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after posting a few questions and being pointed to previously posted info , i started to realize something.

i would read beforehand to see if the topic was covered. finding none ( sometimes i miss one ) , i would post the question only to discover that it has been covered.

but here is the grand revelation..... those posts do NOT show up on the board for some wierd reason, and are archived elsewhere. this is when the search function can be used.

i have tried to find the threads that i am given links to, but they are not there. they only show up if i do a search.

are they archived , and the board only shows the most recent posts ??

may sound dumb, but some answers would help a newcomer like us from reposting questions...



I personally agree with you.


Just because a topic was discussed way back whenever, that doesn't mean that it can't be brought up again, for the sake of those who weren't around the first time.

I know some here get bent out of shape because they feel that it's just re-hashing old stuff, so throw in a link...., but you have to understand, we have new people joining all the time and there's nothing wrong with politely answering questions when they are asked.

If you can't deal with, don't. Don't write some comment that degrades the person asking the question. Leave it alone and let others who are more socially competent handle it.

Ok, getting off my soapbox now.




nobody has "acted up" towards a post of mine at all.... it just confused the heck outta me when i look for some particular info, finding none, post the question, only to find that it was already covered.

sometimes i miss the post, but didn't realize that most older posts are archived in the search function.. :lol:

after realizing that, i am now able to find a topic covering what i'm looking for...

i guess that puts me as "lurker status " :lol:


Mr. Monet (and any others paying attention) :lol: ....

The reason the threads are not visible and seem "archived" is that when you view a list of threads, if you scroll down to the bottom of the list, there are a few drop boxes. One of these drop boxes will have "the last 90 days" in it. Which is a filter that cause ONLY the last 90 days of topics to display. If you change that drop box to "the beginning", then all threads will show up. Of course there will be more topics/threads than can be displayed on one screen, so some numbers will appear on the lower left hand side of the list of threads/topics. That list if numbers are page numbers, you can page through the lists of topics/threads using those numbers.

About the "use the search" thing... I've seen some people get a little perhaps overenthusiastic about encouraging the use of the search function... But I've yet to see anyone be outright rude about it. Another perhaps unspoken reason for the common "Use the search function" response, is not for being lazy by the respondant, but it is an attempt to encourage people to read what has already been posted, and ADD TO EXISTING threads for a topic. So for example, lets say someone asks about "whoozawhatsits"... The response they get is "use the search".. Then said inquiring individual, uses the search, and then reads existing info and still does not get the info on "whozawhatsits"... The idea is to add further questions to the existing old threads in HOPES that months/years down the road when the next person asks about "whozawhatsits" the information will hopefully be more cohesive.

There have been a few individuals (and I will not name names), that have persisted in having their own thread, even going so far as to pointedly ignore information provided with links to old threads, because the response was not given in "their thread". While this forum is for everyone, and if that is how they want to be, then fine.... But for most people, the preference is to try to keep like information together, and the "use the search" is only a brief way of saying this rather than the three paragraph response I have just typed explaining why we prefer to encourage the use of the "search" function rather than typing the same answers over and over again before getting to the specific nuance the individual may be looking for.

I hope this better explains the "use the search function" response... It is NOT meant to be rude or dismissive, it is only an attempt to make the questions easier to answer and to keep like information cohesive for future reference, specially on topics that get brought up frequently, infrequently, or even rarely. Because to be honest, there is enough information here for a VERY detailed pirate wikipedia, but because much of the information isn't easy to find, the information stored here isn't being used anywhere near as effectively as it could.

P.S. The above explanation is pretty much only in reference to the "Captain's Twill" area... As most of the other areas are more social, it is probably irrelevant for those areas. Although this might work to a lesser degree for "Plunder" as well...


I knows of one forum that be taken over control by some new, young yha-hoots. They say they be find'n long history o' threads too difficult t' maneuver through, so now they archive all threads more then 4 week old!??

Just Four Week ye have for t' get the info before it get mothballed!! 'n be'n an art site what covers many programs....that be a LOT o' useful material 'n tutorial that must be fished out with searches just t' be seen!!

But on t'other hand, I know of o'nother art forum what NEVER archives forum threads, there now be a page count in the 10s o' thousands!! Some time even when ye knows what t' search for, what ye wants do not come up or it come up but buried like Captain Kidd's treasure down among non-relie-vant sea bottom trash it be! Only way for t' really find something that buried be t' just ask 'n hope someone who just been visit'n it can toss ye a life line for t' haul it t' th' surface. Especially for those o' us still sail'n in dial-up sloops!!!!

But t' be 'rude' t' a bloke seek'n a head'n? Well, that mostly be those old salty UNIX heads 'er those who been treated ill by such.

Keep t' th' code; RTFM

Rum Tacos Feed powder Monkeys


~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Search function has never worked at my end. Always get a "this menu has been disabled" message. Could be either of win95 or less than 20kps dialup speed too. Bummer <_<

PIRATES!  Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.


well, it's a good thing that i never claim to be smart !! found the scroll down boxes.... duh!!

that expalins EVERYTHING...

i even compiled a list of things to search for and have found quite a few already..... hence no more reposting.....

NOBODY i repeat, NOBODY has been rude, impolite, impatient or anything of that sort. informative, yes, but not once did i feel slighted. hey, i work in construction.... you learn to get thick skin..

everyone here has been patient and helpful in steering the newbies in the right general direction... just takes me awhile to catch on :)

and to morgan..... if our connection speed dips low, some things come back as "disabled" also... does sound like a connection speed quirk <_<


Thanks Michael and Count,

I've recently been slammed with all kinds of people going off the deep end and all I'm trying to do is keep the peace.

Sorry for my tirade. paperbag3.gif


Rumba Rue! What fer ye be think'n ye can possibly keep th' peace amongst a bunch o' rebel rousers 'n naydowellers??

Ye can bet'er keep a mangy flea bit'n wharf cat from eat'n he's fresh caught bilge rat then ye can keep th' peace in a pub full o' board pirates who all just be look'n for their next good fight lass!!


...psst, try use'n the butt o' yer blunderbuss t' crack them thick skulls ;)

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Aye MadL....ye should know mate. Did ya ever get rid o' that cat ya picked up in ta other thread? Ya know once ya befriend those beasts yer have 'em fer life. *MEOWRRRR!!!!* Down ya blasted flea bitten fur ball....Belay those claws! OWWWWWW!!!!!

*MEOWRRRR!!!!* Down ya blasted flea bitten fur ball....Belay those claws! OWWWWWW!!!!!


mackerel down a mate's breeches does it every time....

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!


Avast there, twas not a mackeral. Twas an eel! [see Koronaburg thread]

Blamed furball's can't see worth a damn......unless it be tracking a movin' object! Mayhap he needs spectacles!


Whenever I mod, I like to paste new topics to older ones that have already been covered if the post seems relevant. For example, the Beyond forum often gets questions like "What do you do in real life?" repeatedly. How many times do the venerated older members have or even want to answer such questions? So when it comes up again with the inevitability of summer rain, I just append the new topic to the old one - a very useful mod function.

This also gives the new members a chance to see the depth and history of the forum.

"I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.” -Oscar Wilde

"If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted is really true, there would be little hope of advance." -Orville Wright


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