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has a board for fantasy/faire topics only ever been discussed? it seems like a great idea

Just start a new thread for it ......

RAIDS would be good, as would PIRATE POP.... or even here in PLUNDER......

If people are interested, they will post there.......

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I will be at the Washington Rennaissance Fantasy Faire today where PC Arguments are not present. If I hear any directed at me ., I will ignore the person as a whole and move along . Probably I will be in the pub drinking Porters ., blowing the froth off a few and listening to sea shanties from people not dressed correctly (But having a good time) Hopefully I will see Females wearing the minimum garb standard.

You my friend are a wise man.


My Home on the Web

The Pirate Brethren Gallery

Dreams are the glue that holds reality together.

...Hopefully I will see Females wearing the minimum garb standard.

I'm always on the lookout for females wearing minimum garb, standard...


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


They say its a brave new world out there men......, O.K. I will go thru my (Yesterdays ) faire photos and start a thread in the next day or two.

This will submit me to perhaps critisism., or maybe., perhpas.., hopefully provoke others who attend like events to submit photos and experiences........, (Yes as always I will be in one of my many Leather Cocked hats). I take it ., this should be in raids? or plunder? or?

I am not Lost .,I am Exploring.

"If you give a man a fire, he will be warm for a night, if you set a man on fire, he will be warm for the rest of his life!"

Patrick, you were making some for your boss, do you have any secrets to share? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Nah.. I kinda sorta know guys stuff... so I look at the threads here to figure out how to get my boss kinda sort semi period,,,,,,,,,

heck.. i'm as stuck as you are for womons garb......

I kinda know what men wore..... but I don't know what the women wore.....

That's why I keep looking here..............


No need to be sorry Patrick.

I'm not really stuck as far as women's garb goes, I think I have a basic handle on that (I hope). What I'm stuck on is "Jumps". Are they a vest? Short sleeveless jacket? Ladies waistcoat? See what I mean. What the heck are those things? LOL. Believe me, I've been through all the old threads, tried the search feature and various places on line. It could very well be that I missed something, maybe I'm not looking in the right place or maybe they go by another name. If there is a book, web site, link that someone could refer me to, I'd be happy to do my own research and post results of my finds. Maybe I'm just taking this way too seriously?

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!



Well, I'm getting a little closer to answering my question on jumps. At least I found the thread that had the picture of them.


(In case I didn't post the link right, it was in Rabble Rousing, You in your garb, p. 72 posted by Captain Sterling, half way down the page)

A little further up the page Black Syren posted a link to some offered by The Quartermaster General.


It's a start.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!



oops.... I though you already had those pictures......

I think Carol ordered the linen to line them with today.... I bought some teal wool at a comunity yard sale (10 yards in two pieces for $2.00...... cool) now I have to draft out the pattern kinda soon..... But i will be refering to all three of those pictures.......


Here's an update on jumps.

I just got off the phone with Kass and she had some good insight on the matter. (Please take into account that I am NOT quoting Kass merely passing on info from a conversation. In other words, I'm passing along second hand information and hopefully getting it right).

First of all, there are no clear answers to what jumps truely are. They were generally found in the mid 18th century. Although few examples were found earlier in the period. They were primarily worn for warmth, or while pregnant, sick and in the home. Similar to a weskit. They were often made from quilted material (hence for warmth), lightly boned and tied with ribbons. There just isn't enough documented information to say if they were commonly worn for our time period.

Second, my apologies to Kass for butchering our conversation. I hope I got it somewhat right.

If you're gonna give me a headache, please bring me an aspirin!


has a board for fantasy/faire topics only ever been discussed? it seems like a great idea.i have talked to many people here thru IMs that are like me and will no longer post any of our garb because it just gets picked apart for accuracy,even tho we are not going for accuracy.there are several of us here who love the fun fantasy aspect of it all but have no place to discuss/show it. none of the boards are really that accepting of it.tolerant at best.

Have you posted in the "You and Your Garb" section Bonnie? I go in there when I'm showing off a new outfit. Everyone is usually very open to all sorts of dress, including my favorite, the mermaid costume.

My costumes aren't authentic, they're just for fun. No one has ever blasted my leather bodice or my Kohls boots. However, if I was to go to a reinactment I would be sure to either look into an authentic kit or go in my street clothes as a spectator. You don't go to a Star Trek convention dressed as Chewbacca the Wookie.

Why don't you start a new thread Bonnie? I'd check it out. B)

All of that aside, I really appreciate this thread. You never know when I might go "real" on everyone.

It's great to get some information on stays too. Is it much different than making a boned & lined bodice? Pardon my ignorance, I'm learning...

so not everyone wore nothing but their shirt between their legs...

I beg your pardon?? B)

Oh wait, that's right. I grew up with the kilt wear'r's! B)

Well, you may not realize it but your looking at the remains of what was once a very handsome woman!


I've seen jumps being mentioned as an alternative to stays in several places around the pub.  There was a beautiful picture of embroidered jumps in one thread, but I'll be damned if I can find it again. What would be very helpful to me is more information.  For example, what were they made from?  I'm assuming linen or wool.  Is there a pattern?  Patrick, you were making some for your boss, do you have any secrets to share?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Early 18th century jumps


Quilted linen with plant patterns, tied in front with silk taffeta ribbons.

1720s embroidered jumps



Jumps: "Type of underbodice worn by women, usually fitted to the bust; often used instead of stays. From 1740 on commonly used in plural form ( a pair of jumps)

An Elegant Art, pg. 229

Jumps : Woman's soft bodice without boning, usually worn at home instead of a corset...

Revolution in Fashion 1715-1815 pg 162

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



has a board for fantasy/faire topics only ever been discussed? it seems like a great idea.i have talked to many people here thru IMs that are like me and will no longer post any of our garb because it just gets picked apart for accuracy,even tho we are not going for accuracy.there are several of us here who love the fun fantasy aspect of it all but have no place to discuss/show it. none of the boards are really that accepting of it.tolerant at best.

Have you posted in the "You and Your Garb" section Bonnie? I go in there when I'm showing off a new outfit. Everyone is usually very open to all sorts of dress, including my favorite, the mermaid costume.

My costumes aren't authentic, they're just for fun. No one has ever blasted my leather bodice or my Kohls boots. However, if I was to go to a reinactment I would be sure to either look into an authentic kit or go in my street clothes as a spectator. You don't go to a Star Trek convention dressed as Chewbacca the Wookie.

Why don't you start a new thread Bonnie? I'd check it out. :ph34r:

All of that aside, I really appreciate this thread. You never know when I might go "real" on everyone.

It's great to get some information on stays too. Is it much different than making a boned & lined bodice? Pardon my ignorance, I'm learning...

i have,but was pretty much ignored until more period correct stuff was posted.the general feel of the whole forum is "fantasy stuff is allowed,but we just dont like it,no matter how much work you put into it" lol

i have [posted int you in your garb], but was pretty much ignored until more period correct stuff was posted.the general feel of the whole forum is "fantasy stuff is allowed,but we just dont like it,no matter how much work you put into it" lol

Most of us here seem to go for the real feel of things. This is after all a forum primarily used to promote PiP. PiP is geared towards PC. Maybe that is the problem. I still say ...keep it fun for you and don't worry about the rest of us.

This is after all a forum primarily used to promote PiP. PiP is geared towards PC.

There is a thread about PiP, but the whole Pub isn't about PiP......

I started the Minimum garb standards in PLUNDER, because if it was in TWILL, the discussion would be all about historical and accurate garb. In Plunder there is more lee-way on cut and fabric ... but it was intended to show how to eventuly put together period garb.

have,but was pretty much ignored until more period correct stuff was posted.the general feel of the whole forum is "fantasy stuff is allowed,but we just dont like it,no matter how much work you put into it" lol

This is going to sound mean..... but Yah.... The people striving for more accurate garb are a very vocal group.

I'm going to be making garb for Carol (my Boss) for her to wear to PiP. Unfortunatly, she won't wear stays or a hat, so the best I can do is make something that is Fantacy, but looks close.

There are people in the Pub that are Fantacy/Hollywood Pyrates, So just go to the top of the PLUNDER page..... there is a "NEW TOPIC" button , and just start a topic all about showing non-period garb, or what you wear to Faire......

If enough people are interested, they will post there..... if the thread dies after a few postings..... well... that sorta thing happens.......



Oh, my goodness! What a barrel o' monkey's drunk on rum this turned into!

To put it simple, to the starter of this thread... yes. Those are some of the minimum items for an outfit.

There are various versions depending upon the year/era and the locale of the persona.

Here's m'self at an event a couple years ago. This is my fav outfit I love wearing. Comfortable, too. I've gained tons of compliments on it (oddly enough not from fellow reenactors, just a few of them. Picky bunch).

Shows me wearing a petticoat, a gown of sorts (which is generally a polonaise), my neckerchief, a hat (I had a pinner hat on underneath), my apron...and underneath I had my chemise, bloomers, stays, stockings and shoes.


Those of you who were at RF2 saw me in this outfit.

I wear a neckerchief usually now to keep my skin from tanning and burning which is still easy to do even if wearing a hat. And even in the shade!

My stays... I swear, I love them! Despite sometimes they are a pain. I would rather have them on than not have them on! As much work as I do around the camp, they are THE greatest back support!

I don't fancy wearing the caps cause I feel like some Amish gal. :::cringe::: I will have my hair "washed" and in a fairly decent do and will wear a pinner and most often my hat since I am outside. I don't wear my hat when it's windy. In that case, I will wear my pinner and on a rare occassion you will see me wearing one of my caps.

The apron I wear usually only when I don't wish to soil/dirty the front of my dress and petticoat while working on supper, cleaning or something else. Otherwise, I'll take it off when I am out and about like taking a stroll and shopping.

All in all, I wear something stylish but casual. Nothing utterly fancy really (despite what so would think or say) and it's the general basics. I'll add some nice casual jewelry to my attire like a ring, necklace (which is a watch) or some other necklace with a ribbon, earrings (always).

My petticoats do come down to the ground. I will lift them up if necessary to walk so as not to trip and stumble.. but I will not hem up the petticoat to where you can see my shoes or even the ankles. My elbows are indeed covered. And you will never see my chemise.

Late at night you may see me in undress somewhat. But I will be wearing my banyon (granted it's not totally period correct at all, but it does it's job well and besides, it is afterhours).

I tell ya though. This is a topic that will forever be on debate. Long story short as to why... I shall not explain. I prefer to keep my head. I delt with plenty of it in the NWTA, don't need that here, too.

Generally, it's go with what is your persona's attire, what they will be doing, who they are, what era, and what is comfortable!

Oh, and PS... in Washington's Rules of Civility, stated in there one shouldn't leave their quarters half dressed.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

  • 6 months later...
As this is a new Season, I thought some of our new Members might benefit from this thread ~

thanks for bumping this back up. Helpful insight- as I am about take my cardboard version of stays to fabric this weekend - intimidated but with all the positive stay making experiences- I feel less stressed about the whole thing!

"It is more like I am transitioning from a pirate hobby to the pirate lifestyle"- me


  • 1 year later...
How be this for a minimum??


We heard no complaints back in the day.... B)

Actually that might not be so far from the truth B) Upon talking to my wife and inquiring as to period garb prior to the reign of King Rama I in Thailand/Siam she replied that it was easy to find new clothes from that era since the style has not changed much. She also added that it was even easier than I had thought since the women went topless. Naturally this is unacceptable for events as much as my cohorts might wish (but then I wouldn'tlet them see her topless regardless). Some of the royality were wearing tops so I will have to go for this look for her and then most likly switch her into mens clothes as she lets out her inner pirate.

  • 1 month later...

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