Capt. Morgan Posted December 26, 2003 Posted December 26, 2003 Indy Props Check out the above link for a great copy of the Cursed Coins from our favorite movie... I own an original, and gave out some of these for the holidays... they are almost an exact copy!! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
Capt. Morgan Posted December 26, 2003 Author Posted December 26, 2003 And at an amazing $30, you can't beat 'em!! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
Nigel Posted December 26, 2003 Posted December 26, 2003 ooOOooo! A Sparkly! I LOOOOOVE Sparklies! Sir Nigel - aka "Sir Freelancealot"; aka "Ace of Cads"; aka "JACKPOT!!" (cha-CHING!) "Mojitos BAD!...Lesbians with free rum GOOD!!!"
Captian Wolfy Wench Posted December 26, 2003 Posted December 26, 2003 Aye! These are some fine replicas! I've seen the real props many a-times, and from what I remember, these're rightly done, and quite accurate. Where's it say e's selling 'em for $30? I wants the precious... Captain Wolfy Wench
Sassy Posted December 26, 2003 Posted December 26, 2003 oooooooo..... me likes! Me likes verrrrrrrry much! Thank ye, Capt Morgan fer findin' us a new village te pillage. Gonna plund'r me one er two o'them cursssssssid coins! I dinna see anythin 'bout $'s I writ 'im fer a list o' how many o' me coins he be wantin' fer 'em. 'Tain't writ back te me yet, he hasn't.
El Pirata Posted December 26, 2003 Posted December 26, 2003 Ok so where do you see they are only $30 and how do you buy them? They are really cool beans. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
Capt. Morgan Posted December 26, 2003 Author Posted December 26, 2003 Here's the original message sent to me by the guy who makes these... believe me, he is very reputible (sp?) in the prop world, and his work is top o' the line! To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: My Groups | propreplicas Main Page I've just finished a run of the Aztec coin from Pirates of the Caribbean. For pictures and info go here: They are gold plated metal, not resin, and, since my master is a second generation cast, they are VERY close to the original props. There is a hole drilled at the top for a ring. I'll also have an accurate chain ready in the very near future (hopefully this week or the next). If you're interested, these coins are only $30 each (plus $4 s/h). Payment can be made via Paypal to: I don't have the price for the chain yet, but it shouldn't be very much at all. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions. Kind regards, Indy ===== + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam + Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
El Pirata Posted December 26, 2003 Posted December 26, 2003 I'll drop him an e-mail. Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
CaptJackSparrow Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 I also own an original, both of them and am in the process of having some made up as they will not be offered on the open market or whored on ebay. If there are interested parties in the pub and other private clubs that want them no problem. I having copies made originally for my selfas I wanted a bunch for a chest of gold. Will post info when they are available. Jack
Sassy Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Rec'd a note from Indy 'bout te coins. He quoted me $35 (coin an' shippin'). Mabbe 'cause he's git'n so's many 'queries 'bout them coins, he's thunk he otta up'n te price a bit. What price be ye off'rin Sparrow? An' ye gots a gravue, tin plate, er etch'in o' 'em?
CaptJackSparrow Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Another collector friend put me on to this a few weeks back, It seems it is second generation copy (a copy of a copy) ergo lower price I guess. My coins witll be first generation and can probably do them for around $25 fer the least that is the plan thus far. I'm having the double skull coins made not the singles everyone seems to have that are seen a total of 3 times in the actual film. The chains are readily available and are not a problem I can get them anytime my priority is the coins at the moment. For all those interested....other items are due shortly. Still waiting for info on the Barbossa Sword (pricewise) Barbossa Medallion and Jack's Ring (also being cast up) Jack
Sassy Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 I be verrrrrrrrrrrrry innatroristed in ye wares, Sparrow. I do be likken yer price. Not menn'n te be offensive, but....They be quarllllity wares, be they not? Whar jes wondren since ye didn't say nutin 'bout what they be made o'. O' did I miss te memo agin onna that? Keep this Sassy lass inforrrrrrmmmmed. :) Ye an' Sassy prolly be strik'n an accord onna this. Thank ye kindly.
Rumba Rue Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Hmmmmm, sure is cheaper than what Robin Grattige offered to me. (Sorry Robin, but gotta go with the money saving copy) Hence he has a post here somewhere about them. In any case, I've sent the guy an email already. RumbaRue **The bigger my eyes, the greater my want**
Sassy Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Rumba, M'dear...... who be this Robin Grattige ye speaks of?
Charlotte Doyle Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 Captain Jack, I be _very_ interested in acquiring a double-sided coin from ye, most especially if ye be willin' t' take a money order (I don't use Pay Pal) . . . please, keep us posted about when these pirate wares will be able to be acquired! :) Heh . . . this must be _killing_ Disney. All these copies of the coins being sold on eBay and sites like this . . . if Disney had gotten on the ball and made these Aztec coins themselves, for necklaces 'n' so on, they'd be makin' a _killing_. (More of a killing than they're making with the DVD sales, that is.) Has t' be driving them mad. I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)
Charlotte Doyle Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 CaptJackSparrow said: I'm having the double skull coins made not the singles everyone seems to have that are seen a total of 3 times in the actual film. Almost forgot: I have a question about this. I keep seeing the singles available on other sites, like you said -- WHY!?!? When are the singles _ever_ seen in the actual film?? From what I can tell, every single piece we ever see is double-sided; certainly, the piece Elizabeth wears as her medallion is double-sided, we see that this is the case when it flips around and around after Barbossa drops it into the chest. Yet I keep seeing singles at all the websites. I mean, I adore the Aztec coin at the Indyprops site; but what's with the random design on the back? I'm not criticizing -- I'm just curious. Are the singles being made 'cause it's cheaper than making them double-sided (which is certainly fair enough)? Or is it something else? I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)
Sassy Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 I be want'n te doubly ones.... no half-arsed coins fer me. Me thinks cheap'r be te reason tho fer te onsies.
Capt. Morgan Posted December 29, 2003 Author Posted December 29, 2003 I have one of the 882 props made by Disney (I know a guy who did some set design & construction for the film) and mine is single sided... you see the single sided a few times (some of the extra selections on the DVD show the single flipping into blackness). Both singles and doubles were made as props, and are seen on screen. I don't know the rhyme or reason for this, but there it is... the design on the back is supposed to be an "Aztec design"... anyone out there know anymore about this phenomenon? I'd be interested ta know meself! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
Capt. Morgan Posted December 29, 2003 Author Posted December 29, 2003 By the by, Cap'n Sparrow... let us know when yers are ready... I'd like to add a double sided coin to me collection! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
CaptJackSparrow Posted December 29, 2003 Posted December 29, 2003 I can only guess as to the real honest genuine reason for the 2 coins (that is another story) If you review now all ye piratey folks and you know who you are yer DVD's you'll see the singles appear in 3 shots or segments 1) Will Turner is rescued from sea. 2) Elizabeth removes it from the Drawer and can be followed through the film till she threatens to throw it overboard on the Pearl and finally the Barbossa speech (not sure which coin could be either one) From then on it is a double, the first scene after that is Elizabeth is to be taken to the cave and Barbossa puts in on her, it can clearly be seen to flip over while he putting round her neck It's a double skull from there on all coins seen in the chest and everywhere else are doubles. 3) last exception is Will bandages Liz's hand and it is required to lay flat on the table and not move around or "flash" at the camera. This could have been on purpose or an out-of-sequesnce shot. Sorry for the long post. Jack
Rumba Rue Posted December 30, 2003 Posted December 30, 2003 Sassy said: Rumba, M'dear...... who be this Robin Grattige ye speaks of? Uh, he's postin' as Robin St.Graves. He's got a post down the way here, for Aztec coins. Interesting that a double sided coin would bring more money I would think. Hmmmm, now this is something I hadn't considered. I'll have to ask, as the price was pretty steep for a coin signed by the artist. If it is only one sided, then I'd definatly go for the cheaper model. BTW- The email I got back from Indy stated they sold for $35.00 each. RumbaRue **I can imagine quite a lot**
HarborMaster Posted December 31, 2003 Posted December 31, 2003 Jack is right about the scenes.., and CLEARLY you CAN see the Aztec symbol on the coins back side., As it were the Aztec symbol., is because IT WAS AZTEC GOLD., and of course the curse on the other side., the reason for the double skull coin., is to KNOCK HOME into the viewers head "CURSE" so they get a double sided skull from the prop man and slow-mo the coin falling into the chest to drive this home to the viewing public "Curses" and thats really about it..., My self I have a ROMAGOLD Coin which I prefer hands down over a plated coin., the reason being is a plating will wear off in a few years and doesnt take kindly to jewelry cleaner.., RomaGold alloy being the metal used by jewelers to increase a golds strength and reduce 24k's content DOWN to 14k or 10k must be of a type of alloy that doesnt corrode or turn GREEN or any other non jewelry type of dirty bugger you would not be happy with..., therefore Romagold alloy is a superior metal for the prop it is wearble on a daily basis for life without fading or peeling or wearing as it is the gold color THRU the metal. The Aztec coin is the HERO prop for the movie., although the double skull being the most remembered., A HERO prop is a Prop that sells to an audience WOW thats awesome., (for example Eastwood carries a rubber 44 horseback thru a river then he pulls the gun CUT giving eastwood A GOOD one) for the FULL SCREEN CLOSE UP ..., thats a HERO prop HarborMaster I am not Lost .,I am Exploring. "If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"
Capt. Morgan Posted February 9, 2004 Author Posted February 9, 2004 Indy's chains for the Aztec Coins are completed, check 'em out! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
imadrunkenpirate Posted February 10, 2004 Posted February 10, 2004 $30 be cheap..! I bought mine from eBay (fer about $80 or so) it be VERY tiny... (1inch in diameter). It was one from the Japan theatre exclusive. Makes me feel like I got ripped off! It'll be the rope's end for that one, me bucko.
Capt. Morgan Posted February 10, 2004 Author Posted February 10, 2004 The Aztec coin is beautifully made, and well worth the $35 I paid for it ($30 + $5 for s&h)... ordered a chain today, and I'll let you know how it is when I get it... I own a few items made by Indy, Maggie, and they are all great! Touche' Ship's Marksman & Crab Fiend Pyrates of the Coast "All the skill in the world goes out the window if an angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket." "Florida points like a guiding thumb, To the southern isles of rumba and rum, To the mystery cities and haunted seas, Of the Spanish Main and the Caribbees..."
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