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What do you hate in a pirate?

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Posted (edited)

Have you seen one too many "Sparrow" at the local Ren Fest? How about the "Hot Topic" pirate wench with the spiked heel boots? Or the cheap dollar store pirate with the plastic hat and boot covers? Dread the pirate who bought the shirt, hat, and cutlass to match his jeans and white high tops?

Now we all love pirates of all types but let's face it... some times you just want to give these blokes a few pointers.

Edited by Jib
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Honestly Jib, kind of hate this thread... almost promotes folks ripping others apart ...

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Quite frankly, I don't hate any of it. If those people are having fun, then good for them. I'm not a "holier than thou" sort of pyrate.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


I hate "Holier than thou" pirates. The ones that think the others are all wrong. Don't get me wrong I don't want to be a "poly-pyrate" but hey ...Hot Topic has some cool stuff.


OK... I'll be bad....

I'm tired of defending being an Authentic in the Pub.....

The Jack Sparrow clones are really funny... at Ojai, about two years ago, they hadda "Jack Off" to find which of alla the Jack Sparrows... was the most... ergh.......... Jack Sparrowish..... And... yeah, it was kinda funny to watch...

Someone playing Pyrate. I have no problem with that.... heck, if anyone wants to play... Fun (some call it Hollywood) Pyrate, no problem....... if anyone wants to play more authentic... cool.... but it is their to choose.... how anyone wants to play..... we all get to decide for ourselves......

Now, I'm going to get nasty....

I'm an Authentic.... I'm working to make everything I wear and carry is as close to period as I can afford and make it.... I spend time and energy doing so......

Wot really peaves me, is when one of the Jack Sparrow Clones butts into a conversation between two (or more ) Authentics, and demands that he/it be taken seriously.... and yeah, this has happened quite a few times..... at PiP a few years ago,.....Captain Jim and I were talking about Period buttons... one of the Jack Sparrow clones thought we were talking about him..... got mad, and "confronted" at us........ hugh.....

Hey, I don't force anyone to be authentic.... play how you want to play......

SO why is it OK for a totally non-authentic to ever tell me how I have to play?... I ain't "Holier than thou".... I'm just playing the way I want to..... because someone wants to play their way, does that mean that I have to also?... NO, I'm not going to start wearing eyeshadow just because Jack Sparrow did in the movies....

"Costume Nazi" gets thrown around quite a lot in these discussions.... but the only ones that I have ever been hassled about how I'm dressed as a Pyrate, are the Hollywood ones.... (Go figure....) and then they call me a Costume Nazi......

You can ask Red-Handed Jill, or any of the Pyrates that I know, and they will tell you that I'm (mostly) easy going.....

I will continue to help anyone that wants to Play Pyrate, authentic or non-authentic....

But I will no longer hold my tongue if someone starts insinuating that I'm some sorta Authentic Costume Nazi because I don't totally agree with how cool what they chose to wear may or may not be....

At that point of time, all bets are off, and I will show them how incredibly rude I can be......

Play however you want to play... (I know enough Pyrates that I can have a really good time with), I won't force you to play by my/our rules.... But just stop telling me I have to play by your rules....

Posted (edited)

Patrick pretty much summed up how I feel as well. Except that some of those Hot Topic pirates are, well, pleasant to watch in the entirely period accurate way some lecherous pyrate would. Aye, helps us stay in character, it does.

Edited by Captain Jim


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Patrick's reply was perfect.

And to clarify the meaning, in this context, of "Holier than thou", that applies to ANYONE trying to force on anyone else their personal concept of what makes a good pyrate. And I can speak from experience, that Patrick is the last one who would ever do that. He's totally nonjudgmental, and the first one to offer help to anyone who asks. That's how we all should be.

And lest this whole thread get out of hand, and a big, possibly ugly, argument ensues, maybe we should just kill it right now.

A "What do you Hate?" thread is NOT what the Pub is about.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

Posted (edited)

I enjoy a few other interests besides this one . Scuba Diving is definitely my favorite then scale cannoneering and finally SASS (Single Action Shooting Society). SASS is alot of fun ., however bad tempers arent permitted at events ., You have to remember most of us are as Barrack Obama called us Gun Carrying Bible freaks ? Well needless to say a loaded weapon 2nd amendment rights and a concealed weapons permit demand responsability and cool temperment. A .45 Long Colt or a 12 guage should never get into an arguement. Here is an copy and paste from from a SASS forum . This is sort of along the same issue ..., I am posting this so that you can all see that., Playing Pirate is not the only enviroment you can be involved in that has its share of arguements.

Howdy Pards and Pardettes.

I just got to get my oar in the water here. The good Rev always is able to start a spirited discussion on his favorite topic, Period Correctness, or PC for short. The Rev seems to think that SASS is about "The American West" as it really was. It isn't, it is about how the "cowboy kids" thought it should have been.

I have no idea how old you are, but when I was a kid there were about a jillion "Westerns" on the TV. They all wore tight jeans, not always blue, and a shirt, fancy or not, but not what was worn in the 1800s and maybe a vest. They all had the wrong hats, and all wore droploop buskie rigs. The only exceptions were "Wyatt" and "Bat" who wore fancy clothes.

Most of the Saturday Morning TV was old Western Movies and Serials. SASS, as per the people who invented it, was supposed to find the little kid in all of us who played cowboy when they were little. The SASS Universe is taken from those old movies, both A and B westerns, and TV.

If we examine that Universe you will find Winchester '92s with the forearm removed being used as Henry's, also find SAAs in the same movie about the Civil war. We find double action swingout cylinder revolvers with phony ejector rod housings added. SASS is a fantasy, it is about being a little kid again and trying to live up to the codes that Hoppy, Gene, Roy, and the Lone Ranger had for us to abide by. It is about trying to be as good a Pard as the heros were.

Rev if you wish to compete in Classic Cowboy go right a head and God Bless you, but if you try to make all of us go there you have missed the whole point of this organization. It is about being a kid again, and playing in your version of The Old West now that we have money and are old enough to play with real guns.

Dang Rev, I am not sure you really grasp the importance of that, we must all stay in touch with that little kid inside and let him/her out once in a while to PLAY. You want to make it some kind of research paper, or some such other work, stop it. Play the game your Little kid wants to play and let the other kids play the way they want.

The more I am around people .., The more I enjoy Scuba Diving and Spear-Fishing ., The Locker is more peaceful than Legend describes it. I cant hear any bitching when I am down in the locker mate. Its a true peaceful bliss in the octopus's garden...., Until TWANGO !!!! Spearing into a tuna ., and the fight is on !!! Its just me and Dinner Baby !!!

Edited by HarborMaster

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

Posted (edited)

Does anyone remember that shanghaiing new crew members is always an option? Yarrr!

Edited by oderlesseye

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:


"My treasure to he who can understand."


Black Syren !

Ye be Funny..Oderlesseye giggles a bit..

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:


"My treasure to he who can understand."

  HarborMaster said:
... You have to remember most of us are as Barrack Obama called us Gun Carrying Bible freaks ?...

I don't suppose you could direct me to the exact quote and context in which Obama said that?


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


I don't hate anyone. Heck, I do hippie re-enacting too. ;) I love that Patrick, mister helpful and nonjudgmental, was the one who pretty much summed it up rather nicely. What I do like is the "farby poly-pyrate" who walks up and says "How did you get into this and how do I get into this? Where do you get the clothing? that is a cool sword, do you use it?" I love to share, and being a relatively new comer to the hobby, I know just little enough to keep their head from spinning when I tell them. ;)


I will try to locate it for you ., it was during the primaries ., he didnt use the word freak ., however it was refering to people in Pennsylvania with hand-guns and religeous beliefs. He did apologize for it. He said he mis-spoke ., all politicians say they mis-speak ., If I mis-speak they call it something else.

It was on the news ., it was something he said on his plane and a reporter caught it on tape and leaked it ., I do not know that i can find it in print ..., I will look for it

I guess we are held accountable for what we say ., unless you are a politician ? My original post on this topic wasnt to offend ., I am sorry if I mis-spoke ;) . . None of my posts are geared at anyone. I think sometimes we all get frustrated ., sometimes its nice to vent to our online friends and personally I learn from the inter-action. I do in fact have much to learn.

My original post was to say I have found this sort of topic in other forums (Topic apparently about PC or Hollywood) thats all I meant to say.

I am sort of confused as too how PC or Hollywood even came up tho since it isnt even in the thread title. I'll see if I can bring this to the thread title.

I think Captain Sterling has a valid point.

The title being

What do you hate in a pirate?

So I guess I will address the topic. What I dislike the most ? Which is no matter what you wear PC or Hollywood. It is the way in which one speaks. I can observe someone in PC clothing or Hollywood clothing and yet they try to portray themselves with an extremely poor English or Irish accents . I find this completely ridiculous and absurd. I grew up in LA try to imagine if you will a Mexican American with a heavy Spanish accent trying to sound Irish ? I was born in America on the west coast and there isnt anything I can do to sound English (some on the east coast I must admit sound pretty good) . To speak PC correct English with correct accent and be able to put it together correctly (in the right context) ., as opposed to a few people running around tossing movie quotes. I feel Pirates were GLOBAL (After all Magellan had accomplished his feat 179 years earlier) and in 1700 their were Pirates in China., but no one goes around trying to sound like a Chinese pirate . If they did everyone would think they are messed up? But there was Chinese pirates. For me the phony accent is the part that gets me the most ......, there I said it . This gets me more than Hot-Topic or a pair of Bucket Boots. I think people should sound the way they actually are ... A pirate or any other citizen back in this day we are refering to ..., they acted the way they were ! So why do so many think they have to sound phony to get with the program?

When was they last time anyone saw a Dutch re-enactor speaking Dutch ? or a Spaniard speaking the Kings tongue ? Now that sounds PC to me. If it sounds phony it takes from whatever you are wearing ., It ruins it for me. This is pretty much why I stick to myself ., try be myself ., do my own thing ., my way ., because ., in my mind ., at least I am being me. No I dont attend events. We dress for ourselves and enjoy it for the day ., We fire cannons and flinters Scuba Dive and have fun ...., I guess everyone is entitled to do as they please . I hope everyone has fun .,do as they please ., and stays safe.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


Here you go .,it was alot easier thanI thought ., just google Obama Gun Bible Comment and you get a HUGE list.http://kingsrightsite.blogspot.com/2008/04/obama-calls-midwest-voters-gun-toting.html

heres another


and another


Heres ABC's take on it


I've supported every president weve ever had ., I always will even if I dont agree with them during the election. I think as an American I should stand for our president. I think people in our population give comfort to our enemies when they bash a president I will defend their right to do it as I am hating them. And any president loses my loyalty when he takes away my rights. That starts with the 1rst and 2nd amendments . Dont Tread On Me.

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"


I just got an NRA application.. I think I will join in

supporting my rights to own guns...

Be kinda hard to reenact with out them..

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:


"My treasure to he who can understand."

  Rumba Rue said:
When and if I ever see pirate fairies (like the people who wear those fairy wings) I'll complain......... ;)

Scary enough there a few that go to the NY Ren Faire and do that fairy thing. I will pluck their wings for you if I see one.


Welcome to my nightmare....

I have embraced my inner magpie. OOH SHINY!!

  HarborMaster said:
Here you go .,it was alot easier thanI thought ., just google Obama Gun Bible Comment and you get a HUGE list.http://kingsrightsite.blogspot.com/2008/04/obama-calls-midwest-voters-gun-toting.html

heres another


and another


Heres ABC's take on it


I've supported every president weve ever had ., I always will even if I dont agree with them during the election. I think as an American I should stand for our president. I think people in our population give comfort to our enemies when they bash a president I will defend their right to do it as I am hating them. And any president loses my loyalty when he takes away my rights. That starts with the 1rst and 2nd amendments . Dont Tread On Me.

I note that in none of the sites that you listed did he use the word "freak", as you noted, or "toting" either. Try this though, since we're inserting words: Gun Toting Bible Patriots. Did he say that? No, but I think it's closer to the meaning he had in mind. The actual quote, speaking to a group of fundraisers addressing why people become single issue voters:

"they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Now the context. The frustrations that he spoke of were mostly to do with the economy, and the frustration that people feel at not being able to get ahead like their parents did. So they vote for candidates on the basis of one issue or cause, as listed, and disregard any and all other considerations such as the economy, the thing that started the whole embitterment to begin with. Are we "bitter?" Some of us are. Insert the synonym "angry" for "bitter" and I think you might agree with the statement.

Now for the things we agree on. The 1st amendment. As written one of the greatest statements ever put to paper. But this freedom does not extend to misquoting someone. This is a pet peeve because I think words and their meanings are important. Secondly the right to free speech extends to the security of private conversations; I leave it to you to judge who has tread on that one lately.

The 2nd amendment. It could have been written clearer but both Obama and I agree that the 2nd amendment gives individuals the right to keep and bear arms. Anyone who tells you that Obama wants to take your guns away is lying. The disagreement that he and I have is over the definition and enforcement of "reasonable laws" for gun control (keeping them out of the hands of criminals, etc.) and the so-called "assault weapons ban". I think he has those wrong to some extent. I have written and told him so. We can do that here. Still I think that there are enough pro-gun members of congress to stop any stupidity from getting passed. Too many Democrats are aware that the gun ban issue is moribund and political suicide. And, yes, "single issue" voters had a major hand in that. Now they should move on and help make some other changes. Hopefully in the economy.

This small rant is probably in the wrong place; it was the misquote that set me off. Since I think that the misquote has been sufficiently cleared up I will now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

  HarborMaster said:
Play the game your Little kid wants to play and let the other kids play the way they want.

That pretty much sums it up for me. Trying to get other people to conform to your idea of anything is just setting out to frustrate yourself. I actually do choose to make part of it a research paper, which is why I disagree with the source you quoted when he said (right before that splendid quote above, ironically enough) "You want to make it some kind of research paper, or some such other work, stop it." That is also part of the way I chose to play. :D

Gah. I posted something in Pyrate's Heart! I haveta' go take a shower...

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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