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That site is _hilarious_ . . . and I want that doll! *grins*

"Pirates ... were of that old breed of rover whose port lay always a little farther on, a little beyond the skyline ... if they lived riotously let it be urged in their favor that at least they lived."

~ John Masefield

Those who live by the sword, get shot instead.



I want that doll too lol very funny :D:D

'Do not be afraid to dream, for out of such fragile things come miracles'


Quick....what is wrong with the doll? BLUE EYES! Jack has smoky brown eyes. Darker when you consider JD was wearing special made sunglass contacts. I guess the Japanese think all americans have blue eyes.

The pictures are hilarious :huh:


Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.


LOL I'll have to ask if they can do a Scupper doll. He be stout and strong. Just like his Guiness!!!


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


I love it! But endkaos is correct about the eyes. In any case it's the closest doll I've seen yet - there have been a number of them by people who just don't quite have it all.


**Why's the rum gone? That's cuz I drank it Luv!** :huh:


Thats the oddest thing Ive seen since....well

..............I think that's the oddest thing I've seen, and that's sayin something. :lol: :)

Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


That is great! Only the Japanese could come up with something like that.

I wish I had that much time on my hands. :ph34r:

Men are like a deck of cards - You need a heart to love them, a diamond to marry them, a club to beat them and a spade to bury the bastards.


We should send somone to check to see what's in their water supply or something......maybe its the sushi......


Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered

  • 1 month later...
A friend on my Star Wars message board posted this link. It's just too funny not to share.

*gasps* IS Capt. Grey a SW fan too?! *stalks*

OMG, this is just SPECTACULARLY amusing, not to mention the Engrish too! The doll actually looks like him! Veyr well made, and pretty accurate costume, too! BWAHAHA, I have to show this to everyone...

Captain Wolfy Wench

B) I needed a good laugh this morning and there ye have it! Just too funny.

*Mad Tess Flint*

Master At Arms for the Ashley Elizabeth

Don't ye be fooled by me smile. Be warned, fer when ye see me smiln' the laughs be on ye.


Where can I buy that doll? Not that I am overly fond of Johny Depp, but PoTC has become one of my favorite movies. I'd like to get all the other characters also. I have been doing re-enacting in several time periods for the last thirty years, now that I have an interest in piracy my youngest daughter like the idea of being a pirates daughter.

I think, therefor I am. Or maybe I just think I am.


When I start seein one of US as an action figure, I'll REALLY start ta worry.


Drop a kitten six feet, and she grins...

Drop an elephant six feet, and ya gots yerself a mess ta clean up....

Sometimes bein' the biggest and most powerful is the LAST thing you wanna be.....

Mad Ozymandias Zorg the Unsnottered


The doll were made by someone, Hawk. It not be fer sale.

Wolfy Wench, how did ye miss the "Beyond Piracy" thread that Isabella started called "Anyone else here a Star Wars geek?" She and I be chattin' away about Celebration 3 next year. :ph34r:


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

  • 1 year later...

Woo-hoo! What an awesome site. I want a Jack Doll !

I wonder if one of the most important steps on our journey is the one in which we throw away the map.

-- Loreena McKennitt

My fathers knew of wind and tide, and my blood is maritime.

-- Stan Rogers

I don't pretend to be captain weird.

I just do what I do.

-- Johnny Depp


P-chan is the real star...I want a P-chan.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."




Oh that's just too good...almost spit me rum out all over the monitor when I saw the one with Edward Scissorhands cuttin' 'is hair...

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