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How to begin?


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I may well be going about this all wrong, but I checked the pirate crews area and found the general thread locked and that the Florida crew had not posted since January of 2007. Thus, since my main concern has to do with PiP, I figured here was likely the best place. I'll walk the plank if I'm wrong!

(I'm an excellent swimmer)

Anyway, the reason for my missive is that I would like to attend PiP for the first time this year. (Yay!) However, I am somewhat of a lone pirate in these parts (Boo!). It rarely impeads me, as I still intend to drive to the keys and get a hotel room and all that, however, I would like to have some cool folks to meet once I get there. That's where you come in.

Where should I go - rather then wandering aimlessly? And is there anyway I can help? I have garb (I promise, no polyester) , a bighonking trunk and I am willing to pitch in.

Oh, and I should introduce myself, somewhat at least.

I'm a South Florida native who is just about to finish my master's degree is social work. I love any excse to wear corests and drink in the afternoon (ha!) and have been attending the south florida ren fest for a few years now, though without a camp affiliation (long story short, there appeared to be a lot of drama there, and I am a low-drama individual). I am a geek for all seasons, enjoying RPGing and comic books and so forth, so if I start spouting off about the anthropology of science fiction replacing ancient mythologies, feel free to smack me.

So...hi! Where do I go?

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Jessi lass,

Tis a welcomin event. All are very friendly. Aa ken do wot I done two years ago ...jus show up. :P

Welcome t'ya lass. I'm known as Silkie. I own an ordinary called "The Selkie's Hide" wot ken be found in d'period encampment on d'beach at d'fort. I d'nay sell anytin der ...tis a place for Period Correct (PC) pyrates to gader fer meals n'such. Ifin ya like come t'mae establishment n'intraduce yerself!

Ifin ya nil mind campin ya ken even camp some place ah'd'fort. Ya needs t'fill in a form wot ya finds ere http://www.forttaylor.org/pipregform2008.pdf

Ya may wont t'also look aroun ere http://www.piratesinparadise.com/index.html ifin ya avn't yet.

As t'pitchin in ...I'm lookin fer servin wenches.

Edited by Silkie McDonough
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The Mercury is a period correct campsite with no real crew affiliation, so you'll fit right in if that interests you. As Silkie said, your first order of business is to fill out that consent form and get it to the Fort. If you're far enough south in south Florida (like in the middle/lower Keys), you might even want to get in touch with the re-enactor group down there who are part sponsors of the event - the Bone Island Buccaneers.

I showed up last year having met no one there (though I met many people here on-line) and it was a wonderful experience. Posting around here and getting to know (and be known by) the people who will be there will probably quell most concerns about just showing up. In fact, I had so much fun last year, I posted an account of it, which is long and rather silly. You can read it here. It might also help you put faces to names. It's a great group and a great time.

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Silkie, Thanks muchly for the info. I had looked around the piratesinparadise site but had not realized the form was necessary for participation - I had thought it was merely for camping. On that matter, I will likely be staying at a hotel (Which is closest?), as I haven't any of the gear required for such, and as I am in the final throes of grad school (my last day of class is actually December 4th - so I am cutting it close!) I haven't the time (or the funds) to put together what would be needed for anything resembling a period correct site.

My, I sure do love those parenthetical asides, don't I?

Speaking of period correct,how exacting does garb need to be to pass muster? While I did mention you will find no polyester in my clothing, there may be short modern velvet over canvas, metal stays and other such things. While I can certainly replace elastic gathered sleeves by removing said elastic and replacing it with a simple chord in the fabric channel, my skills are not as such that I could do much else.

Mission - I just read your site and I loved your account - bravo sir! I am not so far south - but rather just a bit north of Ft. Lauderdale on the atlantic coast.

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I can second Mission's statement. (Sorry, just couldn't resist.) PiP is the best Pyrate gathering anywhere for "unaffiliated" pyrates. All of the Mercury Camp Pyrates met online, here. Some of us (well, me, for sure) have been shut out at other gatherings because the "crews" there were quite exclusive, snobbish even. Not so at PiP. At Pip even established crew affiliations dissolve and one big crewe emerges. 'Tis amazing. Of course one half of us are trying to kill the other half but what can you expect when pyrate hunters show up. All are welcome, so bring your flintlocks, a willingness to have fun, and join in the party. Live the life of a pyrate.

Of course the key to this whole thing is Harry Smid, Park official and all around good guy. Seeing that Harry is one of us the overall feeling is that the inmates are running the asylum.


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...

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Also ...since we don't know who the good guys are and the bad guys are until just before a battle we all camp together ...Pyrates, Pyrate hunters and neutrals.

There are more opportunities to pitch-in and participate than being a serving wench ...which only happens when the public is around. There is a parade on ...is it Friday? ...that all are encouraged to participate in. I am sure that if you wish the Bone Island Buccaneers could find "work" for you. If you have a fire arm you are more than welcome to rob the bodies of the fallen or help the surgeon with the wounded. If you want there will also be a pub brawl or two but you would have to be to the fort when we have rehearsals. If you sing PC songs then come with your best voice. I would love for someone to sing in the ordinary ...heck I would sing in the ordinary if I had made time to learn something PC ...which I may yet do before the festival. Do you have a "character"? Some of our ladies are hawkers, some courtesans, one is an indentured servent, some merchants, some (like myself) have public establishments (pyrate public that is) ...and as I said before...I need serving wenches ...oh and two of our cooks can't make it so cooking would be a big help (just for the PC encampment).

Take a look at all the posts here about PiP and think on it ...it is all very informal ...except for the brawls.

Edited by Silkie McDonough
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Aye, the best part of PIP is that the snobbery of being initiated into a crew like some college fraternity is unnecessary. It is the most openly democratic of groups; to be a part of the group it just takes a willingness to join in. As to your kit if you're trying is the first step, a sense of self-awareness of the period correctness is a wonderful thing but if you aren't spot on to start, there are lots of folks to help you on your way to a good period portrayal. As to staying on-site a blanket or two would be all you'd really need. There is always a berth for pyrate who's willing to help out. From the sound of ye' there seems to have a fair amount of genuine interest in becoming one of the misbegotten souls that attend this event so don't be timid about coming and making yourself at home in the event. Posting here and introducing yourself is a grand way to start!!!

Edited by callenish gunner
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Huzzah to ye Redjesse! PiP is the most incredible pyrate gathering in all the world. Tis more of a family, with a few squabbling siblings at battle time, but at the end of the day we are all together and living the life of the sweet trade! I assist with the not PC camping and the sort of PC but not quite camping, and trust me when I tell ye, we ALWAYS have work to be done around the fort, and lodging is not usually a problem, theres always a place to lay yer head. If you still desire the comforts of a hotel, there are plenty to be found. My own crewe of the Sacred Heart is really just a group of wayward pyrates that joined together for the kinship. There is nothing "formal" or "stuffy" about PiP, the only condition to participating is being there! Come join the bretheren!

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Welcome aboard. I wish I could say that I will be there personally to show you about the place, but I won't. That said, you won't find a better lot than those who attend. Every crew there brings something unique to the puzzle. You're sure to find several groups to choose from, but I suggest you meet them all and be certain to visit the beach encampments at night. Good song and good company in that lot.





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The cheapest, closest. reasonablest hotels I know of are the Best Western Hibiscus and the Southernmost Hotel. The best deal I've found (and it's a lot closer than those hotels) is to rent a condo in the Truman Annex near the fort entrance. If that intrigues you, see this thread.

At the end of it, though...hotels are pricey in Key West. It might be cheaper to purchase the canvas and set up a period campsite! The cheapest place to stay is at the Fort. As the inimitable Patrick Hand says, "Where else can you legally sleep by the ocean, under the stars in Key West for free?" ;) (Note that Patrick's site is a hammock with a small tarp stretched over top of it.)

(Also note: He may not have actually said it like that. I'm probably paraphrasing. When we recall things, we actually remember bits and pieces and then fill in the details with recent experiences and think that we have really good memory. Isn't that fascinating? But I digress... ;) )

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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i too highly suggest sleeping neer the beach...i was in a hammock and tarp....where from every mornin saw the sun-rise...and everynight saw the sun-set...an skinny dipped in the ocean everymornin fer me daily bath which was mere steps from me hammock.....all for free!!!!

as far as who to meet??...i suggest to meet everybody....and the best way to do that??....start by buyin the first 10 rounds!!!!! ;)

aye lass...post a pic of yer self...so we can spot whos buyin the rum!!!

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I am glad to hear that the atmosphere is as genial as it is! Since I will likely be coming solo and plan on staying 4 days (Thursday to Monday) 'tis nice to know I can do more than just...well, stand around by meself and watch. heh

Silkie, you mentioned having a firearm - I assume you mean of the actually-firing-blanks variety? ('tis no so believable a recreation to shout BANG! is it?) Again, that will likely be cost prohibitive for me. I am still researching a character, so I will have to get back to you on that front! Ironically enough, I did study chamber music and madrigals for a number of years, which tended to range from the 17h and 18th centuries. Though most of those were for an arrangement of voices, not a soloist, I might be able to modify a bit and also figure out how t'sing in a corset. I would *love* to be involved in a brawl, but since I will be attending my last few classes up until Thursday afternoon, I'm guessing I will be missing all the rehersals. Beyond that, I would be happy to help out serving or cooking as needed. I'm a mean bartender. And that is meant in the truest sense (GRR! actually, I was a bartender for awhile and I was known for doing things like refusing to redirty glasses I had already washed at the end of the night, so last minute shots were typically poured directly into the patrons mouth. heh).

Thanks for the welcome Callenish! What would you say is the most important part of a kit that should be accurate? I've seen some websites swear 'tis the shoes and others swear 'tis the arms. As it is, neither of mine would be accurate, per say, as me boots are zipper equipped and me only weapon is a short sword, which 'tis not so very accurate.

Fayma - so there is none PC camping as well? Does that need to be taken down each mornin' and reset each night? As much as a temptation as it is, I think I will book a hotel this year, for the assurance of having a place to rest. And shower.

William Red Wake - I've seen your picture about on several websites - it's a shame I won;t get to meet you. Though, I am sure I will hear all sorts of stories. So, if we do meet some day, I'll already have dirt on ye!

Mission - are the hotels within walking distance? (and goes to check the other thread)

M.A. d'Dogge, ye make sleeping on the beach sound awfully inviting. Alas, I am not sure my back would appreciate such repose after 2 days...

And, since ye asked so nicely - here I be:


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Mission - are the hotels within walking distance? (and goes to check the other thread)

Er, well, sort of...how well do you like to walk? (It's a very green thing to do, so it's in fashion just now...)

The only places you'll find closer are quite a bit more expensive. Last year I stayed at a guest house that was closer by a good bit, but which I do not recommend based on the thickness of the price and the thinness of the walls. (Ah, splendid, the upstairs neighbors are "in love". Alas, I do not wish to be notified of this all night long at regular intervals.) The Banyan (a condo community thing) is also closer, but again, more pricey. (A very nice place to stay, though.) For big box hotels, the two I mentioned are about as good as it gets. Most of the rest of them are in New town. Not where you want to be if you're walking as the fort is in Old town about 3-4 miles away.

Still, the path from the fort gate to the fort proper is probably a good 1/4 - 1/2 mile, so anywhere from outside is a hike. (You may want to bring your bike. I have a junky bike down there already.)

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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A bike ye say? I may be able to borrow one, but I've never attempted to ride such in skirts. This will bear some thinking.

Did I see someone mention that parking is free within the park for re-enactors? If that's the case, it sounds golden. And I'd be more then happy to haul supplies in each morning as needed, as my vehicle has a more then decent amount of cargo space.

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Welcome aboard lass! I am Hurricane, captain of the Pyrates of the Coast. We're a bit north of ya, being based out of Melbourne, FL. We man the Catt & Fiddle Tavern inside the fort, and sleep there too. We also are running a period tea shop there, with herbal teas for what ails the flotsam and jetsam that pass by.

The Catt & Fiddle is our little corner of the world. Stop in, play some period games, sing some songs. We aren't playing super period as we did last year in terms of clothing. Everything else we try to get as close to correct as possible, right down to the vittles our crewe eats.

Stop by and say hi... you can find out more about us and out motley crewe at http://www.piratesofthecoast.com.

A few of us will be down at the Key Largo Pirate Festival on Saturday, Oct. 18th if you happen that way. Diosa and I will be swinging through on our way back from Key West...

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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:blink: ...after seein your pic...i am SURE there may be an able bodied seaman or two(or 3)....that would lend ya space in there hammocks....just so ya wouldnt miss out on the atmosphere and merriement of the PC marooned/shipwreck encampment thingy down by the Beach..... :rolleyes:

...and just so ya know... :unsure: .....my hammock is the most comfy.... ;)

OWWWWWW!!!!!!..... :blink:

....just got slapped upside the head by me wife.... :blink: .....damn....where she come from.... :unsure:

i'm just sayin....sleepin 'round the fort...well thats half the experience

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For the price of one nights stay in a hotel, you can buy enough canvas and rope, and make a hammock and tarp that and a blanket, and just join in at the beach.....

Hey... no one is going to check if it was hand-sewn or machine sewn anyway.... just pre-wash your canvas first, or it will leek (just ask Silkie...)

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We opt for the air bed route -- KW is famed for early morning rain showers (you being from Florida would know how that works around here too) and drying stuff out every day just isn't out balleywick. Have to do that enough during the rest of the year with the hammocks and encampment in our yard.

We don't even bother with a piece of canvas over it since we just deflate them in the morning and pack them away. We don't pull them out until it's after dark so no one ever sees them.

The baseline here is there's lots of options. In the fort, at the beach or in contemporary camping. I can say I never left the grounds last year (except for the Walk the Plank championship) -- spent three days just pirating my guts out. So the experience no matter how you decide to sleep is as immersive as you want it to be.

I believe much of the night singing this year will be out at Silkie's ordinary than in the pub. Less hot and more room are the benefits of the beach ordinary. I think it's cool everything is spreading out to make full use of the fort and its grounds.

Does anyone know if the beach restoration project is complete?

-- Hurricane

-- Hurricane



  • Captain of The Pyrates of the Coast
  • Author of "Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Year Before the Mast" (Published in Fall 2011)
  • Scurrilous Rogue
  • Stirrer of Pots
  • Fomenter of Mutiny
  • Bon Vivant & Roustabout
  • Part-time Carnival Barker
  • Certified Ex-Wife Collector
  • Experienced Drinking Companion

"I was screwed. I readied my confession and the sobbing pleas not to tell my wife. But as I turned, no one was in the bed. The room was empty. The naked girl was gone, like magic."

"Memoirs of a Buccaneer: 30 Years Before the Mast" - Amazon.com

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One of the reasons I offered the lass a place of safe harbour was the able-bodied seaman abouts ......since I have daughters older than she is ....oh wait!!!! my lass Salty is younger than my daughter as well ....OK it was simply a humanitarian gesture to ensure she has a good time with a choice of invites if she choses to accept other offers ...besides I was offering her room in the second tent. she will have a room there to herself if she so desires and if she wants company that's up to her now isn't t?

Down Dogge!!! don't make me bring out the muzzle again!!! :blink::blink: :blink:

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