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Well heck gotta start it all of with this .....

Abney Parks Airship Pyrates....


But just fer funsies..... how would ye dresss as a steampunk Airship Pyrate?

My attempt at Burning Man, just didn't work..... not going ter give up on it yet ......I just gotta work on it some more.......

Fun part 'bout steampunk, is it don't gotta be period.... so anything goes..... have fun wit it..... play it fer all it be worth....well an' post some pictures.......

An ye still gets ter drink lottsa rum...........

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Having lurked in Steamville for awhile... I'm not sure exactly how I would dress! They are an interesting bunch. I don't get the goggles fetish myself, so I'd probably not wear goggles, just out of spite, to be different, original, etc. :(

Also, I'd go all-natural. No, not that way. I mean I wouldn't bother making stuff out of plastic. Example - using Nerf guns as a basis for something you want to look mean and nasty just doesn't work in my mind.

I would definitely go with a huge pair of boots, the more outlandish the better.

If I was just making a kit from what I have laying around... for weapons... rapier and Rogers and Spencer pistol. I might take the cylinder out of the pistol and replace it with something gadgety looking. Boots... I have a pair of black telephone lineman boots that lace all the way up to the knees. I usually wear them laced to the ankles, so they flair out at the top and look kind of buckety. Hat... the old WWII flight cap would work in a pinch. Pants... modern day greenish-brownish jeans I suppose, though I could wear my Old West pants. Yeah... I think I'd go with the Old West pants, which are a chocolate-brown corduroy. If I had a leather bib-front jacket like the Rocketeer wears, I'd go with that, but since I don't... out of the stuff I have sitting around... I'd wear my WWII British rope shirt and over that... an Ike jacket? And my grubby old fingerless gloves.

Then I'd look at myself in the mirror, say I look ridiculous, and take the whole thing off.

(Though... Halloween is coming up. Maybe I've just found myself a Halloween costume?!?!?!)

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


This is what I wore at Burning Man.... unfortunately, it just doesn't look right.....


A jacket might help, but it was too hot to wear one then...Oh, and weapons... lots of weapons.


I already have a jacket kinda like that.... I wear it with some khaki trousers I made and my pith helmet....

I'm working on a frock coat for a Traveling Snake Oil Salesman, But I still want to come-up with something really cool for an Airship Pyrate....

Part of the problem that I'm having, is that I don't want it to look too "Golden Age"(1700's)... bucket boots, cocked hat and a justicorp... I want something maybe 100 years later....But looking at later period Sailors, isn't quite the look I'm going for either..... But at the same time, I don't want it to look "dieselpunk" (the time between WW1 and WW2.... think Indiana Jones...) I think Abney Park is a little more dieselpunk with what they wear ... it looks cool, but I'm still working on something different.... And, it has to scream Airship Pyrate.....


Hmmm.... what about taking some inspiration from the costumes of the movie Stardust? That featured some airship pyrates - and probably covers the era you're looking for.



Yeah, I've looked at Stardust, but if they weren't on the Airship, they don't really look much like Pyrates..... ("Yer still our Captain...Captain..." I love that line....)

For The Golden Age, it's really easy, anyone wearing a long justicorp/Jack Sparrow coat and a cocked hat is thought to be a Pyrate. About the only thing that I can think of right now that "screams" Airship Pyrate is a leather flight cap with a skull patch, and goggles.... Maybe if I add some trim down the legs of the jophers (the blue trousers in the picture) they might look more steampunkish... I was thinking of making a semi-Napoleonic jacket with an ungodly amount of braid, but now I'm not sure if it would work right. A long leather coat and some button-up gaiters might work... and lots of weapons, but I'm kinda stuck having to use a lot of skull patches and such to get the look......

The problem is developing an outfit for a time that never was, that is identifiable as a class/character that didn't exist......


I don't know, Patrick. You might also be able to play off the pirate thing by choosing dark colors for your clothes. Naturally, black comes to mind, but also maybe dark green, maroon, and red. Not Santa Claus red, but coagulated blood red. Might give you a more ominous look. Add one iconic pyrate symbol, to give people the hint, like your death head patches. Then add weapons, and the goggles...........That might work.

Or, it just might only make you come off as an evil overlord. Buwahahahahahahaaaaaaa........ :blink:

Or, think Pyrate Charles. They don't really dress anything close to PC pyrate, but you still know they are pyrates....sorta. Especially the guy in the top hat.

Check out the movie Sky Captain for some ideas. It even has air ships. But with a more 1930s vibe.

Lots of fun ideas, choices, that's for sure.

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog



What you need then is your Airship Captain Wings!


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


Mmmmm ~ Lovely music, Patric!

Driving me to distraction, you are, indeed! A lovely velvet frock coat, heavy with ornate buttons, parted at the waist... knickers reaching to leather boots... beaver-felt tricorn with pierced veil and glorious black rooster coque feathers... My favorite garnet ring, Queen Anne's and smallsword at my side...

Ah, such dreams ~ bound by the reality of the incomeless winter months. *sigh*


Oooh, shiny!


Ummm....what would I wear?

Okay, I have an original WWI British Woman's Land Army coat in a lovely army-brown twill, that comes a bit lower than my knees. I could steam that up. Add my brown swade (?), 4 inch-heeled knee boots that scrunch at the ankle, black pantaloon pants-with maybe a vintage-type design (about the weight, feel, and design of a heavy linen table cloth, only black), black tank top, Victorian type corset/cincher, lots of jewelry, and my short top hat, with black lace and feathers. Add my worn pyrate belt, cutlass, and pistol, and I think I'd be getting close. Maybe add some interesting facial tattoos? (Temporary ones!).

Don't know, but I could sure have fun with it! :blink:

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

Don't know, but I could sure have fun with it! laugh.gif

That was kinda th' idea....

We know what Golden Age Pyrates looked like (the popular and historic versions)... but what would you do for a Steampunk Airship Pyrate? (as if we don't have enough other projects....... :blink: )


Think more along th' lines o' "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" but more with big leather biker boots, spikes perhaps even (t' take place o' th' bucket boots), keep th' tricorn (ditch th' one in yer pic! FAST!!!), if ye gotta have goggles (and sky folk do; they be a necessity up there, trust a skydiver on this one!!) then wear them down around yer neck. Ye need a longer coat then yer pic too, back t' frock/full length duster size! Then dress it up with some piratey leather baldric 'n big wide Blackbeard style belt 'n ye be "Numbero Uno Sky Pirate" :blink:

Perhaps even a skull 'n bones on th' back o' th' frock, but all worn out 'n grease stained.

...oh, 'n do naught forget th' earring, I hear ALL sky pirates wear an earring - ON TH' LEFT!!

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


I dig it, but there are those in the Steampunk crowd (those who think everything sounds better with a -punk) who would point out to you that Sky Captain and Rocketeer are Dieselpunk.

Ugh... that term makes my skin crawl.


The thing with Steampunk is, if you mix and match too much, you just wind up looking like some post-apocalyptic biker punk out of Mad Max. Not that that is a bad thing...

My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.


Ah, jealous, jealous ~ Patrick, will you be able to see Abney Park this week? The convention sounds like a Fantastic Outing ~ 'tis a shame I remain landlocked in the Middle West. *sigh*


Oooh, shiny!


Ugh... that term makes my skin crawl.

Why?... it kinda describes the ....well...... kinda concept...... the time between WW1 and WW2..... It has a slightly different aesthetic than Steampunk.... There are already enough discussions about the punk part to become annoying... hey... it's just a word..... :blink:

will you be able to see Abney Park this week?

I want to.... but I'm not sure how the cash flow thing is going to work out yet........It's only a three hour drive......I might only be able to go to there show, and miss the convention.......RATS........


I saw them at the Makers Fair, and they do a really good show, and they are really cool.... What better way to spend the "Day of the Dead" than watching Abney Park.....



That is IT! I must find a way to attend next year ~ this convention sounds like too much fun to pass up. Patrick, should you attend, I would be most interested in seeing any photos you might take...


Oooh, shiny!


Well ye can try looking at what th' 3D modelers are doing for 'steam punk' concept and take it from there, a couple commercial starters would be:



just do a search in their market places for 'steam punk' and 'punk'....mostly girly steam punk stuff though...

So now where does Tank Girl fit in? Tanks are diesel aint they?

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Ugh... that term makes my skin crawl.

Why?... it kinda describes the ....well...... kinda concept...... the time between WW1 and WW2..... It has a slightly different aesthetic than Steampunk.... There are already enough discussions about the punk part to become annoying... hey... it's just a word..... :P

Less brass, more grease?


"It's just a word" is worthy of a tread all by itself.

I'll give you a reason to do Steampunk... Kato. Wow.


My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

Well ye can try looking at what th' 3D modelers are doing for 'steam punk' concept and take it from there, a couple commercial starters would be:



just do a search in their market places for 'steam punk' and 'punk'....mostly girly steam punk stuff though...

So now where does Tank Girl fit in? Tanks are diesel aint they?

Mmmmm, Tank Girl. Would that I were so Brave. I am more the Jet Girl type.


Oooh, shiny!


Very cool, Patrick.

Aye, I'd be with MadL on the description. I'd think it would be like "Captain Midnight and the World of Tomorrow". Among other things. :D

Hmm. I'll have to conjure something up in due time when I get time and coinage. :D

Looking forward to more, Patrick. :D

~Lady B

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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