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I am not computer savvy enough to find the thread in the archives. Is it possible for one of you good pyrates to find that thread and put it up here again for references? we had some really good stuff there and a fellow from the Frontier Folk board was asking about this topic. I told him I'd try and get something if it was saved. Thanks!



Hey Bo,

I found the following two threads. I hope one of them this the correct one... If not let me know and I will try a more thorough search.. I generally have pretty good luck with the search functions on this forum.

Folding Knives

Working Knives

I'm actually glad you brought this topic up as a friend of mine gave me a dozen folding knife blanks, and I have been itching to get one on the grinder to finish it... but I wanted to do some research first... Well that and I will likely not have the time to take that project on until spring.. :P


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