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Sir Eric

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I haven't seen it yet, but my guyfriend Wally and his friend Neil Kaplan saw it a few nights ago. They both did voices for the recent cartoon series that came out in 2001, Transformers: Robots in Disguise. Neil is the voice of Optimus Prime and Wally did 2 voices, Sideburn and Mirage. They said they both really liked the movie a lot, just were blown away by how much fun it was. And speaking of Transformers, this weekend in Minneapolis, Minnesota is the CONvergence Sci Fi Convention. Wally will be there as a special guest for the Transformers cartoon series. So, while he's there, I'm here in LA house/pet sitting for him.

Neil Kaplan sounds familiar. Voice of Prime in the RiD series, eh? ::ponders:: I wonder if that was him I met at BotCon in Chicago in 2003. LOL, course at that con Pirates was the major buzz with all the Transfans. ;)

Sideburn and Mirage were awesome! My compliments to Wally on them!

As CONvergence, eh? I wonder if a few old Transfans were there. I'll have to ask. :)

One I still keep in good contact with lives up in Minnesota and she just ADORED Starscream in the film! Thought he kicked some serious afterburner with the transformations and battle in mid flight.

Apparently, Transfans are hoping, praying, talking about with rumors of a sequel. You KNOW Megatron returns. Hell, Megatron NEVER dies. Starscreams always turns tail and runs away. But one line from Starscream not whimpering and whining wasn't enough for me. :) I thought Megatron was ok. A bit too dry and evil instead of ruthlessly cunning. And they killed off Jazz?!? What's up with that!?

The movie is most definitely different than the old Gen 1 cartoon series. Which my nephew (13 yrs old mind you) LOVES to watch. Grand to have them on the DVD box sets now.

Prime is #1 in the new movie.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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The MSN review says this movie is done with a lot of tongue in cheek. Which sounds like a lot of fun to me if true.

Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!

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The book is written that way as well. Although there are some large changes from the book the movie is wonderful. The changes all fit the story and it is well played by the actors. It is a good thing when a flexible author is involved in making the movie!

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We Decided to have a go at it and see the Movie...

I was well entertained and intrigued by the ideas and graphics

within the movie. The story line seemed somewhat formula; but Eye still liked it enough to say I will buy the DVD when it comes out. B)

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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The Book was very well done, if they stick to the plot, the movie should be just as good. So here's to hoping....



The plot is the same, though some minor characters are missing and other minor characters became some what major. However all the changes were worked in by Mr. Gaiman himself so they fit just as well as the originals did. Well worth the seeing.

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Thar be pirates in this film and in one scene they kick the arse of...well I won't be spoilin the plot. Be thar more of a reason to see a movie than pirates? How about Robert DeNiro as a pirate? Aye, that be a sugar topping on the deal! :lol:


Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!

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  • 4 months later...

Yup, can't wait to go see it! I've seen the musical so I know what's all in store with this. It'll be interesting to see it in movie form with all it's dark, bloody glory! :huh: Not all that crazy tho about Johnny's singing from what I've heard, especially since seeing the musical with real singers, but ah, well. It still looks super cool anyway! It has to be better than what Joel Schumacher did to the 2004 Phantom of the Opera movie. That was so horrible! I can't believe Andrew Lloyd Webber approved that, ugh! The only real Broadway singer in that whole movie was the guy who played Raoul. And Minnie Driver's voice (Carlotta) was dubbed by an opera singer. Why not let the real singer sing instead? What, they think it won't sell with unknowns? Sheesh! :huh:

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George Hearn & Angela Lansbury real singers? You must be joking! Depp does a fine job singing. His voice is more fitting for the charectar of Sweeny Todd. Ditto for all the rest of the cast. Yes the film is gory. What do you expect about a film about a throat slahing serial killer? (yes that is what happens when the carodic artery is severed) The acting is superb and the ciemtography outstanding.

Most of the killings come off in a dark humor cum-Monty Python & the Holy Grail Black Knight scene sort of way. I would recommend this film to everyone.

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Too much red paint fer my liken...i actully sat through the whole movie and was apauled by the " meat pies'' ...Funny but nautious..

Other than that ..the acting/singing was great! :rolleyes:

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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George Hearn & Angela Lansbury real singers? You must be joking! Depp does a fine job singing. His voice is more fitting for the charectar of Sweeny Todd. Ditto for all the rest of the cast. Yes the film is gory. What do you expect about a film about a throat slahing serial killer? (yes that is what happens when the carodic artery is severed) The acting is superb and the ciemtography outstanding.

Most of the killings come off in a dark humor cum-Monty Python & the Holy Grail Black Knight scene sort of way. I would recommend this film to everyone.

George Hearn does a fine job of singing. Angela is well....Angela. But actually, I wasn't talking about the version that came on TV, video tapped from the stage. I had went to a performance of it as well. Some time back, the actors were pretty much unknowns, but sang and acted quite well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never had the opportunity to see the stage play, but I loved the darkness of the film interspersed with some sick humor. Too bloody to let my kids watch, but a nice adult film. :o

Johnny Depp is one of the greatest character actors of our generation. He did a superb job in this movie. Helena Bonham Carter was also impressive. Even Alan Rickman pulled off the singing bits.

My friend and I were chalking up how many of the actors were also in the Harry Potter films (3 - Alan Rickman, Timothy Spall, Helena Bonham Carter).


Captain, we always knew you were a whoopsie.

Rumors of my death are entirely premature.

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I still like the original

You mean the 1926 silent movie? Wow -- I am impressed. I have never seen ithat one.

I raised my children on the 1982 televised stage production (Lansbury, et al.); I practically wore out my (pirate!) VHS copy of it. My oldest daughter, now a college music/theater major, has memorized every word of the original soundtrack -- even I never mastered that task.

It was a natural, therefore, to take the whole brood to see the movie just two days after it opened. Fantastic. The kids LOVED it. I laughed through every blood-splattered shave (and two-story head-first skull-splitting body dump!). Yes, there is gore. Lots of it. Too much of it. But the gore is deliberately over-the-top, and mostly done during a hauntingly lovely love song ("Johanna"), which makes it too comical to take too seriously.

(One movie critic said something along the lines of: "If we are to be entertained by death, this movie makes sure that we, the audience, witness just how graphically violent death can be." Or something like that. This kind of sums up the movie)

I found the introductory meat pie scene ("The Worst Pies in London") to be more disturbing than the gore. Splattering blood? Okay, whatever. Cockroaches cooked live inside my food? Don't block the exitway...

I cannot recommend this movie highly enough.

Singing? Give me a break. All the actors do a fine job -- these are not professional singers, after all. I am used to Sweeney's deep baritone -- but Deep pulls it off well. I have the soundtrack in my car, and have been listening to it over and over. As I type all this, the songs are rushing through my head.

Standouts: The little kid who plays Toby (who I just saw last week in a Dr. Who episode): excellent. The bit-too-young salor: superb. Johanna? Wow. I was pleasantly surprised by Rickman -- one of my favoirite-ever actors, I had feared he was ill-cast, but upon seeing the movie he impressed me once again.

The "By The Sea" sequence was a great improvement over the play (IMHO), as we finally see what Mrs. Lovitt is envisioning. I always found this song to be a boring sidetrack, but seeing her fantasy (and Sweeney's continued disinterest) makes it now more an integral part of the storyline.

And did I mention the sets, the clothing and the lighting? This movie has to collect some Oscars, even if only technical ones. It is truly a masterpiece -- a wonder to look at.

Cannot wait to go see it again. I have already signed up for advance notice from Amazon when the DVD is available for pre-order.


"He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do...

"He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"


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