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Rock Hall's Pirates & Wenches Fantasy Weekend

Rogue Mermaid

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There is going to be a small pirate encampment with some Black Powder demos'. 'Pirates For Sail' will be there both days. The Valhalla's Pirates will be doing there fight skits around the encampment as well.

I am sure as it gets closer more details will be posted.



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I will be there as well helping out in the encampment. Sounds like a great time and everyone involved that I've spoken with has been very helpful and excited about this event. I will be bringing my "after hours" supply of rum and other liquors with me so if you do show up I'll save you a glass or four...

"Blackbeard" (aka Chris Suttle)

Here's to wishing the wind be in yer sails and yer powder stay dry...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got a new treasure chest made for the encampment, haven't been able to take pictures yet but it looks great. Also, finally got aproval from the airlines to bring the weapons chest so this is definitly going to be a good time now...

And I got a new coat made for the weekend and added a few more bottles to the pirate bar...

Here's to wishing the wind be in yer sails and yer powder stay dry...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will be getting the event details shortly. There looks to be a lot going on.

I don't want to jump the gun and post stuff yet till it is official.

I can say this

There is going to be a Pirate Ball Saturday Night from 8 till Midnight with "Pyrates Royale"

I hope to have more by the middle of next week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have some more info from the fine people of Rock Hall MD.

There is going to be pirate cruises aboard Baltimores own Pirate Ship the "Fearless" as well as the 'Lioness" There will be a Pirate Ball Saturday from 8 till Midnight. There is going to a pirate pub crawl too.

Don't forget to stop by the Pirate Encampment for Black Powder demos and some sword play.

Please check the website for all the details.

I hope see you there!!!!!!!!


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  • 1 month later...

We had a ball and did some good business.

The dingy race was fun as hell. . .some VERY creative folks out there. The Beach Bash was standing-room only, to the point that I gave up any chance of getting photos of it. . . it was bikini city. . .fun to see but not a lot of pyracy on the beach (although with the hot sun, I can't blame 'em).

Saturday night was the Buccaneer's Bash at The Waterman's and it looked like half the town showed up and half of them were in some sort of pyrate costume. A couple of bands played, there were costume contests, and much rum-drinking. Our old friends from Pirates Choice Rum showed up and handed out free samples. There was much me drinking.

Sunday was a bit more subdued with some ominous clouds coming in about noonish, so we packed it in early and enjoyed everything happening in town which we'd not gotten to see yet. Downtown there were pirate booths selling garb and a pirate encampment on one side of the street and more of a flea market event on the other side. . . place was teaming with folks.

For a first year event, I thought it was done up pretty well and the scenery was great. You'll see it all in the autumn Pyrates Way!

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  • 1 year later...

This event is happening again this year. We had an AMAZING time last year!


If any of you were there we were crew members of the "Frig It". The large floating ship formed by 12 tethered dinghies. Great times, Great music, Great wenches, Great Rum!

Hope to see you all this year!

Capn Antonio Malasses

It's been said "Never Trust a Skinny Chef" I say "Never Trust a Sober Pirate"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rock Hall Pyrates is this weekend. Who all is going?

Capn Antonio Malasses

I'm packing to go right now. Four or five of my crew will be there as well. (I never did get my sword display rack finished, though. I'll lash something together when I get there.)


Craig Browne


Half Moon Marauders

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Grey Fox

The Grey Fox is only one of the aliases known for this dangerous pirate.

A direct descendant of the most successful Pirate of the Caribbean Captain Henry Morgan. He is a master of the sword and dagger. He's also proficient with the throwing axe and bullwhip.

As Boson he's in charge of piping the Captains orders to the crew. Disobey his orders and feel the wrath of his whip across your back. An expert sailor he learned to sail at a very young age off Lewes, Delaware. He's skilled with the marlinspike and knows how to tie knots including the hangmans noose

He's been sighted in the Bahamas, Bermuda and Key West.

Most recently he was seen in the town of Marcus Hook in the company of that scallywag Blackbeard and his crew.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So my son and I went to Rock Hall and had a great time. It was much bigger and better attended than Lockhouse PirateFest, and I saw many of the folks who had been at Lockhouse up there, including Crimson Corsair and his excellent kit. I didn't bring salmagundi as I had hoped to, but I did bring my rum punch, which was popular among all the samplers. I met Steve Buckley and bought his children's pirate book Blackbear, in which adults may have fun by spotting all the names of historical pirates hidden in the book.

Here are some pictures.

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Another Great Rock Hall Pirate and Wenches Weekend. I am Very Proud of my Crew for taking The Greybeard Cup for Best decorated boat.

We all had a Great Time. We Drank, We Partied, We Laughed, and We Plundered!!!!

If your looking for some pics of the event check out http://www.michaeltakespictures.com/Friends-and-Family/2013/Pirate-and-Wenches-Weekend/

Capn Antonio Malasses

It's been said "Never Trust a Skinny Chef" I say "Never Trust a Sober Pirate"

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  • 11 months later...

Anyone else going to Rock Hall this year? It's August 8-10. I'll be there, this time with both rum punch and salmagundi, on Saturday.

Judging by last year, this is a great event, smaller than Hampton, but bigger than Lockhouse. It had a nice pirate encampment for the historically minded, and lots of games for the kids, and great pirate music. Hands-on swordfighting too. I enjoyed it very much, and hope to enjoy it again this year.

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I'll be going with the crew from Ye Pyrate Brotherhood.

It'll be my first time, looking forward to it.

Harrrumph... Just going to keep Sheri and Sara out of trouble? :huh::rolleyes:

Edited by Jas. Hook

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney

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I still wouldn't trust 'em. :huh:

Have a safe and enjoyable time, Baroness. ;)

"Born on an island, live on an island... the sea has always been in my blood." Jas. Hook

"You can't direct the wind . . . but . . . you can adjust the sails."

"Don't eat the chickens with writing on their beaks." Governor Sawney

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