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Airship Pyrates....

Patrick Hand

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I have no idea where Airship Pirate comes from but it's a friggin sweet thing.

It's a totally fantasy kinda thing.... Pyrates flying around in Airships instead of sailing ships....

For Steampunk, it has a kinda Victorian flavor to it ... 1800's... but because it's all pretend, we don't have to worry about it being authentic or not.... just fun. :D

I should have been working, but I got playing around instead....

I added a cutlass and goggles....


The Armored Airship, Columbia's Revenge.....(I tried it with sails, and it just didn't look right.....)


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The Armored Airship, Columbia's Revenge.....(I tried it with sails, and it just didn't look right.....)


LOL no that looks pretty sweet as is. I'm not sure if anyone remembers the cartoon Tailspin but they had airship pirates in them. Haha I loved that show when I was young.

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I'm surprised you didn't find & post this...

Got it from the Girl Genius site...

From a book published in 1907...


Merry Christmas...

Edited by Dorian Lasseter


D. Lasseter

Captain, The Lucy

Propria Virtute Audax --- In Hoc Signo Vinces


Ni Feidir An Dubh A Chur Ina Bhan Air

"If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me." Deuteronomy 32:41

Envy and its evil twin - It crept in bed with slander - Idiots they gave advice - But Sloth it gave no answer - Anger kills the human soul - With butter tales of Lust - While Pavlov's Dogs keep chewin' - On the legs they never trust... The Seven Deadly Sins


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I just found this thread!

I had an interesting conversation with a complete stranger about the steampunk genre. He told me that he had gone to DragonCon this year, and out of all of the costumes there, the steampunk ones were what he remembered best. He said it nearly gave him goosebumps to see such a cool mix of styles. I'm definitely interested in seeing where this one goes!

This is one of my favorite pics I've found so far:


Very sharp!!


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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Captain Hand,

You looking fer a ships surgeon? I'd be proud to sign the articles.

I've been kicking around a comic book or graphic novel about something like airship pirates. I used to play a wargame called Gaslight which was Steampunk like. Victorian era armies with steam powered jump packs and steam powered weaponry. Very cool alternate history type game. We played it as a break from the more traditional historical games. This was before Warhammer took off.

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.

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Captain Hand,

Wait a minute..... I ain't th' Captain.... Just part a' th' crew....

Coming up with the design of an Airship and such is fun, but I've never been into the Top-heavy... "I'm the Captain, this is my First Mate, and this is our chief gunner" (the three of us...)... <so where is the crew to sail/fly yer ship?> kinda thing.........

So what do we start th' bidding fer th' Position of Captain at?...... how many bottles a' rum? (each....) :lol:

Drat... I got drafted into moving stuff today, so I didn't get anything done on my leather vest......again.... (and tomorrow looks like it might be more of the same....)

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I've nay desire to be the captain. What I really want to be is the lady bombadier! Can I please, pretty please?

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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Oh yeah.... I figure that the Columbia's Revenge is kinda like the 1720 Careening Camp at PiP... a place for non-allied Airship Pyrates to play... Hey, even if you are a part of another Steampunk group, you can still play Airship Pyrate with us.... (heck... most of what we're doing will be on the internet anyway......).... well unless everyone drinks a whole buncha rum and decides that Burning Man is doable...... :lol:

Maybe I should work on a membership card..... :lol:

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Captain Hand,

Wait a minute..... I ain't th' Captain.... Just part a' th' crew....

Coming up with the design of an Airship and such is fun, but I've never been into the Top-heavy... "I'm the Captain, this is my First Mate, and this is our chief gunner" (the three of us...)... <so where is the crew to sail/fly yer ship?> kinda thing.........

So what do we start th' bidding fer th' Position of Captain at?...... how many bottles a' rum? (each....) ;)

I've always heard rumors about a mysterious Captain, never seen by the crew. The only proof of his existence is his voice as it bellows over the speaking tubes. Some wonder how the captain even keeps a crew without being seen, but between the bosun and the lucrative ventures the captain seems to almost conjure up the crew have stayed loyal and faithful. So far...

Conceptual Simplicity, Structural Complexity, Achieves a Greater State of humanity.

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OOoo OOOooo i wanna play! Can I play?? I really do love this aesthetic... uh oh......... that means more and more costumes ......LOL soon I won't have room for real clothes anymore. Who needs boring clothes anyway...I'll have really cool clothes instead, plus if I do it right I can do Victoria era too.

Oooo Patrick!! I REALLY love the idea of being part of an Airship crew at BurningMan. I lived in Los Angeles for 20 years and never went. Going as an airship pirate would be..... well extra amazing.... and WAY cool!

Oh......... I love the idea of a crew without a visible captain (looks around to see if Spike heard that) - now I have to figure out what my job would be... and a name and a persona, and the whole bit. by the way... I LOVE the BAND you listed in all your SteamPunk links. their website is amazing and the photos!!! not to mention the music its like Industrial/Classical/Folk/Tribal/Pop - don't know how else to describe them ---- OH yeah Steam Punk. So exciting for me to find a whole new arts movement - well new to me at least.

Thanks Patrick!

does your steampunk character have a different name?


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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I've always heard rumors about a mysterious Captain, never seen by the crew. The only proof of his existence is his voice as it bellows over the speaking tubes. Some wonder how the captain even keeps a crew without being seen, but between the bosun and the lucrative ventures the captain seems to almost conjure up the crew have stayed loyal and faithful. So far..

I like that.....A Captain that no one has ever seen..... maybe he's a part of the ship?.... no one knows..... That is such a dang cool idea.....

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.LOL soon I won't have room for real clothes anymore.

Well alla my stuff is real clothing... just from different time periods..... :lol: But I have more clothing from different time periods than I do from right now....(something like that...)

does your steampunk character have a different name?

Silas Morgan.... A couple of times at PiP, when someone would call for Silas (Thatcher), I'd look up... then remember that PiP isn't Steampunk....

I LOVE the BAND you listed in all your SteamPunk links

Abney Park.... they are cool....(never hurts to re-post the link again....)


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I agree that the idea of an invisible Captain is very kewl. All you'd ever hear is some disembodied voice over the intercom/wireless.

My name on the Brass Goggles forum is Mal 'e Diction (the ghost in your machine) or Mal for short. So I'll probably keep that for my Airship bombadier name — "Oh look, isn't it kewl how those cute little houses down there erupt into a ball of flame! Bombs away!"

I still don't have much garb — mainly just the top hat, and the fancy coat. I need to make something more military looking. Hummm, I see a winter project coming on — along with the pirate garb I still need to make. Yikes! <_<

Hey, Patrick, wouldn't it be funny to show up at Ojai and do PC pirates one day, and Airship pirates the next? Or maybe at Nor Cal? It would be a chance for some of the Columbia's Revenge crew to meet up. <_<

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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Or maybe at Nor Cal?

Nor Cal would be cool, there are some Steamers in the Bay Area, and it could be posted that there were going to be Airship Pyrates there; in Brass Goggles......

I still have to start the sewing part of the leather "Combat Vest" I have it torn apart, but now that I have a heater for my workroom, I might be able to get the sewing part of it done (I've been working on some of my Buccaneer stuff because it's hand sewing and warmer in my bedroom...)

I also have a cheap short Falcion that I'm going to grind the blade down and make a scabbard for across the back of the Combat Vest...

I still have to get another leather jacket of coat to cut apart for a flight helmet, make the sub-gattling gun, and then a weapons belt...

I also want to do a drawing/cross section showing where everything is on the Columbia's Revenge.... This is the bomb bay, and this is the gun turret with a breach loading Witworth type II....the gattling guns, and the cargo bay.......

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What kind of leather are you using?

I was going though my leather bin and found an Elk hide that totally forgot I had. Traded for it several years ago with the idea of making a pair of plains boots from it. Now it might just become my Flight Vest/Jacket. Unfortunately, my heavy duty sewing machine crapped out last year so it'll all have to be hand stitched. :lol:

I'll be using 5-6 oz tooling cowhide for the tactical rig. I've done a number of holsters out of it and it holds up quite well.

Doc Wiseman - Ship's Physician, Stur.. er... Surgeon Extrodinaire and general scoundrel.

Reluctant Temporary Commander of Finnegan's Wake

Piracy- Hostile Takeover without the Messy Paperwork

We're not Pirates; we're independent maritime property redistribution specialists.

Member in good standing Persian Gulf Yacht Club, Gulf of Sidra Yacht Club and the Greater Beruit Rod & Gun Club.

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What kind of leather are you using?

Kinda thin garment leather... I'm re-cycling an old leather jacket I bought for $5.99 at a Thrift Store. This afternoon, I actually got all the pockets fixed and added two breast pockets with flaps...It now has 9 pockets.... I still have to do some slight "tailoring" so it fits better, and add eppelets... Then I can take and post a picture of it.... :lol:

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What kind of leather are you using?

Kinda thin garment leather... I'm re-cycling an old leather jacket I bought for $5.99 at a Thrift Store. This afternoon, I actually got all the pockets fixed and added two breast pockets with flaps...It now has 9 pockets.... I still have to do some slight "tailoring" so it fits better, and add eppelets... Then I can take and post a picture of it.... :lol:

what an excellent idea re-cycing an old jacket hhmmmmm gives me ideas



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I copied and saved these picture, but I'll post where I originally found them...

In Brass Goggles

Sexy inside of a Zeppelin engine nacelle

Go down to the sixth post by HAC (the last post on that page)

For two Super cool pictures of the inside of an Airship.....


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Yep, I could see that Mae. Dang I didn't think I would get involved but rummaging through my brain I've though of a few things I might be able to put together. Without even buying anything. I got the hat. Love fedoras, got a brownish green one and a black one. I can come up with the vest. Mmmm..

I bet one of my linen shirts would work. I wonder how my boots would fare. I got to go and put it together. Oohh, I have a 12' bull whip too. Maybe I'm getting a little Indy Jones.

I even have a name; Colorado Montana

Wadda think.

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love the names!! I like Arabella .... Bell for short I was looking up popular sayings of the Victorian era and found "Bang-Up" .... I thought

Bang-up Bell sounds kinda fun too...a real good name for a gal who always does a bang-up job. Maybe then my job should be explosives related. I'm good with that!! Oooh has me thinking very Rosey the Riveter!

the cool part about this whole thing is because its fantasy I would no longer have to justify the whole "girl" pirate thing YEAH!


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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Interesting fact about me related to this topic. When I was in the Navy and I was a military police officer for the last 3 years of my enlistment. They sent us through police training with the New Jersey highway patrol. We trained at Lakehurst, NJ the sight of the Hindenburg crash! in the very hanger that it had been parked.

my life is so full of this kind of synchronicity these days.


“PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.”

Ambrose Bierce

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Well then yer in Mr. Roberts.. like it or not!

I personally love the combinations available... Tech sh-tuff with old world style!!

Right now I'm trying to tweek out my SPiller and Burr reb revolver. I will also probably tweek either my 97 pumpgun or add some pieces and parts to my Blunder buss!!

Found a pair of British Bulldog goggles for a buck and a half, still in the box.. Just need to take one link out of the nose chain!!

Ever see the movie Hardware?? Good look with the Zone Tripper!!

Edited by Rats


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!

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