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garb- full on reenactor? Or Hollywood type?

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I'm currently more Hollywood but am making my way towards the more authentic look. In the end however what I wear will probably be determined by the weather.

Aye, our weather can vary greatly up here, during the course of a season or 2!

Black Anne Roberts

From the great white north..looking for warmer climes

  • 2 weeks later...
Ahoy, Mates!

Havin' taken what ye be sayin' ta heart -about fittin' in if I twere transported back in tyme...

I been messin' with th engravin' stores...I mean Photoshop..

and I made myself a vintage engravin' style pic.

So- what say ye? This twas me old garb, and a bit o' polyester there..but the idea is there, and I'm trying to historicalize it up...

gertie3small.jpg what say ye?

Ye look grand; worry less about what ye be wearin and more about how ye behave in it....

In other words, costuming takes a back seat to persona, especially when dealing with the public....Ren faires (NOT a proper place for GAOP ) are a good example. I've seen some really poor representations of Ren garb that get completely ignored because the performer was so good; same with piracy. Now, if you are involved with a musuem, history class or anything educational then its a different story....but I think you're doing fine....

Monterey Jack

"yes I am a pirate 200 years too late,

the cannons don't thunder, there's nothin to plunder,

I'm an over-40 victim of fate,

arrivin too late.........."

  • 2 weeks later...

I agree on everything said so far. I am about creativity and being happy and comfortable with what you are wearing. In every fandom or group I belonged to they always had a few "authenticity police". Which is fine what ever floats your boat.

This is what I learned in different fandoms I have been involved in. It has to fit your personal style, personality and the personae(or character) you want to portray to others. I make sure its comfortable (boots especially). I will be wearing my garb for 6-8hrs or more depending on event. I know this may sound crazy but I always make sure my garb I can easily use the toilet facility. I did my research with mine and I took what I liked from different sources, then used bits and pieces that I wanted to use. I am far from authentic, but when I go to Ren Faires I have fun wearing the garb and doing my pirate thing. I always get at least 1 compliment, and I do so to others as well. Having fun is most important. Also there will always be someone with either better or worse(hopefully better) garb. I also get inspiration and ideas but looking at others garb. Pirates we can be individuals in our garb. What ever style you chose


Welcome to my nightmare....

I have embraced my inner magpie. OOH SHINY!!

  • 1 month later...
I'm currently more Hollywood but am making my way towards the more authentic look. In the end however what I wear will probably be determined by the weather.

Well, as it has been rather warm o' late, high 70s t' low 80s, I suppose then that it will be not much at all?!!? :(

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Redoing my attire. Still looking at the fancy side. After all, I'm a pirate Lady. :( But trying to see how close to historical realism I can get. It'll be tough and a long road. But worth it.

All in all, Gertie... boils down to yo'r pirate persona. Who are they? What do they do? Where did they come from? Why they act the way they do? When do they do their pirating activities? How did they become who they are now?

All that will help with your pirate persona.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

I'm currently more Hollywood but am making my way towards the more authentic look. In the end however what I wear will probably be determined by the weather.

Well, as it has been rather warm o' late, high 70s t' low 80s, I suppose then that it will be not much at all?!!? :(

For you maybe, up here in the frozen north I think I'll be wearing the full gear coat and all. Were it warmer like where you are(you lucky man you), I'd be wearing a lighter gear, though I'm still attempting to put that together.


I will be receiving my new stays shortly, thanks to Merry Seamstress, Heather. Though her stuff isn't 'period' and nor will my stays be, she's done a fantastic job of embroidery on the front and I know I will be the envy of many women.

Note: A few might remember Heather and I had a disagreement a few years back, but she came to me and apologized first and I apologized to her. I sent her a beautiful feather hat pin and she is making the stays for me at no cost.

She is a great gal and very sweet and you can see her items at: Merry Seamstress

Posted (edited)

So...What makes "authentic"? Me thinks Pirates took what they liked ("Take what ye can, give nothin' back") an' wore it! Maybe, jes' maybe he stole them thar boots! Who'd be sayin' otherwise? Me outfit be fashioned after that Jack feller. I've been to a few events and been allowed ta camp in th' "Period" area. Boots an all! I get lots o' compliments, and plenty of picture posing! Some of which are on the web. Dress the way what fancies ye, says I! By the by, Nice outfit, Gertie.

Edited by Bloody Sam Rackham
So...What makes "authentic"? Me thinks Pirates took what they liked ("Take what ye can, give nothin' back") an' wore it! Maybe, jes' maybe he stole them thar boots! Who'd be sayin' otherwise? Me outfit be fashioned after that Jack feller. I've been to a few events and been allowed ta camp in th' "Period" area. Boots an all! I get lots o' compliments, and plenty of picture posing! Some of which are on the web. Dress the way what fancies ye, says I! By the by, Nice outfit, Gertie.

Basically, the most common usage of "Authentic" in the re-enactment world, is there is positive proof to justify said piece of clothing, footwear, hat, other item, etc.

Arguments that begin with "You can't prove they didn't..." are the antithesis of "Auithenticity", because the counter to "You can't prove they didn't..." is that neither can "You can't prove they did..." either... Which is a pointless circular argument that never goes anywhere. So basically if there is some proof they did or wore it, cool. No proof, equals not cool (for authenticity minded). Most re-enactors also take this a step further in the direction of, if there is 10 pieces of proof they wore or did this, and one piece they did or wore something else, then the one example is likely a fluke or an anomoly, so go with the 10 sample method or item.

Another important facet to authenticity is context... for example... If every peice of proof involving a certain item was only used in a mountainous type of setting, and there was no proof that said item was used, for example at sea.. then said ite would not be cool for a pirate or sailor to use... Pirates and sailors were generally not in the mountains.

That is the short simple version...

Read this thread on this forum for a bit more in depth

Or this article on my web site for another take

So...What makes "authentic"? Me thinks Pirates took what they liked ("Take what ye can, give nothin' back") an' wore it! Maybe, jes' maybe he stole them thar boots! Who'd be sayin' otherwise? Me outfit be fashioned after that Jack feller. I've been to a few events and been allowed ta camp in th' "Period" area. Boots an all! I get lots o' compliments, and plenty of picture posing! Some of which are on the web. Dress the way what fancies ye, says I! By the by, Nice outfit, Gertie.

Aye, people will compliment ye, take pictures with ye, etc.

However, what makes Authentic... is what was actually of that time period you are portraying - the fabric, the tools, the trades, etc. Think about it? What would someone of that time period be wearing? What would they really be doing? Would you really keep something worth a good price to sell or trade at some port if you already had a good pair of breeches and a shirt? Those that rode horses usually wore boots.

The Whydah and other shipwrecks as well as documentation sheds light on what pirates did, appearance, etc. Authentic and a real pirate is gauged by the ACTUAL look of the time period that a person is portraying a pirate from. Not from a "oh, this looks cool and piratey so I'll wear it" cause most of the time, it's not really something close to a particular pirate era. Hell, piracy is not just from one era either; Pirates during the Ancient times - never have enough ancient pirates running around - the sea dogs during Elizabeth 1, the Buccaneers and Morgan, Kidd and Blackbeard, even John Paul Jones was considered a pirate though to Continentals he was a Privateer, and LaFitte was there as well. A number of pirates throughout the ages yet so few really pinpoints an era and portrays it! It's all come to a mentality of "I'll wear what I want cause it's piratey and cool" that has SO twisted the look of Piracy. Such a hodge podge of looks that it doesn't really come close to realism.

And, well, even though Jack Sparrow's clothes is really realistic, the rest of him is... well,... not. Again, Jack is more a hodge podge. Hell, Norrington is more accurate than Jack is!

And not any soul on board would just "take" from the prize pot. If they did, there were severe consequences for such an action. If it was part of their share, then maybe they had the choice to keep the item or sell/trade it.

No they didn't go around all the damn time drunk acting as silly like Jack Sparrow.

Hope this gets ye to thinking, sir. Cause, yes, piracy is taking a rather twisted turned. Some are returning to the actual root and reason of Piracy. To the actual look of a pirates and their duties during a particular time period.

But, can't explain it all to ye... ye'd have to do some exploring and research yo'rself to find the truth. :lol: Ask those questions to yo'rself and then find those answers yo'rself. Ye'd be surprized what ye find.

All in all, as I mentioned to Gertie... it boils down to the character you are portraying. Ask the Who, What, When, Where, Why, How... It's answers to those questions and a real portrayal that seperates a Pirate Reenactor from some person dressed up as a pirate

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

I've been to a few events and been allowed ta camp in th' "Period" area. Boots an all!

Most reenactors know that period shoes, gear and clothing takes time and money to put together or aguire... If someone is taking the effort to portray a Pyrate, were not going to kick them outta camp because they bought bucket boot instead of more correct shoes.

We really aren't that snobbish about it.... If you (or anyone) decides to go more authentic, the other Pyrates in the "Period" camp can help with what you need to do to improve.... And have fun doing it.....

That's just how the authentics get others to slide to The Dark Side.... :lol:


LOL.. What ye mean Dark Side? Nothin' dark about what we do... unless ye be a Pirate Hunter an' betray yo'r fellow Brethren.

No troubles, Sam.

Patrick is right there. It's a pricy hobby being a living historian. But oh so rewarding. It will take time and alterations to get the proper look.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Careful Now Bloody Sam! It be a trick!

Every time I give th' "proper look", why some wench come up 'n Slaps me!!

....pretty sure I deserved that one

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

Posted (edited)
So I did what any Pirate (Ahem, Sailor) would do....I relieved myself on the back of his wedge tent..Don't worry, it's most likely water proofed.

LMAO Huzzah!

This is just too funny. I had restrained myself from commenting in this thread for the potential of it becoming a pissing contest. I note with great humor that I am correct! Har Har.

This reminds me of a story in “The History of the Round Head Regiment” by Gavin, in 1863 a soldier was just outside the colonel’s tent and the colonel found him defecating! The colonel took immediate action; he pulled his revolver and started shooting near the fellow. The book related that the fellow quite rapidly left the area. It doesn’t relate if the shooting at him increased or decreased the flow of his defecation.

I agree with all the Kenneth said prior to letting the cat out of the bag as it were. There are times where we can become so focused on minutia that we fail to portray the very people were suppose to be portarying and lose sight of history vs. trivia. My two cents is that if I were a Civil War Soldier that just ran into a Pirate, my impulse would be to ask where he had been and what had he stolen, not to inspect his footware for stiching, unless I was a cobbler suffering from OCD.

Oh, and I almost forgot, Kenneth is guilty of understatment. He and his group does an excellent job at an exacting historical impression. They work very hard at it and it shows.

Edited by Graydog

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!


Nay! Come t' Pirate Side, we have wenches 'n rum! (none o' that Frenchie stuff!)

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm chimin' in a little tardy, but I agree with what Patrick and Lady B say....It is expensive to be totally period correct, and God love the ones that are. This is what happens when you totally emerse yerself in a hobby(for lack of better term, that describes what we do.) Patrick's done Civil War, and I Rev and French and Indian War prior to comin' over to the Darkside. Ya larn alot along the way. one important thing I larned was that I had a starting point just like everyone else. I don't like to tell people what's right and what's wrong, but am happy to help with advise when I can.. I gotta laugh everytime I see 10-20 Capn' Jacks at the same event, but, Hey, that's their gig and it's what the tourists get fired up about. Most everybody grew up on Movies bout Pirates, and that's what sparked most our interests in piracy, so what better a startin' point. I been doin' this re-enacting thing for 33 years, and I'm still not sure where it's going next. Would love to pull off a Sir Francis Drake, but I'd look more like Henry VIII and I don't wanna wear tights and poofy pants. Funny part is I look more like Yosemite Sam the Pirate. Ahh well....We Do what we can....Ya scurvy varmints......IH

galleon_25235_th1.gif Iron Hand's Plunder Purveyor of Quality Goodes of questionable origins

I was called pyrate at Rev-war/colonia/F&I events long before I got into this. Joe and Jane public don't know the difference anyway. My least favorite though was when this drunk chick kept following me around calling me Captain Morgan! GAWD I hate that crap! I was really thankful when I crossed a ditch in the dark and she fell in and passed out. I left her there to her fate too!!! Stupid wench!



LMAO! :huh:

Now... I have t' ask, Bo... was she impaled upon makeshift bamboo or wood pikes that were sticking up at the bottom of this ditch?

Aye, true. Most are rather oblivious and general acting like College party goers.

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

I gotta laugh everytime I see 10-20 Capn' Jacks at the same event,

We were at an event one time and they had four Jacks tied to a rope and were dragging them around. I quickly rounded up four lads, tied them to a rope and had them swish about as we walked behind the Jacks. Finally the guy towing the Jacks turned around and looked at us and asked what we were doing?

I told him, my four Queens beat his four Jacks.

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!

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