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  • 4 months later...

Oi Captain Browne,

Sorry that I missed you and the crew at yesterday's muster. Lately, troubles is clingin' ta me like fleas to a hound... one jumps off and another jumps on! I'll set my sites on the February Meeting and hope for the best.

Considering the Season and the weather it brings, this cozy Pub make make a great place to meet for a while.

"No Profit Grows Where is No Pleasure Taken."

Posted (edited)
I have a posting and a Survey Poll running in the Marketplace and I am interested in feeback. Could you take a moment or two to fill out a quick, multiple choice survey regarding Sea Chests?

Here's the link:


(Let's see if this works too)

Sea Chest Survey

aye, I took your survey. I would be interested in a sea chest of some sort. I think I would be a good thing to had as I am collecting pirate gear rather quickly...

I happen to like this particular style, I found *hehe* on the Half Moon ship this past fall...




What do you think? or should I put this in the Sea Chest thread?

Edited by LadyBrower

Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.



Posted (edited)
aye, I took your survey. I would be interested in a sea chest of some sort. I think I would be a good thing to had as I am collecting pirate gear rather quickly...

I happen to like this particular style, I found *hehe* on the Half Moon ship this past fall...

What do you think? or should I put this in the Sea Chest thread?

Greetings M'Lady,

I think that would be a fine chest to make up. The design is fairly straight forward. I do have a design just about finished that has the sloped sides that just screams "Pyrate!" I should have the images up in another day or two.

I'll keep ye posted.

Edited by Island Cutter

"No Profit Grows Where is No Pleasure Taken."


I am really glad that I was introduced to this group, and am looking forward to many adventures......great group, cant wait to see if we can get some more recruits around here


Half Moon Marauders

Irish Diplomacy... is the ability to tell a man to go to hell so that he looks forward to making the trip.

haha. Aw.

Hmmm... seemed to me that there would be more visitors from our region. I'll bet that it is just the Winter Doldrums that have hit. Let's keep the chatter up and perhaps others will chime in.

"No Profit Grows Where is No Pleasure Taken."

Yeah... We need to find some more local friends. I feel so looooonely

I am willing to wager that once we have had a few local, public events under our keel, we'll find quite a following. They're out there, they just don't know it yet.

"No Profit Grows Where is No Pleasure Taken."


There was a new guy at my fencing practice last night. When he Googled local fencing groups to find a place to learn, Half Moon Marauders popped up. Our name is out there.


Craig Browne


Half Moon Marauders


Nice. Yeah, I'd love to even make up our own local events... Pirates in the park, and the like... =) I have generated some interest at school but I think people won't be serious about it until they see us in "action" lol

PS. i think I have perfected the grog. we should have a tasting next meeting. yum

Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.



Nice. Yeah, I'd love to even make up our own local events... Pirates in the park, and the like... =) I have generated some interest at school but I think people won't be serious about it until they see us in "action" lol

PS. i think I have perfected the grog. we should have a tasting next meeting. yum

Huzzah for grog!

Lat summer I volunteered at Camp Nooteeming, a cub scout camp in Salt Point. This summer, the camp is going to have a pirate theme. I know they'd love to have us do something for their evening program one night. Alas, I'll probably be teaching a night class, but the rest of you could invade.


Craig Browne


Half Moon Marauders

Lat summer I volunteered at Camp Nooteeming, a cub scout camp in Salt Point. This summer, the camp is going to have a pirate theme. I know they'd love to have us do something for their evening program one night. Alas, I'll probably be teaching a night class, but the rest of you could invade.

That sounds like fun! Do a little "show" and an educational presentation? yey!

Cook and Seamstress to the Half Moon Marauders

Lady Brower's Treasures, Clothing and other treasures

Hell Hath No Fury like the Wrath of a Woman... No that's it. She doesn't need a reason.



  • 2 weeks later...
There was a new guy at my fencing practice last night. When he Googled local fencing groups to find a place to learn, Half Moon Marauders popped up. Our name is out there.

Boy is it quiet around here.

Just thought I would post before all that is heard is the wind howling up the Hudson.

This is directed at Bilgewater Brown, (I assume that you are the fencing part of the talent posted for the group) but I welcome the thoughts of any and all in the crewe as regards the following.....

have you taken notice of the 'documentary' (if that is what it is), about 'Reclaiming the Blade' that was first posted on the Ship's Armory section, under 1stMate's Forge, Documentary of the Sword, by hurricane? I just got another newsletter from them today and they promised that in the next newsletter there would be something about a 'release date'. I was just wondering if there might be an opportunity related to the release of this to promote both your fencing and the Half Moon Marauders?

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I


Just a note: I had wanted to attend the Feb. meeting, but one of my four children, (2) daughter is moving out of her apartment this coming Saturday over in PA and I have become a major part of the moving team. Said same daughter is getting married the last Saturday of March, so I guess I am questionable for the March gathering also, unless it is not that Saturday, I only focused on this month as with all four of the kids having bids on my help, it keeps us kind of busy in our free time and I rarely look more than a few weeks into the future for personal plans. Eventually I will get around to meeting you all.

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I

  • 1 month later...

Just a bump to let you all know we are still here.... ;)

Sorry I could not make our latest meetup on 4/11, had all the family home for Easter and had a bout of some kind of flu on top of it all, sore throat, chest congestion, etc. Sigh. Hope things went well, but I really missed being there as I still don't have any pants ;) Will attempt something from a pattern and see how it goes on my own, after all, it is only cloth and thread, how hard can it be? ;) Hope to make the next meetup for sure, with or without pants, (period correct ones that is).

No Fear Have Ye of Evil Curses says you...

Aye,... Properly Warned Ye Be says I


Here's a small event in your general area...

Music of the Seven Seas - Rockland Co., NY - Benefit for Mystic Seaport

They are asking for a $20.00 Donation, but I would be willing to bet that they would waive that if you showed up as "entertainment"

Here is some information...

On Sunday, April 19th, THE BORDERLINE will present Rockland County's

first ever Folk Festival. This will be a 5 hour non-stop musical

extravaganza from 12 noon to 5 PM, that will take place at the New City

Volunteer Ambulance Corps building, located at 200 - Congers Road in New

City, NY.

The focus this year will be on music of the 7 seas and will be a preview

of, and a fundraiser for, the 30th annual Mystic Sea Music Festival that

is scheduled to take place at the historic seaport in Connecticut on the

second weekend in June.

There will be no less than 8 performers & bands coming from as far away

as Maine, New Hampshire, & Rhode Island that will be joined by local

performers who are all well known singers and players of Sea Chanteys.

Many are old favorites who appear annually as regulars at the Mystic


Headlining the show and acting as emcee will be GEOFF KAUFMAN. He will


MARKUS, FRANK WOERNER, & RICK NESTLER. More performers and groups of

performers may be added in the coming weeks.

All the performers will be donating their services to raise money for

this historic festival which is in danger this year due to the faltering


Boniface "Boncoeurs" Coeurloupe

"Le Coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaƮt point"

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