Caractacus Primate, M.D. PH.D. W.D.

Occupation: Ship's "Doctor" Medical Doctor/Alchemist/Occultist/Witch Doctor/Medicine Man


Caractacus from a young age was always facinated with the worlds of science and the occult. A bright and gifted child from a well off family, he obtained a Doctorate in medicine from a Southern University. With degree in hand he made his way to Europe to apprentice and 6 years later found himself back in america with a secondary doctorate in the paranormal and occult. Upon his return he made his way west and spent several more years in the Wild Lands studying under various medicine men and witch doctors, trying to determine where the lines of science and the paranormal met.

Dr. Primate says that the site of the Columbia's Revenge was an answer to his prayers as he joined up with the crew during one of their jaunts into the Wild Lands. It seems when he agreed to study under one shaman he did not realize part of the arrangement was to marry the shaman's daughter and join the tribe as the shaman's successor. The misunderstanding was later clarified when Caractacus ran away from his marriage ceremony.

Walking into the sick bay of the Columbia's Revenge you are greeted with the sight of large metal slab complete with straps in the middle of the room. Jars of specimen line upon shelves on the walls. Some of the creatures, like slugs are alive and easily identifiable, others look to be the beginnings of monsterous creatures, luckily these appear to be dead. In one courner of the room a jacobs ladder sparks upon a table laden with beakers and tubing filled with brightly colored concoctions. Yes the medical lab of Dr Caractacus Primate looks like it jumped right off the pages of some dime store novella.


Standing at slightly over 6 ft tall and of large build Dr Primate looks to be the quintessential Mad scientist in his White lab coat. His black wavy hair sits wildly on his head, and his blue eyes are apparent in his magnifying operating goggles. Don’t worry no one has yet to complain about his bed side manner, no one living at least.

Out of the lab he looks to be a respectable medical gentleman… of sorts. He accessorizes with trappings that he has picked up the wild lands, a bone chest plate and choker here, wilds colorful feathers in his top hat there. He carries with him his medical bag, a walking cane, and his trusty firearm.

Captain Justin Kase

Captain of the Dread Pyrate Ship SeaMonkey

Beloved of Anya Kase

Also Known As Silverback, The Naughty Bard

Quixotic Pyrate of the Desert Seas

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Personally if the Comlubia's Revenge is going to have a captain that has been talked about I think the crew is going to be a more accepting crew of individual types.

Yeah, that's kinda what I figgure also.....The Columbia's Revenge has a mixed crew.... If you can do the job... yer hired.....

Racism is always a very touchy subject, In a fantacy/alternative world, would we want to include it or not ?

For example, Irish Immigrants got to New York City.... it was the entry port into the U.S. at the time.....but there were so many of them looking for work, that they flooded the labor market. (once again... the Movie "The Gangs of New York")... But in an alternative world, would they go to the Confederacy of the United States, because the Confederacy has closer ties with England than the Union of the United States. ( with closer ties to Germany)... Now, what happens if the Confederacy of the United States Emancipates the Africans? (Jim Crow period after the American Civil War...) So you have the African Americans and the Irish competing for work..... Most of them are stuck there.... but a few might be able to save up enough money to move to a more tolerant /friendly territory.....

Think of the people that populate the "Wild Lands" some of them are good honest people just trying to make a living..... Now throw in the Native Americans who are getting pushed out of their lands, and the bad people out to steal anything they can.........

See..... Racism may be the wrong word for it..... but it's shorter to type than competing geographical differing groups.....

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I like the idea of "racism" (competing geographical differing groups) being included but the Columbia would not be a "racist" ship.

Obviously we all, as crew members, be aware of the ongoing struggle between certain groups. I think it would add depth to the story and round out our "world". Perhaps the Columbia could almost be some sort of refuge.

Ooh, inspiration, perhaps that's something we get involved in. Some rich financier asks us(Pays Us) to smuggle those in more hostile areas and relocate them to friendlier sections. Almost a Han Solo thing were we're in it for the money but end up joining the cause kind of thing.

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Does slavery still exist in North America and the Caribbean?

I got thinking about this the other night....

OK... the South (the Confederacy of the United States) wins the American Civil War.... Now they have close ties to England, and England isn't very happy about the whole Slavery thing.... and well... it just doesn't work that well anyway.... so the Confederacy emancipates all of the slaves.....(well they let them work to buy their freedom....)

Because the South has close ties with England, Now throw in the Irish .... Why would they go to The Union Of the United States where they are not wanted......, so they start to immigrate to the South.... Lots of cheap labor, just as the Confederacy Emancipates the slaves..... But instead of "Race Riots"... there are a lot of new innovations in agriculture, when both the Irish and the newly freed slaves figgure out better ways of harvesting the cotton (and other agricultural products) Financially, the South recovers from the War very nicely....... (just don't call it "Yankee ingenuity"... :rolleyes: )

But..... The South still has some Social issues to figgure out..... the poor whites (and the Irish) and the Blacks are quickly moving into the middle and upper class (the New Rich) The "Old" Family's just don't know what to do.......about all these "up-starts".........

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California Republic ID Cards.....

Ok... I've had these done for a few weeks ......


the California Republic ID card....


I have a whole bunch of them already printed and glued together... so If you want one, just PM me with the info, and a mailing address (well for your serial number any 7 digit number works... but your phone number ...well you already have that memorized...)and I will send you one typed out.... so all you have to do is add your fingerprints and photo.....

Or you can copy the files below and print them out yourself.....I used brown wrapping paper for the cover and then fusible pellon to hold the front to the backs.... glue would work also...



Oh yeah... Ransom and Chainshot.... I already have a cool photo for yours... I just need the info you want typed.......

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Awesome job, Patrick! Sent a PM this morning with the info you need.

Question: If, in theory, we are supposed to be in the 1800s, does the date issued mean June of 1809? LOL

BTW, I know you're pretty busy getting ready for Burning Man and PIP, but when are we going to fire up this Airship Pyrate story? Looks like we have quite a few crew members willing to play. :P

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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  • 1 month later...

Just a bump up, reminder. Hoping that after Patrick gets back from Burning Man, we can pick back up with the ol' CR. It's just too kewl an idea to let die. :blink:

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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  • 1 month later...

I ain't posted in here in forever....

But I kinda wanted to remind everyone... that the Columbia's Revenge is not something you only have to be with... it is a group of people wot wanna play. from all over the place. on the internet... so you can be a part of any other airship...group... whatever... and also a part of the Columbia's Revenge ....

The Columbia's Revenge is kinda like the 1720'sa Careening camp at PiP... people from all over the place can play....We don"t have a Captain... (well we do... but he's kind a ghost... or dissembouled... heck we don't know...)

Winter is coming up again... so we have more time to stay at home.... an well... type......

The Columbia's revenge is still open to anyone wot wants to play........

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Now that Eye have made my debut as Capt. F Baum... I came up with that before I read patricks post about positions.. We can drop the Capt. part and Go with Air crewman ~F~ Baum.. My position is Bombardier.... I ran across this Idea that Airship pirates went place to place to deploy harpoons operated from the ground..The Idea basically explains why the need for an encampment.. This is something that could be incorperated or thrown out with the bath water but I just thought to share this:

"During the age of steam punk; Airships and blimps were used to travel the skies. Many Airships were used as trade vessels. Pirates developed Anti-Airship harpoons that would allow pirates to grapple an anchor to another airship and either climb up and/or pull the ship to ground level. In some daring cases from ship to ship though not so wise and was far more dangerous. These Anti-Airship harpoon guns were hauled place to place by the pirates airship and deployed whare common shipping lanes were not so well protected. The airship would also be equipped with smaller swivel harpoon guns on board their ships as well. They used them with extreme effectiveness against evasive maneuvers and counter attacks. They have the ability to cause massive destruction especially to zeppelin freighters. As such only the best gunners were aloud to use them or all booty would be lost in flames. The larger Anti-Airship gun was easily deployed and assembled on top of urban rooftops, or in hidden canyons and were camouflaged." Indeed An Idea for my encampment one day."

BTW the ID card thing is a cool idea!


Edited by oderlesseye

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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Okay, fleshing out my character a bit more. Here is what I have so far.

Name: Mal `e Diction...Mal for short.

Age: Not telling. LOL

Skills: Bombadier, small arms, knives, and cutlass.

Bio: In sort of a perpetual state of angry mourning for my lover, lost in a battle some years ago. (Think Queen Victoria in life-mourning for Prince Albert). Because of this, I wear a lot of black. Not head to toe, but mostly army tan and black. The bomb site I carry was a parting gift from my lover as he lay dying. Joined the Columbia's Revenge so I could get my own revenge. Kinda of moody and prickly, but loyal to the crew.

Any other ideas or suggestions...?

Ummm. Eyes, I think that job has been taken...although, I'm sure there could be more than one bombardier on board. B)

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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Fyne then...Over the side with the bombardier position.. I will be who I said I was in the first place then..Eye will step up and be the Capt. Eye am Capt. ~F~ Baum ...From the greater Airship Republic of California. Burp>>

Edited by oderlesseye

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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IM also working on a character

Name: Baron Von Broon . Von Broon for short

age 40

Skills Pilot, gunner good with small arms and knifes

known as a Villian in some countrys a german fighter pilot wears a lot of black, because was known to work with a group called the black wings, a group of fighter pilot pirates that attack at night on harmless airships shooting them down in flames. can be a very nasty fellow when angered. carrys a pistol and bowie knife.

Edited by D.man
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  • 5 months later...

Oderless posted something about getting a kepi fer his Steampunk stuff, I PM'ed him telling him that I have a really good pattern for a period kepi...

But they are kinda complex to make a period one....

Then I got thinking.... (Oh NO.... :unsure: )

I can draft out a pattern, using commonly available stuff...(and simpler) for a Columbia's Revenge Kepi..... !

OK... the patten part is simple, but what color should they be....Blue and Grey are kinda out....(green was used also) Tan?.....

I can make and post a pattern and instructions that are simple enough to make on a home sewing machine... But wouldn't that be kinda cool to have a right proper hat fer the crew of the Columbia's Revenge? (welll then we gotta fugue out the trim.....)

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Sorry, but, what is a Kepi? Sounds like a little furry animal. Not something I want to wear on my head! :unsure:

Oh, and Patrick. Something coming your way...leaving Oregon this Friday. B)

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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