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Posted (edited)

Who got what Pirate related yesterday? I finally got my vest and sash from Center Stage and twas too excited to stay quiet. Yaaaar!

Sooooo.. who got what swag that ye be proud of?


oh... and Merry Post-Christmas by the way.

Edited by Thequartermaster
Posted (edited)

Well... There were no parcels listed as being from the fat man under this one's dead evergreen...

But there was some great swag from those who I can only assume are minions of the fat man, or at least in cahoots with him.

I got a great book about the Duke of Marlborough, John Churchill (by Winston Churchill no less)... I'm currently tearing through the book I was in the middle of in order to get to this one faster... other than that it was all modern stuff... well at least until my Pirate Secret Santa gift finally arrives.

Edited by michaelsbagley
  michaelsbagley said:
Well... There were no parcels listed as being from the fat man under this one's dead evergreen...

But there was some great swag from those who I can only assume are minions of the fat man, or at least in cahoots with him.

I got a great book about the Duke of Marlborough, John Churchill (by Winston Churchill no less)... I'm currently tearing through the book I was in the middle of in order to get to this one faster... other than that it was all modern stuff... well at least until my Pirate Secret Santa gift finally arrives.

Yaaar... hey swag is swag. :D

  Thequartermaster said:
Yaaar... hey swag is swag. :D

Oh you won't hear me complaining of the swag I got... I'm very happy with it all! :D Besides I know that I have way too much piratey stuff already :D , and so it would be very hard to buy me a piratey gift, so non-piratey gifts are pretty much preferred.


Well, a reindeer poop'd on me welcome mat; suppose I can use them as pistol shot

Then I caught some elves skiing in me freezer, one pee'd he's name in me ice tray....suppose that could be a Nativity scene (specially after I ram'd th' BBQ spike up he's.....er)

Now I got th' jolly ol' fat guy he'm self stuck up in me chimney; I guess I could force feed he'n some beans 'n cauliflower then lite th' fire below and call it me Christmas cannon.


But on Christmas Eve th' postmaster did bring me my brand new stage cutlass! Just in time for me t' hide it from meself for Christmas morn!!!!

Had a 'ell o' a time get'n it into me stock'n though!


....anyone got a needle 'n some thread, like that was me last sock :P

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

  MadL said:
Well, a reindeer poop'd on me welcome mat; suppose I can use them as pistol shot

Then I caught some elves skiing in me freezer, one pee'd he's name in me ice tray....suppose that could be a Nativity scene (specially after I ram'd th' BBQ spike up he's.....er)

Now I got th' jolly ol' fat guy he'm self stuck up in me chimney; I guess I could force feed he'n some beans 'n cauliflower then lite th' fire below and call it me Christmas cannon.


But on Christmas Eve th' postmaster did bring me my brand new stage cutlass! Just in time for me t' hide it from meself for Christmas morn!!!!

Had a 'ell o' a time get'n it into me stock'n though!


....anyone got a needle 'n some thread, like that was me last sock :P

I love my stage cutlass so I know how you feel. Good times mate.


the last of the POTC figurines. garters, clocked stockings (not a word out of ye, sterling!). IOU's for a new wig and two shirts. and the best..... Got a phonecall the day before christmas. delivery of a present to myself and Grace is ahead of schedule- the new toy will be here by new years!!!!!! five weeks early!!!!!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Herein I shall relate of me vasty plunder over Christmas and me venture into the Mouse Empire...and issue a complaint.

The complaint first, knowing there's naught anyone here can do about it, just a general spouting off. Here in Akron Ohio, the city hosts craftsmen from a city in eastern Germany over the holiday, and puts together as authentic a Christkindlmarkt as can be found in these parts. But for 2008 (I'm still in "this year" mode for 2008), the city had a Chriskindlmarkt instead. Now, I'm not religious by any means, but I'd like to know just who the Chris kid is and why he's so important? After all, this *couldn't* be a case of Political Correctness, could it? A case of causing offense in order to avoid causing offense?

But enuff of that bilge-blather.

I got me a set of new books for Xmas. Two I've read already at work (which is a library, ye'll mind), one is new to me. These titles being:

Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean-Edward Kritzler (thats the new one, and I've just started reading it)

If a Pirate I Must Be...-Richard Sanders (Black Bart's bio)

Blackbeard-Angus Konstam (bio of Guess Who)

From DisneyWorld:

The Best Book of Pirates

A Pirates Life for Me

The World of Pirates

And gobs of pins, including PotC pins

(But they didn't have a Jolly Roger worth a damn for getting...)

All three titles being kiddie books, basically, but some very good illustrations, including some by Angus MacBride

On Order is the new bio of Henry Avery (Long Ben as ever was) and a very beginning book on celestial navigation. One of my endevours for this new year is to learn at least somewhat of the art of navigation, as best I can here dryside. Celestaire has an el cheapo sextant, a nautical astrolabe, and gobs of books. And being close to Hartville, when the weather improves and the outdoor flea market season starts up again, I can look for a proper sextant there, if I'm so inclined.

Damn, thats sharp!


Fire the guns, swabbies, I now be a Ship's Master! Woo-hoo! Bring forth the rum, Darby!

That be a right handsome stein ye got there, Cap'n. I got a non-piratical stein from Germany, back when we were stationed there (Army brat, ye know)...glass it be, and dated to 1870. Got no idea how much, if anything, it be worth...I'm sure it's worth *something*, just got no idea how to find out...

  Captain Mickey said:
This is the ultimate lame post...WME DEAR OLD MUM, she bequeath me. The first to carry the rum the last to share it out. Just ask Exy!


Damn, thats sharp!


Well my swag. I got a pirate jacket from dress like a pirate in black.My hubby the is the greatest. I also got a bottle of Absinthe,chocolate, a mini travel backgammon game. CD, DVD, bellydance t-shirt.flip mino. this Santa guy was really nice I got spoiled, maybe because I left him a cup of rum instead of milk with gingerbread cookies.


Welcome to my nightmare....

I have embraced my inner magpie. OOH SHINY!!


I got a few things about 50% for my gear or piratey related.

A pirate ship necklace

A journal with the skull & bones on it.

A dress which may or may not be added to my gear.

A replica blunderbuss which upon further inspection turned out to be a percussion style replica not a flintlock :blink: , oh well...maybe I can get it modifed :blink:

And the last of my piratey stuff is the newest POTC ornament from Hallmark.

Non piratey was more jewlery from both my hubby & kids, and a new winter coat.

I think that about covers it though I'm probably missing a few things I'm sure.


My wife bought me a hand knitted monmouth cap from Gentleman of Fortune. I've wanted one for a long time now, so it was as much as I needed to make me happy this holiday season. I've worn it more than any other hat that I can remember owning in recent years.





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