callenish gunner Posted May 24, 2006 Posted May 24, 2006 Quote Scalawag...Kirk Douglas...mid '70s? Saw it new in the theaters when I was around 12 yrs. old, and once on sattelite a few years ago.Capt. Bo OUCH!!! I SAW THAT WITH MY SECOND WIFE IN THE THEATRES.... I WAS ABOUT 30
Cap'n Pete Straw Posted June 15, 2006 Posted June 15, 2006 Here are a few recent titles which should be added to the list: Peter Pan (2003) the one starring Jason Isaacs Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) -- granted, this has not yet been released... but oh so very soon... Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) -- This is only a pirate movie if you wish to argue about the fine distinction between "pirates" and "privateers". There is a nice bit of dialogue in the movie about this very point. I personally consider this among the best sea battle movies of all time, and let the detractors remove it from their personal Pirate Movie lists. "He's a Pirate dancer, He dances for money, Any old dollar will do... "He's a pirate dancer, His dances are funny... 'Cuz he's only got one shoe! Ahhrrr!"
Atala Syrcuse Posted July 9, 2006 Posted July 9, 2006 just got me hands on Captain Blood (1935). Errol Flynn...*dreamy faraway look in the eyes* Drink Up Me Harties Yo Ho!
Hester Posted August 8, 2006 Posted August 8, 2006 I haven't been able to lay my hands on a copy yet, but apparently there's a 1960 spaghetti swashbuckler entitled "Robin Hood ei pirati" [Robin Hood and the Pirates]. Here's a poster for the Spanish-language version, "Robin Hood contra los Piratas": Cheers, Hester
Hester Posted August 8, 2006 Posted August 8, 2006 Hester said: I haven't been able to lay my hands on a copy yet, but apparently there's a 1960 spaghetti swashbuckler entitled "Robin Hood ei pirati" [Robin Hood and the Pirates]. ... and the concept's not that far fetched, really, since there's a 17th century broadside ballad that tells of Robin Hood fighting off French pirates off the coast of Yorkshire: [Plus, in more recent pop culture, you have Errol Flynn, the quintessential Robin Hood, also playing the role of Captain Blood.] Cheers, Hester
Jacks True Love Posted August 15, 2006 Posted August 15, 2006 The best one is Pirates of the Caribbean: dead man's chest !! 'you forget one very important thing, mate. I'm captain Jack Sparrow.' He's a pirate - DJ Tiësto: Hollands pride
PirateKing Posted October 2, 2006 Posted October 2, 2006 At this point I think I've got just about all of them, from 1900 (Silent era) to modern day and have the original posters to go with each of them. The hard part now will just be keeping it up to date! Check it out and let me know if you see any that need to be added: Thanks for the help! Rob "The Pirate King" Ossian Over 180 online biographies of Pirates, Privateers, Explorers, & Buccaneers, along with loads of historical information on Sailing, Shipwrecks & Nautical Archaeology
"Bloody" Bill Marley Posted October 5, 2006 Posted October 5, 2006 Aye, Pirates of The Caribbean is one o the best pirate movies out thar but yeh cannot disrespect the classics like Yellowbeard. A fine bucaneer ee was if I ever saw one! edit by moderator: That color red makes eyes bleed to read it.
Morgan Dreadlocke Posted October 7, 2006 Posted October 7, 2006 Avast there! Ye've not mentioned the most ingeneous pirate to ever tame the seven seas. Whar be Captain Nemo? Me thinks Swiss Family Robinson might fits yer billin' too. PIRATES! Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.
Mad Eye Mitch Posted October 9, 2006 Posted October 9, 2006 Add two more to that list, Curse of Pirate Death, staring Mad Eye Mitch & Pirates of Ghost Island, directed by Mad Eye Mitch Both coming out to DVD soon. <a href=""><img src="" width="125" height="125" border="0" alt="Visit!"></a>
Sea Sage Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 Anuth'r I saw in another topic, "Pirates of the Salt Lake.
piratelass Posted November 30, 2006 Posted November 30, 2006 Even though it was a horror flick with a piraty theme The 1980 film The Island has a lot of elements of reality of what it was really like to be a pirate a few things i did not like about that movie though disparaging things about women and when that scurvy feller Doc told the prisoner whose last name unfortunately happened to be the same as the guy who bagtged ole Blackbeard in Ockrakoke Inlet i 1718 about his son who the leader wanted to be future carrier of the line of natural men which Doc called buccaneers he mentioned that French Buccaneer who either at4e the hearts of prisoners as they were dyin or forced them to eat their own hearts as they died he accidentally did not add the name of the greatest buccaneer of the age and that was Henry Morgan ... sp here is me Salutin E toast a quote with me words added from The Black Swan "To Captain Morgan I say ... Dead Hangin er Alive Walkin he be better than the whole pack of em
Mr_Scabbs Posted February 28, 2007 Posted February 28, 2007 That's quite a list! I know that if you go to, you can do a keyword search under pirates. It pulls up a ton of movies, not to mention video games. But I really like this list. Too bad most of them probably aren't even available on DVD. Damn. "I like nachos. Mermaid nachos." The Seabeaver - Official Website Facebook MySpace Twitter * * * * * * * *
Morgan Dreadlocke Posted April 23, 2007 Posted April 23, 2007 Just picked up "Blackbeard" from the Mal-wart $5.50 bargain bucket. A 2006 2 part mini series of 169 minutes. Was entertainin'. Has a trailor at the beginnin' fer a remake 'o "Mysterious Island" starrin' Patrick Stewart. I'd not be puttin' much faith in the plot as it looked like a Hollywierded version of the Craig/Lom 60's version. Seemed like an awful lot of pirates fer 1860's. Come ta think of it there be another version 'o Mysterious island. This one made the rounds 'bout 1975ish wi' Jaws. Starred Omar Sharrif as Nemo. I'd be lyin' if I said it stank cause it wern't even that good. PIRATES! Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.
HildeKitten Posted May 7, 2007 Posted May 7, 2007 These are the ones I've seen: Against All Flags (1952) Blackbeard the Pirate (1952) Blackbeard's Ghost (1968) Captain Blood (1924) Captain Kidd (1922) Captain Pirate (1952) ...aka Captain Blood, Fugitive (1952) Cutthroat Island (1995) Goonies, The (1985) Hook (1991) Morgan the Pirate (1961) ...aka Capitaine Morgan (1961) Muppet Treasure Island (1996) Peter Pan (1924) Peter Pan (1953) Peter Pan (2003) Pirate's Island (1991) (TV) Pirates of Tortuga (1961) Prince of Pirates (1953) Princess and the Pirate, The (1944) Return to Treasure Island, The (1992) Treasure Island (1950) Treasure Planet Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest Although my fiancé's grandfather (who lives next door) has pretty much all the old pirate movies on the list, so by the end of the year I'll probably have seen 90% of them :) I was very happy to see Pirate's Island on the list, I saw that when I was 12 on Belgian TV and I absolutely loved it but it's not very well known :) House of Secrets Incorporated Fashion and costume design For all your piracy needs
Morgan Dreadlocke Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 "The Sword and the Rose" 1953 Richard Todd, Glynis Johns. A Disney costume fest NOT to be confused with 85's "The Rose and the Sword" PIRATES! Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.
blackbonie Posted May 31, 2007 Posted May 31, 2007 i didnt see these mentioned yet theres a new Blackbeard movie-made in during the potc time,and also a movie called Stranded. theyre both Hallmark movies. i love them
Hester Posted July 16, 2007 Posted July 16, 2007 Quote Treasure Island (1934) I just watched this one last night on Turner Classic Movies. I enjoyed it much more than I expected to. The plot, and even some of the dialogue, stuck very closely to the novel. I loved Lionel Barrymore as Billy Bones, especially the scene in which he makes everyone in the tavern sing "Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum". And Wallace Beery was a terrific Long John Silver. Granted, child star Jackie Cooper as young Jim Hawkins was a bit creepy. Sort of like Shirley Temple in drag, pout and all. What's really bizarre is that he would have been 11 at the time the film was made, but looks and acts about 7 or 8. This portrayal provides an interesting insight into how differently children were perceived 7 decades ago. I also recently acquired the silent film The Black Pirate on DVD, with Douglas Fairbanks and Billie Dove, that I have yet to watch.
Hester Posted July 23, 2007 Posted July 23, 2007 Hester said: I also recently acquired the silent film The Black Pirate on DVD, with Douglas Fairbanks and Billie Dove, that I have yet to watch. Well, I watched it the other night. It was interesting, especially to see how pirates were perceived in popular culture 8 decades ago. Someone previously mentioned that the soundtrack on the DVD was not well matched to the images, which I also found distracting. There seemed to be an awful lot of pirates on the ship (cast of thousands?). Divvying up the loot between that many, your share wouldn't be worth very much. Fairbanks' pirate outfit was pretty odd. Especially the shorts. And he seemed to have originated that "wife beater shirt" look that everyone was criticizing in the Hallmark Blackbeard. I guess the flappers swooned over his manly physique back then. I think he did do his own stunts, though, which were fairly impressive. (I believe he was a gymnast).
Morgan Dreadlocke Posted September 23, 2007 Posted September 23, 2007 Picked up a pair 'o LOSERS at the used store today. The first was "Pirates of Treasure Island" wi' Lance Hendrikson as Long John Silver. It stole a couple 'o plot elements and the characters a'from T.I. then completely trashed the story. The other was "Cross Bones". A cursed dead pirate kills of a bunch of reality tv contestants. It was a low budget slasher flick wi' no class, no acting, little plot and seriously blew chunks. PIRATES! Because ye can't do epic shyte wi' normal people.
Crows Nest Vintage Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 (edited) Roman Polanskis Pirates Starring Walter Matheau For the little tikes and the grown ups that fancy themselves child like Edited November 7, 2008 by Crows Nest Vintage "Your pieces of eight Ye Wager soon, I shall be sparkin' some Pirate art by the light of the Moon"
Rev.Sam Posted November 7, 2008 Posted November 7, 2008 Yarr, I might get a lot of flak for this, but can I say I was a fan of potc's Davy Jones? Likehe's my favorite character in the series?
Poopdeck Pappy Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 You can't forget Summer Rental BATTLESAIL
Poopdeck Pappy Posted February 18, 2009 Posted February 18, 2009 Also missing off the list " A High Wind in Jamaica". BATTLESAIL
LordWilson Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 Roman Polanski's "Pirates"... the best pirate movie ever, now if only they would release it on DVD "George's Island"... An awesome movie about a boy, his grandpa and some ghost pirates.
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