Lady Alyx Posted March 31, 2008 Posted March 31, 2008 Ren Faire web page WOW, good thing I checked...this is the earliest I have ever seen the Faire start....I guess they figured it is way too hot in June out in Irwindale....see you folks there... ~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~ Lady Alyx
Iron Bess Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 Any of you Pirates coming out this Saturday?? I'll be out there checking on the *Sea Port*... Step up! Any of you swabs going to drop anchor?? Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Rumba Rue Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 The Escondido Ren-faire which is ten times better than Southern will ever be, starts April 5 -6 and the following weekend. And since I'm in Escondido, that pretty much sums up where I'll be.
MadL Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 I'll be there on Sunday. But in street clothes for I don't think my garb will pass for 1558-1603 due to me drop front breeches and I hear they don't much be liking tricorns. 1600-1720 I can probably pass for. Also me pheasant feathers may get me in trouble with queen, and I do not think anyone would want me to behead her during the festivities.....least not till the last day of fair anyway.... ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
Iron Bess Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 Rumba Rue said: The Escondido Ren-faire which is ten times better than Southern will ever be, starts April 5 -6 and the following weekend. Well..... I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I've found things to like at both places and I'm hitting Southern this year. Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
MadL Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Iron Bess said: Rumba Rue said: The Escondido Ren-faire which is ten times better than Southern will ever be, starts April 5 -6 and the following weekend. Well..... I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I've found things to like at both places and I'm hitting Southern this year. WENCH FIGHT!! Alright ladies; Cutlasses, Pistols, Axes.... No Biting, No Scratching... Anything else goes, as long as it be 'piraty'! Oh, and do NOT spill me rum! ...oh, and this spills out into the faire, then keep it G-Rated!! ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
Iron Bess Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 What the Hell are you talkin about??? Rumba and I banter like this all the time. Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Black Hearted Pearl Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Oh, I want to watch! MadL, they only spar with their tongues. and not the way you're thinking. Get yer mind out of the Captain's quarters. ~Black Hearted Pearl The optimist expects the wind. The pessimist complains about the wind. The realist adjusts the sails.
Rumba Rue Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Don't worry, I totally respect and love Iron Bess (and hopefully the same from her to me), ya sometimes it can get sorta weird, but hey it's all in fun. No hard feelings.
MadL Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 thar goes another fine rumble, all ta sunder again. ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
mcdrago Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Ahoy mates: I be dropping anchor at the Escondido Faire on the 12th of April. Keep a weather eye out for me, I be wearing a bright green sash that used ta be a celtic wall hangin' till I cut the knotwork on edges out ta make one outa it. I will be havin' me lady w' me. She looks a lot like Tia Dalma and the crab locket she be wearin' sorta enchances that. She will be wearin' a bright red sash and scarf. Hope ta see some o' ye there.
Graydog Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 Is the Fair in Irwindale having a pirate day this year? Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!
MadL Posted April 3, 2008 Posted April 3, 2008 pirates need to be invited? ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
Durty Mick Moon Posted April 4, 2008 Posted April 4, 2008 the SoCal Ren Faire is having a new sea port theme along with the other usual stuff of an english sea port circa the late 1500s', early Elizabethan, around time of Sir Francis Drake, called Port Deptford. This will include treasures from all over the world with "Privateers, Cinese Lords, Morrocan Dancers, Indian Princesses" etc. "Swashbuckling" themed weekends will be April 19, 20 and 26, 27th. Pirates welcome....Arrrrrrrrrrr This info from email I received from them....
Graydog Posted April 4, 2008 Posted April 4, 2008 Thank ye fer the information Durty Mick Moon. -Greydog Why am I sharing my opinion? Because I am a special snowflake who has an opinion of such import that it must be shared and because people really care what I think!
Lady Alyx Posted April 7, 2008 Author Posted April 7, 2008 Mad, No one will kick you out of the faire for your garb....geezus I have seen peeps go in early 19th century garb down to Peter Pan look alikes....don't worry just wear your best garb YOU LIKE and just go!!!!! I will check if there is a Pirate Day. They have a new stage show that I am looking forward to...Adam Crack-Whip Master... update: I went to the website and did not see them list a Pirate Day as they did last year. ~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~ Lady Alyx
MadL Posted April 7, 2008 Posted April 7, 2008 Aye, like you not be jesting about the looseness of garb at the Ren faire! I went with one of those 'meet up' groups, chose to go in street clothes after looking over their dress code: "ELIZABETHAN, 1558-1603" Yet if you look on another page it says "speak like a 16th century native." Is this the 15th century or 16th? There was even a bit about pheasants being rare and only for the queen, anyone getting caught with a pheasant feather in their hat could be arrested for poaching....but I sure saw a LOT of poachers there!! Actually I even saw quite the few polyester Jack, be that Sparrow, running around, one even wore tennis shoes!!! So be it, I will still get to play later this month at Cutthroats of Corona, don't think me new breeches will be done by then, so I must have stories of how the wenches at the Ren Faire bit me leg buttons all off and I had to use their corset lacing for ta tie the legs closed again. ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
mcdrago Posted April 7, 2008 Posted April 7, 2008 Avast mate; Which o' them "meetups" didya fall inter? Dress code ye say? Mother Careys chickens, ya mean ta say they have a dress code? Pirates don't be wearin' no dresses 'cept in them there "Hollywood movies" I went ta one o' them too, but they didna say anything bout that. Try that one wi' me and it'll be a long walk off a short plank fer 'em! Me frenchie pants aint done either, so it'll be some tight brown cords me lady found fer me. They aint period, but she like me in 'em for some reason. Hope ta see ye there mate.
MadL Posted April 8, 2008 Posted April 8, 2008 It be the meetup ye sent me the link to mcdrago, where were you mate? The meetup do not have a dress code, I be reading the rules at the Ren Faire site. Should have know they be more or less 'guide lines' An here I be havin me nice shiny boots that need a good thrashin an' that dirty ol' place would have been just the start. I will not be havin' me buckle shoes fer a few months, hopefully in time fer the Gold Coast Pirate Faire. But I got me new baldric just in as well, I be havin' it for Cutthroats o' Corona, and she be a One O' A Kind her maker say....gotta find he's nephew and prove mine be bet'er! ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
Iron Bess Posted April 8, 2008 Posted April 8, 2008 Excuse me... If anyone is interested, Pirate Days out at SO. Cal Ren Faire are the weeks ends of 12th-13th and the 19th and the 20th. Many PRP Pirates will be out there this Saturday. And no one cares what you wear if you are a paying guest. No one. You can come as a Klingon (and many do) and no one cares. In the scheme of things... people have a lot more important things to worry about other then what some people wear to Faire. Dress for yourself and have fun. that's what you're suppose to do. Have fun. Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
mcdrago Posted April 8, 2008 Posted April 8, 2008 IronBess: Thankee kindly lass for clearin' that up fer the new swabs. Since I been goin' since Agura, I knew 'bout that already. Thanks for postin' 'bout the pirate days though...'twas anawares which they be. MadL: I been goin' fer 2 month now laddie. Didna' see ya there. Missed the Feb one, dropped anchor in the wrong harbor. [Went to the wrong Zitos] Be ye comin' ta the next one?
Red Maria Posted April 8, 2008 Posted April 8, 2008 Makes me think of that year in Agoura when the Star Trek Convention was cancelled. We were literally crawling with Klingons, Vulcans and Federation folk! There was even some guy whispering into his commnicator how he was observing a primative culture! Yup you pay to go in you can dress as you like
Iron Bess Posted April 8, 2008 Posted April 8, 2008 Red Maria said: Makes me think of that year in Agoura when the Star Trek Convention was cancelled. We were literally crawling with Klingons, Vulcans and Federation folk! There was even some guy whispering into his commnicator how he was observing a primative culture!Yup you pay to go in you can dress as you like Oh Lord, I remember that.... Some Spock character kept after me all day to *cross-pollinate*. Followed me everywhere. (shrug) Ya gotta LOVE Faire! Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
Iron Bess Posted April 8, 2008 Posted April 8, 2008 mcdrago said: IronBess:Thankee kindly lass for clearin' that up fer the new swabs. Since I been goin' since Agura, I knew 'bout that already. Thanks for postin' 'bout the pirate days though...'twas anawares which they be. MadL: Always happy to help mate... Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!
MadL Posted April 9, 2008 Posted April 9, 2008 Red Maria said: Yup you pay to go in you can dress as you like I don't know, that may work for some but myself, I would prefer to think about the rest of the 'paying customers' personally. If they pay to see a Ren faire from 1400 then I personally would not feel right coming as Buck Rogers or Col. Sanders, just would not seem right. But as a pirate of proper period I could live with myself. Call me 'sensitive' but pirate 'r not I just not be into 'party crashing' when 'joining' the party can be fun too....besides, I got enough enemies for ta hold at bay in this life. I will have to pass on the rest of the Ren faire at this point however, gotta spread me coin out fer the rest of year an' right now I have one or two per month on the calender and still have some booty I wish ta plunder. I didn't see much in the way of leather accessory of piratical nature at the Ren Faire, still in search for just the right pouch. An' mainly I still be havin' some weapons on me shoppin' list an' they can not be found at Tarrrrget mcdrago; I have not been to any of the diner meetups as they are too far fer me to reach during the week from El Segundo. Plus Wednesday and Thursday nights are NOT good fer me seein' as how I have a 3am wake up call to make these cor-pirate meetings (filthy east coast cor-pirates, don't have No sense of PST at all!) ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
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