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Pirate Board Games

Captain Tito

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Mateys I be lookin for a fun Pirate board game.

I have seen mention of some but not sure which ones are the best.

I be lookin for one that is also not too squirly to learn, and is also not gonna empty me doubloons. (I have seen a game like Dread Pirate for over $80) I was thinkin of the $20-$30 range or less. I have seen some small ones too like LaFitte's Revenge. Give me all the feedback ya can. Give me websites or sources where I might purchase. I saw some last month at Fern Canyon Press, but they soldout and I noticed they only have video games right now.(I don't know how up on these games a place like ToysRus is)

Load the guns and fire right at me!!


<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>Have Parrot Bay, will travel.

WILL SHARE TOO!!!</span>

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Thar be a right fun game called Pirateer, the game o' outrageous fortune. (www.pirateer.com). I used to play it when I was just a wee pirate, and enjoyed it much. It can be played by one and all, bein' a game o' naval strategy and fun. Basically, the goal o' the game is to get the booty. A right fine goal if ye ask me. Unfortunately, I can't find a place to purchase it, and their website is "under construction until 2004." Good luck, mate.

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  • 2 months later...
Thar be a right fun game called Pirateer, the game o' outrageous fortune. (www.pirateer.com). I used to play it when I was just a wee pirate, and enjoyed it much. It can be played by one and all, bein' a game o' naval strategy and fun. Basically, the goal o' the game is to get the booty. A right fine goal if ye ask me. Unfortunately, I can't find a place to purchase it, and their website is "under construction until 2004." Good luck, mate.

Aye, I just plundered me said game from local toy store. It were in the clearance section for a mere song (less than $20). I think I am lucky as the local owner be kinda of a pirate fan herself. Thankfully, me neighbors haven't quite caught on and now she be marking down her toys. :lol:

~Black Hearted Pearl

The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.

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There was a game selling in a catalog from a shop called Prestons. The game was called ... The Captains Mistress.... I have no idea how to play it, but, I am interested in buying it. The last time i looked, it was going for about $40. Let me know if you buy it.... The Capt.

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