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A friend of mine be an actor/writer/director. He sent me this blurb from some Hollywood rag. I be sharing it with you mates.

When Will Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Start Shooting? Source: USA Today Monday, December 8, 2003

Scooper 'ajfoxy' discovered an interesting bit about Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in a USA Today report from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Hollywood premiere.

According to the Friday edition of the USA Today, production is set to begin on Pirates of the Caribbean 2 in January of 2005. It was in the article about the premiere of LOTR: Return of the King when talking about Orlando Bloom getting Legolas' bow and arrows from the trilogy, saying he was signed for that film as well.

Returning for at least one sequel are producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Gore Verbinski, writers Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott, and talent Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. It was previously reported that the studio was thinking about shooting the two sequels back-to-back, but that hasn't been confirmed yet.


Get holiday tips for festive fun.

Enjoy mates


"That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."

Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!

"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."


Holy cow that means that they will not have the movie out for another 18 months. Man, that's a long time.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Aye..well..I guess that means we'll be havin' to entertain ourselves for a while then. *rolls out a few more kegs and another 10#'s of coffee* :D

Captain of The Morrighan.


*rubbing me rabbit's foot please mean January 2004 not 2005.....*

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.


Don't rush them! The first film was so good, it'll be nearly impossible to match it with a sequel, let alone two sequels! They'll have a year to get the script(s) fine tuned.

Remember the movie "Highlander?" The first one was fantastic. It bombed at the box office, but gained a cult following on cable, video rentals and sales. Subsequent sequels were not given the care needed to at least try to equal the first film (the second film also suffered a fire that destroyed the master prints of a lot of important footage).

Let's hope they don't puill a "Highlander 2" with POTC2.



As someone in the business, I can truthfully say that pre-production certainly would take it until Jan '05, especially if they do it right. There's so much to be done in preparation, an' if they rush it, us fans could be sorely disappointed. I'm just glad it's bein' made! An' wot's this about *2* sequels?


Prepare to be boarded!



Speaking from the poop deck of Disney I can say without fear of rebutal that not only is the daft of the sequal not finished but no decision has been made as to filming two films back to back. It's just that, an idea that was tossed around.

Anything that goes into production would be in '05 at the earliest and could be... later than that if things are done to perfection. (Patting your broad back) Sorry EP, it'll be worth the wait, I just know it. :)


Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


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