Captain Falkenberg Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Avast! (I thought I'd use that old cliché, as it was originally a Dutch word) I'm new to this board, so here's the introduction, before you all become impatient and nail my gizzard to the mast: I'm a 34-year old Dutch writer with a few non-fiction books published, one of which explored the legend of the Flying Dutchman (and I wrote it at least two years before 'Dead Man's Chest', so it's not mentioned). My first novel has been picked up by a big publisher (Arrr, it may be break-through time!) and will be published, if things go according to plan (best laid plans and all that, every pirate knows never to take the next dawn for granted, eh?) sometime around october. It's a pirate novel for kids, hopefully the first in a series of four. Holland being cold, wet and inhospitable, with nary a palm tree in sight, I need the occasional escape to the Old Spanish Main, so I started looking for an interesting looking pirate forum. And this is what I found. Now for the piratical stuff: My favorite real pirates: Bartholomew Roberts, Henry Morgan and Blackbeard. Fictional pirate: Long John Silver, Barbossa, James Hook and Captain Blood. Novel: Treasure Island. Movies: Treasure Island (1990), Captain Blood. Favorite piratical activities: Wasting everything I've amassed in a one year orgy of plunder, bloodshed and excessive violence in a two day orgy of boozing and wenching. Especially wenching.
LadyBarbossa Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 cold, wet and inhospitable, with nary a palm tree in sight Hmmmm.... sounds like Iowa, too. Oooo... I like 'im already! He likes Barbossa better than Jack! Glomps him::: Oooo, can I keeps 'im? Welcome to th' Pub, Falkenberg. Tis a grand pleasure t' have ye here and fantastic that ye found us. Aye, there be no better pirate forum on this vast earth than this 'ere Pub. An' tradition bein' on th' Pub, the newcomer buys round o' drinks fo' all. So, being as I be in quite a fanciful mood, I'll take a glass o' fine, sweet red wine thank ye. Do enjoy yo'rself here, mate. ~Lady B :angry: Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Rumba Rue Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Well if nothing else, you'll most certainly have a plateful of stuff here to add to your writings - just don't eat that green poisoned apple.... Welcome to the Pub! :angry:
MadL Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 *peers from the darkened corner in the rear of the pub* 'Legend' says ye...the Real thing says I!! Why ye best be warned to call legend what ye not yet seen eye-t'-eye in the fog of night! Heed the warn fer the Flying Dutchman tis no trif to be scorn. Anyways, Welcome ta the pub Captain Falkenberg, but beware the soup this night fer it too could be the death of ye.... ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
Black Anne Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Welcome,Captain Falkenberg! I'm basing (a work in progress) my pyrate persona on Bart Roberts! She's a descentant of said pyrate,I haven't decided how she's related,may go with the "long lost daughter"..not sure yet. Come on in,sit down,enjoy! Black Anne Roberts From the great white north..looking for warmer climes
oderlesseye Posted February 26, 2008 Posted February 26, 2008 Welcome to tha Pub .. We hopes ye has Rum wit those thar words! Aurrg! at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words: "My treasure to he who can understand."
Capt. Sterling Posted February 27, 2008 Posted February 27, 2008 Glomps him::: Oooo, can I keeps 'im? No Lady B, ye may not. Welcome to the pub Sir. Find some things of interest ye will I'll wager over in Captain Twill, and the chance for a few good friends else where abouts. Best success with yer book! And Oderlesseye, yer hairy Loo partner looks mighty close to mine own Gunner, Tiger Bill... "I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers Crewe of the Archangel
Captain Falkenberg Posted February 27, 2008 Author Posted February 27, 2008 Well, thankee kindly for the warm welcome. Being the newcomer I'll certainly be buying that round o' drinks, but only after much grumbling and bitter complaining and looking for excuses not to spend my dubloons (plunderin's been bad lately! Too much competition, grumble, grumble), because I'm Dutch after all! *adresses the scurvy seadogs one by one wth one hand casually draped over his cutlass* Lady Barbossa: Barbossa is what makes those films worthwhile! Now there's a REAL pirate! And I love his vocabulary. Oh, and: Why, certainly ye can keep me! *gives her his best smile while already eyeing the other wenches in the pub* MadL: The book traced the history of the Flying Dutchman from its very early origins in the 15th century, when Portuguese explorer Bartholomeo Dias apparently met a spectre near the Cape of Good Hope that greatly resembled the later doomed captain, through the ages. As a legend and literary theme. You'll be glad to know there are also two chapters dealing with the ghost ship as fact: one detailing some strange goings on with a Dutch East India vessel disappearing into thin air in the 17th century, found in the archives of that company, and one giving a chronological account of all sightings of the FD, from the 17th century up until the latest sighting in 2002. Everyone else: Thankee for the welcome!
MadL Posted February 27, 2008 Posted February 27, 2008 Aye, well thar certainly be somth'n about that thar ship for of late she has been in me own dreams and I have not even heard of your book, and I mean this of all sincerity. I think it be after listening to Bilge Munky Radio, forget the name of the song but it dealt with a ship that came upon the Flying Dutchman and since then I have had an idea for a Hollywood movie, one that would take place in today's time, one where some members of GAoP would take a pair of ship out for some fun and mock battles but during the voyage, as they where seeking one another down around the Keys early in morn, an odd fog rolls in and one o' the ship find themselves face-t'-face with an odd ship sailing into the wind but with full sails. As the crew be stunned and the captain looking on, the ghost captain suddenly appears behind the GAoP captain, no one can see him as most are still fixed on the ship, but the captain can certainly 'feel' his ghostly visitor. The Ghost captain warns the GAop captain that around the next island not be the opposing team but indeed a REAL pirate ship, Modern pirates, with machine guns!! Well, this tip of information is what saves the GAoP member's lives for they load them cannons with real shot and through sailing skill and bravery defeat the modern pirates in their tiny motor boat and send them to Davey Jones! But my vision is not over yet, as the GAoP sail off to find their mates and tell of this adventure, the Flying Dutchman she appears again, not to congratulate the crew but to inform their captain that in turn for this information that allowed them to be readied for the modern pirates and in turn for saving their lives now the GAoP captain has to do the ghost captain a favor. For ye see, that be more modern pirates on the waters, partners to the ones just defeated and these other modern naydowellers are about to attack a cruise ship full of vacationers and upon this cruise ship, the GAoP captain later learns, is a descendant of the Flying Dutchman's captain. ...well, anyway, that be the story that be haunt me head these nights and I'm stick'n to it! where is that Hollywood agent??? and when will someone do something to get into print? *looks in cup* hmmm, outta rum again *drops to floor with terrific Thud* ~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock! So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!
Captain Falkenberg Posted February 28, 2008 Author Posted February 28, 2008 Aye, well thar certainly be somth'n about that thar ship for of late she has been in me own dreams and I have not even heard of your book, and I mean this of all sincerity.*cut* ...well, anyway, that be the story that be haunt me head these nights and I'm stick'n to it! Â Â Â where is that Hollywood agent??? and when will someone do something to get into print? Well, good luck with that! Getting the right people interested in your ideas can take years, as many of my less fortunate writer friends often complain. Just keep working on it, and resort to some networking and butt kissing if all else fails! Oh, and it's no surprise that you haven't heard of my book, as it's in Dutch! As for Pirettes, I hadn't seen that yet. Regardless of whether it has a decent script, I'd watch it with a big grin on my face for the simple yet alluring combination of fine wenches and piracy!
oderlesseye Posted February 29, 2008 Posted February 29, 2008 Captain Falkenberg ... Sir.. does ye have a reference eeerr two that we can read about those sightings of the Flying Dutchman.. I'm curious..and the workins of ye speechin between pages O'book sound right fun ta gander at.. concernin such.. at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words: "My treasure to he who can understand."
Captain Falkenberg Posted February 29, 2008 Author Posted February 29, 2008 Captain Falkenberg ... Sir.. does ye have a reference eeerr two that we can read about those sightings of the Flying Dutchman.. I'm curious..and the workins of ye speechin between pages O'book sound right fun ta gander at.. concernin such.. Thankee... As for the references; many of them(the most recent ones and one from the 1950s) are semi-first hand accounts, taken from letters from eyewitnesses that were passed on to me by the editor of a Cape Town newspaper. The older ones are collected from books, old newspapers, etc. I also spoke to some old sailors who knew some of the people involved in old sightings.
LadyBarbossa Posted February 29, 2008 Posted February 29, 2008 ::points to Falkenberg::: SEE! Sterling he said I can keep him! Tis a pleasure though, Mr Falkenberg. And ye've got me might intregued with such tales of the Dutchman. Aye, I'm fascinated, too. Granted not done extensive research that ye've done, but have looked at a few of the legends. So, there's been a sighting recently? How wicked! Wasn't it back in the mid or early 20th c the last sighting of the doomed ship was? And around it was attempting to make port a Cape Horn? Thought that t'was interesting. The Dutchman (ship and man) be most interesting curiousity. ~Lady B Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captain Falkenberg Posted February 29, 2008 Author Posted February 29, 2008 ::points to Falkenberg::: SEE! Sterling he said I can keep him! Tis a pleasure though, Mr Falkenberg. And ye've got me might intregued with such tales of the Dutchman. Aye, I'm fascinated, too. Granted not done extensive research that ye've done, but have looked at a few of the legends. So, there's been a sighting recently? How wicked! Wasn't it back in the mid or early 20th c the last sighting of the doomed ship was? And around it was attempting to make port a Cape Horn? Thought that t'was interesting. The Dutchman (ship and man) be most interesting curiousity. ~Lady B :angry: *grins with glee at the joy of swaggerin' into a new port where the wenches don't know him yet and the outraged husbands haven't managed to find him* So, would y'like a drink, m'dear? *feels his pockets* Ah, it would seem I'm a little short on d'bloons... If you just pay this round I'll be makin' it up t'ye tomorrow night. I'll be hangin' the guv'nor of Martinique on his own yard-arm and pickin' his pockets first thing tomorrow mornin'. As for the Dutchman (the other one), there have been several sightings in the 1970s, 80s, etc, up until 2002 when two fishermen ran into a ghost ship near the Cape. They just haven't been published very widely. Mainly in local newspapers. That's the Cape of Good Hope, by the way, not Cape Horn. Ghost ships are seen all over the world, and the FD being the most famous one, people tend to call them all by that name. I have, however, focused on sightings around the Cape of Good Hope, because that has been the Dutchman's haunt for as long as the legend's been around. Interesting enough, when I contributed to another book recently (about the history of Rotterdam's sea port) I did some research into a ghost ship that is sometimes seen around Cape Horn, and apparently that's another Dutchman; Olivier van Noort, the first Dutchman who managed to sail around the world, in 1598-1601. Seems Dutchmen had some sort of special talent for ending up cursed immortals. Typical!
LadyBarbossa Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 Haha... ye risk this emmensely, mate. But ye owe me handsomely. Be quick. Last I knew, ol' Bart Roberts be after the Gov'ner of Martinque, too. Intreguing on the stories of the various sightings. Not much ye get online or elsewhere. I guess most landlubbers considering it still a curse and bad luck/bad omen to even think of the cursed ship or even poor soul. Dutch men being devilish. HAHA imagine that! Well, bring on th' stories and legends. Such souls have my attention and curiosity. ~Lady B Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captain Falkenberg Posted March 1, 2008 Author Posted March 1, 2008 Haha... ye risk this emmensely, mate. But ye owe me handsomely. Be quick. Last I knew, ol' Bart Roberts be after the Gov'ner of Martinque, too. Arr, curse me luck! What I meant to say was; I'll be putting up a blockade of Charleston harbor! There be some ransom money for the pickin', methinks. *Quickly swallows his free rum, before she changes her mind*
LadyBarbossa Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 Haha... ye risk this emmensely, mate. But ye owe me handsomely.  Be quick. Last I knew, ol' Bart Roberts be after the Gov'ner of Martinque, too. Arr, curse me luck! What I meant to say was; I'll be putting up a blockade of Charleston harbor! There be some ransom money for the pickin', methinks. *Quickly swallows his free rum, before she changes her mind* I recall Blackbeard doin' that already, luv. And b'fore ye think of sackin' Nassau without firin' a single shot.... well, Jack got to that b'fore ye. Runnin' out of options, Mr Falkenberg. I'll accept other means o' payment for th' drink. ::: evil grinz::: 100 years b'fore the mast? ~Lady B Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captain Falkenberg Posted March 1, 2008 Author Posted March 1, 2008  I recall Blackbeard doin' that already, luv. And b'fore ye think of sackin' Nassau without firin' a single shot.... well, Jack got to that b'fore ye. Runnin' out of options, Mr Falkenberg. I'll accept other means o' payment for th' drink. ::: evil grinz::: 100 years b'fore the mast? ~Lady B *quickly orders another free drink from the bar wench and gulps it down the hatch like an Englishman right afore closin' time* Well, shiver my sides an' curse me for a lubber! Seems I'm one o' those gentlemen o' fortune with aspirations for true greatness, but lacking timing! I'd sack Panama, but the great days of salty sea dogs goin' ashore to terr'rize the Spanish bastards in their own homes are long past, more be the pity, by thunder. And some other scurvy buccaneer probably beat me to it, Davy Jones take 'is stinkin' soul. As for other payments; I find it good sea sense to never accept any proposals of this 'ere kind, unless they be indecent.
LadyBarbossa Posted March 2, 2008 Posted March 2, 2008 Indecent says ye? Well, I'm sure it can be arranged with delight. And aye, ransackin' Panama has been done as well. Indeed alas, the good ol' days of gettin' away scot free for us pirates be gone. So, all best we can do is... well... CAROUSE! Aye, I can't seem to inspire ol' Jones t' take souls even if I give him a thousand of them. Poor devil. Two drinks. Ye be owin' me, m'dear Dutchman. :::wicked grinz::: Name yo'r price on payment then, mate. ~Lady B Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captain Falkenberg Posted March 3, 2008 Author Posted March 3, 2008 Indecent says ye? Well, I'm sure it can be arranged with delight. And aye, ransackin' Panama has been done as well. Indeed alas, the good ol' days of gettin' away scot free for us pirates be gone. So, all best we can do is... well... CAROUSE! Aye, I can't seem to inspire ol' Jones t' take souls even if I give him a thousand of them. Poor devil. Two drinks. Ye be owin' me, m'dear Dutchman. :::wicked grinz::: Name yo'r price on payment then, mate. ~Lady B *A melancholy look passing over his face* Aye, seems the seven seas aren't big enough for the likes of us no more. Makes ye wonder how many of us gathered here t'day will be dancin' a hornpipe in rope's end at execution dock afore another year's out... *pulls himself together, pinches the barmaid and orders another drink* Now, about this 'ere indecent propos'l. Let me tell ye about the time I served on the good ship Venus... *quickly changes his mind and the subject* Tell me, m'dear, what's a nice wench like you adoin' in a grog shop like this? An' is it just me or is it awfully stuffy in 'ere?
LadyBarbossa Posted March 3, 2008 Posted March 3, 2008 Ye'll never see me dancin' at th' end of the Hangman's Necklace, that be fo' sure. Oh, I'm sure I can imagine th' story ye be thinkin' workin' upon a vessel titled Venus. Wench? WENCH?!? M'dear Dutchman... I'm a Lady. Fair an' proper. :::wicked smirk::: Pirate Lady that is. I don't be servin' drinks or other services t' no man. There be a difference b'tween the pirate women and th' landlubber women who serve drinks to the likes o' those here on th' Pub. Stuffy? Why? Ye callin' me out? Or have ye somethin' else in mind? :::Curious smirk::: :::Then thwacks his hand with the flat of her sword::: And that be fo' pinchin' th' barmaid... too hard. ~Lady B Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captain Falkenberg Posted March 4, 2008 Author Posted March 4, 2008 Ye'll never see me dancin' at th' end of the Hangman's Necklace, that be fo' sure.  Oh, I'm sure I can imagine th' story ye be thinkin' workin' upon a vessel titled Venus. Wench? WENCH?!?  M'dear Dutchman... I'm a Lady. Fair an' proper. :::wicked smirk::: Pirate Lady that is. I don't be servin' drinks or other services t' no man. There be a difference b'tween the pirate women and th' landlubber women who serve drinks to the likes o' those here on th' Pub. Stuffy? Why? Ye callin' me out? Or have ye somethin' else in mind? :::Curious smirk::: :::Then thwacks his hand with the flat of her sword::: And that be fo' pinchin' th' barmaid... too hard. ~Lady B Belay your thwackin', woman... I mean, m'lady! Forgive my ill chosen words, sometimes I've no more sense than a seasick squid on a monday mornin'. O'course ye be a fine an' proper lady, I've never seen the likes of ye, I saw that right away as I came in, I did. As for havin' something else in mind; indeed I do, several ideas come t' mind, none of 'em sootable for mentionin' aloud with all these young nippers in this 'ere room. I'd venture to suggest takin' a gentle stroll by the beach and droppin' me anchor in yer 'arbor, so to speak, so as to pay off me debt, but as it is in your debt I be, and besides bein' a right proper gentleman, I'll be leavin' ye to decide the details of my manner o' payin', long as it be proper indecent, mutually pleasurable and take no more time than a single night, by thunder. Time be short, and I've no 100 years to spend. There be a scurvy pirate crew awaitin' for me in the mornin' with itching cutlasses and a black spot handy, if ye catch me drift.
LadyBarbossa Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Ooooo... Brash, brazen, bold and bawdy. B'lay th' thwackin'? ye DID pinch th' barmaid too hard, luv. Oh, an' I'm sure ye haven't seen th' likes o' me in which ye'll ne'er see elsewheres. Awww... tis a pity. I would greatly fancy listening t' thyne ideas. :::Glancing around::: most on th' Pub are not young... nor are they by ANY means innocent, either! FAR from it. A single night? Oh, now... that'll be too short of a payment. How's 'bout continuous arrangements either monthly, e'er 6 months, or annually... or whenever ye make port and I be in port as well? Surely we can come to come mutual agreement of drink and pleasurable company? And aye... more than by thunder, but cause thunder t' rumble from th' likes o' us. ::pouts:: Now, now, Dutchman. I'll not be hearin' 'bout Black Spots. If there be threat upon thy life.... guaranteed with th' Lady as thy ally, ye'll find that no man, woman, beast or being 'll harm thee. :::pets and pats chest::: So... now back to this manner o' payment ye be suggestin'.... :::wicked grin::: Tis probable t' harbor th' likes of ye, m'dear Dutchman. By all means, lead th' way, luv. Curious t' partake of this indecent proposal. ~Lady B Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
Captain Falkenberg Posted March 5, 2008 Author Posted March 5, 2008 Ah, seein' as ye arrr interested in hearin' my suggestions, so to speak, here be my terms, handsomer you couldn't look to get: Whenever we make port in the same 'arbour, I'll be at yer service for said pleasurable company and if ye'd be willing to surrender yer booty to me, I'll be droppin' me anchor in yer port. Ye can walk my plank awhile first, if ye've a mind to do so. As for that there Black Spot; it not be the Jonah kind them strange swabs as sailed with Sparrow are always a-talkin' about, but a good, honest Black Spot as was cut from a bible or any other paper at hand to depose the cap'n, so to speak. Mutinous dogs they be. As for th' Lady as my ally; most gratefully accepted, I'm sure. If might be right, we gentlemen and ladies o'fortune should stick together more, by the powers! There be squalls on the horizon and allies is what we need. I hear tell ye're the cap'n of the Resurrection. Well, 'ere's a toast to the Resurrection and the Flying Goat an' all those who sail on 'em! As for the name of my ship; it be a long story, and I'll tell 'ee all about it, if ye like... in the mornin'. *attempts to put an arm around the lady's shoulder to escort her outside for the first of the proposed pleasurable encounters*
LadyBarbossa Posted March 5, 2008 Posted March 5, 2008 Aye, mutinous dogs 'll be delt with in improper fashion accordin' to th' Code. Taken with great delight. That's what allies be for, mate. T' deal with others when one is unable to. Now, on to his planned payment - we have an accord. ::wicked smirk::: By all means, Mr Falkenberg.... :::motioning with a sweep of the hand::: lead th' way. ~Lady B Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!" "I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed." The one, the only,... the infamous!
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