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Beginnin' at th' Beginnin'

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This be m' first post. Just found m' way here at the invite of a fine Wench at the Ft. Myers Port. M' thanks, Honour Bright.

I be Jezabel Mary Stewart Callis MacPeaks, otherwise known as Jezzy the Butcher. I'll be obliged to share m' story in another part of this here forum, if ye care to know me better.

In "Mundania" I hail from Ohio. I gave up a fine management job at a store in a mall there to go on the road to live the "Faire" life. I've been hauntin' faires for the past few seasons and fell madly in love with the Rennie Life. Bein' a Pyrate is where m' heart is! Imagine how restrained I be feelin' now as I ain't exactly permitted to be a Pyrate at this here Hoggetowne Faire, yet, it's amazin' how many have discovered me true identity. It must be in m' eyes. A PYRATE be a Pyrate, no matter how we be garbed up! Ye can take the Garb off the Pyrate, but ye can't take the Pyrate out of the Garb! Hmmm. That works, right?


All right, then, I've posted a pic of m'self which shows me garbed both ways, so if ye see one 'r th' other of those two wenches, it be me, fer sure. Just hail, "Hey, Jezzy!" and I'll respond.

It's good ta be here ta share a flagon o' rum with ye's.


Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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Always nice to greet a new face. But, I believe the tradition is, you buy us all a round, just as a way of being friendly like. Ray the bartender will be more than happy to take our orders....and your shiny.

Welcome to the Pub, Jezzy, from one pirate lass to another. :lol:

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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Always nice to greet a new face. But, I believe the tradition is, you buy us all a round, just as a way of being friendly like. Ray the bartender will be more than happy to take our orders....and your shiny.

Welcome to the Pub, Jezzy, from one pirate lass to another. :lol:

Aye, Ransom, thank ye fer keepin' me in line here. ;)

And, of course, drinks all around!!!! ;)

I got plenty of shinies fer fun, ye know. Never enough fer anythin' else, but always fer the Pubmaster and m' friends.


Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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Jezzy.... nice name. :)

Welcome to th' Pub, Jezzy. Splendid of Honour Bright t' direct ye here.

Sweet red wine fo' me this fine evenin'. Thank ye.

So... pyratin' be yo'r main staple, eh? Well... cant argue with that. ;)

Again, welcome to th' Pub. Enjoy yo'r carousin'! :lol:;);)

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Welcome lass....I be new to this port m'self. Barkeep....another round, if'n ya please!

*Lights his pipe and settles down on the stool, takes a sip o'rum and breathes a sigh of satisfaction*

"Sure an' tis a foine night [waddya mean tis day?] Would ya care to have me relate one of me adventures? Ya would?

Wal now, let me think.....There was a time that meself, Cap'n Grey and some o' the crew of the good ship Sunrider, planned an ambush for some of his majesty's troopers. Now seein' as they were havin' a meet this day for some kinda' ceremonial purpose [ya know how them navy boyos like that kinda crud] anyway.....we had the high ground, so we opened up on them with our pistols. We took em' completely by surprise! Ya shoulda seen the looks on them faces when they realized they had been had."

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Welcome lass....I be new to this port m'self.  Barkeep....another round, if'n ya please!

*Lights his pipe and settles down on the stool, takes a sip o'rum and breathes a sigh of satisfaction*

"Sure an' tis a foine night [waddya mean tis day?] Would ya care to have me relate one of me adventures?  Ya would?

Wal now, let me think.....There was a time that meself, Cap'n Grey and some o' the crew of the good ship Sunrider, planned an ambush for some of his majesty's troopers. Now seein' as they were havin' a meet this day for some kinda' ceremonial purpose [ya know how them navy boyos like that kinda crud] anyway.....we had the high ground, so we opened up on them with our pistols. We took em' completely by surprise! Ya shoulda seen the looks on them faces when they realized they had been had."

*Raises a flagon in toast*

Well, thank ye, McDrago. Nice to be makin' yer acquaintance. Th' rum here be mighty fine. Th' company ain't so bad neither.

Do carry on with yer tale, there, Mate. I've known me a sailor er two, m'self. They don't know what t' think when a woman draws a pistol on 'em. Weak as English pesh they be. ;)

Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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*Honour saunters in, looking to see if Mad Jack is hiding in this thread*

Oh, no, that's right. He's in the kitchen galley baking cookies..


How wonderful to see you here, darlin'!

Ye'll find wonderful company here and I'll see you at BARF next month!

Taking on the world....one pair of boots at a time!

A little bit of this...a little bit of that...a lot of dreams....

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Well ye can wear yer pirate gear out here in the west at any Ren-faire event.

Phooey on those that tell ye no! I break the rules, besides they only be guidelines! ;)

Welcome to the Pub and a whole lot o' friendly types. ;)

If'n I ever gets out that way, Rue, I'll keep that in mind. It really sticks in m' gut that I got t' be naked at this faire because it be a "Medieval Faire" and there weren't any Pirates in them times. Me thinks somebody needs t' be studyin' their 'istory!

Oh well, dressin' in me Stewart tartan is a proud thing I do, so I'll be shuttin' up now. ;)

Barkeep, another round here at this here table! Ah, jes keep 'em comin'!

Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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*Honour saunters in, looking to see if Mad Jack is hiding in this thread*

Oh, no, that's right. He's in the kitchen galley baking cookies..


How wonderful to see you here, darlin'!

Ye'll find wonderful company here and I'll see you at BARF next month!

Well, bless me soul, if it ain't that sweet lass, Honour Bright! Thank ye ever so much fer invitin' me t' this here pub, Lass. There be good company 'ere!

Whadda you'll 'ave in yer cup? Barkeep, whatever the lass wants.

I ain't yet made th' acquaintance of Mad Jack, probly 'cause he be bakin' in the kitchen insteada drinkin' in th' pub. Tell 'im ta come on in 'ere and I'll buy 'im a drink. Oh, an' make sure ta tell 'im ta bring some of them cookies with 'im. ;)

Good ta see ya, Lass. Come back an' visit us again soon. And, yes, I be seein' ye at BARF, fer certain. Can't wait.

Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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Welcome to the pub Lady! Any friend of Fayma Callahan's is a grand addition in my book. Good people them are. Have a drink on me. :P:P:P

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



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Welcome to the pub Lady! Any friend of Fayma Callahan's is a grand addition in my book. Good people them are. Have a drink on me. :P:P:P

Thank ye fer the kind welcome an' th' drink, Cap'n. Aye, Fayma and the Cap'n be wonderful folk! I met them at the Pirate's Halloween in Indiana last year. Well, truth be told, I sort of met them at the Ohio Ren Fest first, when they were haulin' Nigel's artwork in, as he was struck down with the strep throat, ye know. But, our official introductions be done at the Hallween gig. It was a lot of fun. We had a great visit at their home afterwards.

Ye can see a pic of our Halloween fun here:


And the portrait Tony, I mean, Cap'n Callahan did of me here:


I'll be lookin' forward t' makin' yer acquaintance at the Keys, Cap'n. Again, thanks fer the drink! The next one's on me.

Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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*Squints at the pictures*

The capn' seems a bit small don't he? Assumin' he be the well dressed bloke in the front.

Nice one of yourself lassie. Ya was speakin' about sailors reaction to a woman pulling a pistol on em'. Wal now, they ain't never be in Tortuga....thats fer sure! We be used ta that, Taint no problem unless they shoots ya. Wal, they could clout ye wi' the butt end though. Smarts mightilly it does. Tis ok if they slaps ya though, it means they like ya.

I hail from Glydenholt [Orange County, California], yer home seems to be a bit eastwards eh?

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*approaches Jezzy The Butcher'a table and pulls over a barrel for a sit*

Aye, ye wish'd me a harty greetin, be only fit'n to return the favor!

:BARKEEP, Nuth'r drink all round! Me friends be thirsty so dn't keep us a wait'n!:

*peeks at the pics*

Ahrrr, hearty bunch o' scoundrels indeed. Cute lit'le tadpole as well!

*sits back to listen*

~All skill be in vain if an angel pisses down th' barrel o' yer flintlock!

So keep yer cutlass sharp, 'n keep her close!

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*Squints at the pictures*

The capn' seems a bit small don't he? Assumin' he be the well dressed bloke in the front.

Nice one of yourself lassie. Ya was speakin' about sailors reaction to a woman pulling a pistol on em'. Wal now, they ain't never be in Tortuga....thats fer sure! We be used ta that, Taint no problem unless they shoots ya. Wal, they could clout ye wi' the butt end though. Smarts mightilly it does. Tis ok if they slaps ya though, it means they like ya.

I hail from Glydenholt [Orange County, California], yer home seems to be a bit eastwards eh?

*Flashes a flirty glance and smile*

Thank ye fer the kind compliment, Sir.

And, nay, the Cap't be a might taller than that. He just didn't make it int' that photo. That li'l cutie wouldn't leave wit' 'is mum 'til 'e got his picture takin wit' th' Pirates! He be adorable. Woulda liked t' have kidnapped that one and brought him on board wit' us, but I ain't like that. Gots wee ones o' me own, I do. Well, they don't be so wee anymore, but ye understand m' meanin'.

How's about another round? Barkeep!

Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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*Grins at her flirty smile*

Aye lass, I do indeed. I've a couple of whelps meself, from me first wife, or was it me second and I be sure it t'weren't me third. I misrecollect. Ah....those were the days, when I didn't have so much snow on me roof. Be warned though, there still be coals in the firebox.

*Gives her a wink*

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Welcome aboard! You'll find many like minds here. You'll also find many deranged minds as well, but drinking helps.

Aye, well I be about as deranged as the next wench, I'm sure. B) Thanks fer the warm welcome, so, what'll ye have? :rolleyes:

Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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*Takes another sip o'rum and notices something he had missed*

Lassie, that be one foine hat ye be awearin'! I've heard o' some wenches who be a flyin' those colors. Be ye one 'them?

*Squints at her and grins*

That's a huge goblet ya there as well. I like that, a lass who kin hold her liquor.

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Lord help us, another red head!

Though I see yer hair color changes wit' yer mood.

Keep a weather eye on this one lads an lasses.

Red hair at night, sailors delight...

Black hair in the mornin', sailors take warnin'...

Welcome t' the pub, Jezzy!

Aye, and ye best pay heed t' that warnin' fer it be th' truth!

If'n Black Jezzy be present, there be a storm aheadin' yer way, an' it ain't about t' be an easy ride, neither!

But, if ye see Red Jezzy comin' about, ye might want to give 'er a wink and a rose. The fire on the mountain be a sign that she's feelin' a bit flirty and amiable. :rolleyes:

Drink up NOW, me Hearties, fer tomorra ye may surely die!


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